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Let's Do This.



(CUT TO: WildStar, clad in his singlet, in front of a NFW: FUTURE SHOCK banner that reads FIGHT FOR THE FUTURE underneath it.)

STAR: Showtime, you called me out. You decided to make a name for yourself in the NFW by attacking me from behind. You thought you could make a name for yourself by sneaking into a wrestling ring and jumping me when I wasn't looking. And you think you can become a star... you think you can become the man this sport revolves around... by blabbing your mouth, talking smack without having any ability to talk about it.

Well, Alex Wylde 2002, I've got something to say to that... I've had a 10-year career that has seen me wrestle all over the world. I've been in mat classics and matches of technical wizardy. I've been the best in the world. I'm an elite athlete who is truly worth his (does The Five Star Hand Gesture) FIVE STAR RATING. To say I'm looking forward to this match is putting it mildly, my man. I want to take the NFW and bring it to the next level, to take it to the mainstream, to make it the number one wrestling league in the world. And I'm going to do that by making it a place where the best man wins... not the place where the guy who has the most amount of vampire costumes wins.

Showtime, you called me out. You said I can make the stipulation for this? That's a-okay with me. Sign the match for (WildStar turns and points to the banner behind him.) Future Shock. WildStar. Showtime Shawn Matthews. Two out of three falls... because to beat me twice, Matthews, you're going to need more than what you can bring... you're going to need a (does the Five Star Hand Gesture) FIVE STAR EFFORT to get the job done. (FTB)


SHAWN MATTHEWS: Well, Wildstar... it seems as if you've made your decision, and let me say something. You're DAMN smart for finally realizing I'm trying to make a name for myself by taking you out... after I've said it for the millionth time! You idiot. You actually think it's about you, and you actually think it's about standing a chance against "SHOWTIME" SHAWN MATTHEWS. Yeah, I haven't been around for a number of years and I haven't held all of the belts that you have. But at the same point, I haven't dwelled in MEDIOCRITY the same way you have, either. I knew that I wasn't ready for the big prize when I bowed out of the ring. I just didn't chill out, and PLEAD and BEG for the big matches that you have had. I'm finally ready to make my name, for myself... and for all the millions of those as(BLEEPS) who said that I couldn't do it.... who said that I was so far from the pulse that I was DEAD. Well guess what, I didn't fade away. I didn't burn out, either. Your day is over there, bud. You've done all of you could do, and you've sucked all of the schlong you've needed to over the years to get to where you are today. The point is, 2 out of 3 falls.... a ladder match, hell... an iron man match. I'll do whatever it is to rid the sport of you, and all of these other SO-CALLED LEGENDS that have been around for as many years as you. My star is ready to shine brightly, and that's at your expense, Wildstar. But you want two out of three falls, to prove who has the skills that pay the bills? Well guess what, you got a deal.... and it couldn't happen at a more fitting pay per view. FUTURE SHOCK... because I AM, AND ALWAYS WILL BE.... ALL... THERE... (BLEEP)in'... IS!!!

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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