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Letter to Gabriele Poe


Jan 1, 2000
Selden USA
“Letter to Gabriele Poe”

‘I’m tired of being screwed over’. ‘Paybacks are a b*tch’. ‘There will be no more waiting and I’m tired of waiting for my answer’. ‘It sounds like to me your just a pu**y ‘. ‘If you think a chair shot is going to end this your sadly mistaken’. ‘So where ever you may be, where ever you are hiding I shall find you’. ‘This isn’t a death threat it’s a promise Poe’. ‘I’m going to end this conflict and the only way to do it is one on one inside a steel beast’. ‘That’s right Poe, me and you in a steel cage’. ‘Inside there will be no where to run and no where to hide’. ‘You’ll have to face me one way or another’. ‘It won’t be an ordinary match there will be a stipulation here’. ‘The winner will get a shot at the X-Treme Title against Troy Douglas or who ever it may be when it’s time’. ‘But I want Troy Douglas one on one’. ‘Let’s see how good he really is one on one’. ‘But Poe it’s won’t be a regular cage match I’m welcoming you to hell’.

‘Mark my words’. ‘It’s not over’.

Sincerely Yours
Reuben Fasco

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