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Lord Alucard vs Paul Doom

Paul Doom

League Member
Sep 18, 2004
The end is nigh

[The scene opens up with Paul Doom in the empty arena which will play host to one of the greatest PPV’s in some time. He is wearing his trademark black trench coat. He is sitting all the way at the top watching the technicians constructing the cage.]

Paul Doom:

The cage. One of the most dangerous things to come into the world of wrestling. No single gimmick match can claim as much injuries as the cage can.

[Doom stands up]

Paul Doom:

When I was young, I would sit in front of the TV and watch the greats battle it out in the cage. I dreamt that one day, I would be there fighting just like the legends before me did. I remember talking to my dad, who was there on the couch with me, about how dangerous the whole thing was and how it could possibly be fake. The good ol’ tomato sauce came into the discussion aswell as the blood capsule. Not for a second did I realize that the blood was real.

I was watching the Hulk Hogan and Big Bossman feud come to an end in the steel cage when I decided that it would one day be me in there. It was that split second that I realized wrestling was in my blood. It had been awaken by that match. Ofcourse, my dream match would for it to be in the cage with Hulk Hogan. The very wrestler that I imitated. My wrestling hero. But I got something better then Hogan

[Doom begins to walk down the step]

Paul Doom:

When the EUWC picked me up, I never, ever dreamt I would gain the reputation that I currently have. People have referred to me as a legend in the ring. (Laughter) Me, a legend. I never thought I would be called that. The greatest honor that can be bestowed upon me in this ring is that very word. Not only does it make me feel good, but it makes me feel that all I have done has been worth it. Yet, no matter what you are called, no matter how good you can be, there is always something blocking you from being what you have been called.

I am referring to the one Lord Alucard. My arch-nemesis for the past year. You have to admit, Alucard, that we have had a hell of a year.

It was over a year ago, that I fought in my first match here in the EUWC. Ironically, it was against you. And to create on of the biggest upsets in that year, I beat you. Then, you could not allow me to bask in the glory when I had won the world title. You decided to attack me. To literally keep me down. Even though I was the champion, it was you who received the spotlight. I beat you at Summer Sizzler but you gained the upper hand the month after at Ultra Brawl.

But what really irks me is the fact that while you were up there basking in the glory of being the world champ, I was down in the mid-cards struggling to find my way again. You have always blocked what I have worked so hard to get to. For over a year, I have been in your shadow. I am second to none only to you. Being in your shadow annoys me to the fact that I am willing to do anything to get out of it.

[Doom has nearly reached the floor level of the stadium]

Paul Doom:

After being injured in January, I returned and since then, I have been unstoppable. Both AOD and Holocaust are primary examples of this. They have both felt the fury that I have in me. Look at what I did to Evol. And think that if I could throw Evol through the cage like he weighed almost nothing, imagine what I could do to you?

We step in the ring once more at Bad Blood. In a Hell in a Cell. A rematch of last year’s Ultra Brawl. You gained the upper hand there but it will not happen. I cannot and will not allow it to happen again. I will tear you apart in that ring and when I do, I will have finally stepped out of your shadow. Once again, I can then go on to do what I have worked so hard to achieve. My success.

[Doom reaches the cage. He grabs it and shakes the side. He gives one of the technicians the thumbs up and begins walking up the entrance way as the cage elevates to the rafters. Doom turns to the camera]

Paul Doom:

This feud between you and me. This 15 month feud is over at Bad Blood. Do you hear me Alucard? Only one of us will walk out the cage the winner. And the survivor. I can guarantee you that it will NOT be you. I will show you all forms of hell once those doors close.

See you there

[Doom walks through the curtain and out of view. Fade to black]

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