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LaTora v Douglas


Angel Latora

Papi Chulo

<i> I don't know if you've ever felt what it was like to lose all of your family members, so if you havent, I'll give you a brief description...it's hell. I mean, I wish someone was alive in my family that could describe WHY THE HELL someone would kill every single one of my relatives?

I mean, I was just a little child. Hermano Unico to a bueno padre, y un bueno madre. Then, one night while I was spending the night at mi tio's, the next morning I woke up to find out my parents had been killed in the night. Ever since that day I have felt like the world owes me something. The lord owes me something.

Whether it be the vengeance of mi familia or a break from all the troubles I have. Although one break has come, the chance to make a lot of money by wrestling in the New Era of Wrestling. Also, it gives me chance to train when my arch enemy, "La Prima Leche", comes after me. Yes. The Prime Milk, en ingles. Don't ask me why, but he has something against my family. He doesn't want another offspring.

And while the job in the New Era is a great job, it is not near as redeeming as my family. Money cannot buy back my family. Money cannot kill "La Prima Leche". I can not wait for the day when "La Prima Leche" comes to kill me. I cannot wait. The fool will regret it.

Me llamo es "El Perno prisierno Uno" Angel Latora and this is my life story. This is what makes me want to get up every morning. This is what I am for. My life is getting "La Prima Leche".</i>

(Fade in.)

(Our focal point right now is pimping some chicks. Yes, our focal point is Angel Latora. "El Perno prisierno Uno". The Studly One. He is wearing a shirt that shows a truck. What most people would call a low rider. A pimp mobile, if you will. He is wearing a pair of black leather pants that reflect off some lights. They are baggy.)

(Where he is at, we don't know. But let's just say he looks comfortable where he is. The pimping he is doing does not look very successful, as la chicas are pretty much ignoring him.)

(But that's not important, he is doing his job. Continuing on the Latora family line. Or atleast trying.)

Angel Latora(AL): Hola MAMASITAS! Que Tal?

(No response. Crickets chirping thrown in for effect.)

AL: Tu chicas es muy caliente.

(The girls say nothing. No facial expressions other than the look of ignoring the guy next to them.)

AL: Aw, you ladies never been with a "Papi Chulo" have you? Angel Latora is the pimp daddy, mamasitas!

(And the girls proceed to walk away.)

AL: Shoot, those fine honeys be trippin'.


(Cut to black.)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Amsterdam, NY

Troy Douglas sits on a blue folding chair in front of a NEW Era backdrop. He wears his standard workout garb, black sweatpants, grey sleeveless t-shirt, wrestling shoes, and taped wrists. He smiles confidently at the camera, looking calm and prepared to speak.


First, please forgive me for my lateness. I'm not devaluing my committments to NEW, but this has been a very eventful week, and you can forgive me if I consider "El Perno Prisionero Uno" the least of my concerns after my GWE World Title Match, my contest with Christian Sands, and the finalizations of my contract with CSWA. But, I'm here, and I'm ready to give it my all, delivering to the great NEW Era fans the wrestling that's come to be expected of me. That's what I do, because it's what I love to do.

Now, Angel Latora. While I was late, you have committed a much more grievous situation. You fail to grasp the gravity of the situation that you are currently in. I'm no egomaniac, but it's safe to say that I'm one of the bigger names in this industry right now, and, according to most of the critics, I've got the skills to back it up. I'm no slouch, Angel, and YOU don't seem to care about that.

Of course, I'm not exactly thrilled about facing you, either. Now, I know I'm not someone who can automatically come in and face the top guy in the company, but you are the absolute LEAST of my worries here in NEW Era. No, I've got my sights set on guys like Marx, Rabesque, Tact, Suicide, and Iris. The class of this company, and a cadre that I plan on joining very soon.

You all know who I am. You all know just what I'm capable of. The NEW Era will, if I make my own way a reality, be MY era. I have one ultimate desire, to be a world champion, and I figure this is as good of a place as any to keep that quest afoot.

Angel, you may have a promising future ahead of you. Who knows, you may one day find yourself as the man with an industry on his back. Right now, you may just be out of your league. I'm not being derogatory, but let's face it. You a sub-200 pound luchadore facing off against a 6'5", 260 lb athlete considered among the best at his profession in the world. I won't try and end your career, mi hijo. No, I'll just get the 1-2-3, either by the pin or submission, and I'll move on to the next man.

Just like I've always done, just like I always will do.

It's good to be here, folks. I'll be with y'all for awhile, so get used to me. Should be some good times.

That's my bit, amigo. See ya at the end of the road.


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