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Kraven and Flatliner vs. Nick Kurtel and Xanatos


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina

(Camera fades in on the UA as they head towards the parking lot, as they walk, they talk… And judging by the way the conversation is going, it is not one of content…)

FLATLINER: You wanna know something Krave, I grow tire of this BS!!! I’m sick and tired of peons wanting to make a name for themselves decide to try to ride on our coat tails!!! First Mael, then Jean and now it’s Lawler, this place is becoming an old wrestlers’ home!!! What gives with Malec, what is he thinking!? How can he allow that has-been to come and interfere in my match!?

KRAVEN: I know what you mean, that son-of-a-b…. (Flatliner cuts him off, stops and with a cynical grin says…)

FLATLINER: You know what I mean!? How would you know, you decided to interfere in my match also!!! I’ve told you about that, but you just don’t want to listen do you!? I had Jean beat, why would you even THINK about coming down and involving yourself in any of my matches!?

KRAVEN: I just hate the guy that much Flats, he rubs me the wrong way!

FLATLINER: Everybody rubs you the wrong way… I’m telling you man, we’re going nowhere and quick! It’s time we did things our way! I’m sick and tired of this rut we’re in, it’s time for change Krave! And I say it starts and ends at Massive Assault! We are going to shock the world at Massive Assault!

KRAVEN: Yea… That’s not a bad idea… What do you have in mind…

FLATLINER: You’re damn right it’s not a bad idea… This is what I have in mind….

(Camera fades off just as Flatliner begins to go into details… When we fade back in, we find the UA standing in front of a brick wall, the letters NEH are spray painted on it as well as the GLCW logo… On their shoulders rest the GLCW tag team belts… Their eyes narrowed and beaming, implanted on stone chiseled faces, expressionless and cold… Flatliner is the first to speak…)

FLATLINER: I can just imagine what lil Jean Rabesque must be saying right about now… He’s probably crawled under some rock, bitching and whining about how he should have won at Kalamazoo… Should have, could have but you DIDN’T Jean! And that’s all there is to that, with or without Kraven’s interference I had you beat! It wasn’t a matter of if, but when was I going to hand your ass to you… You want to cry about it, go ahead it’s your style anyway… But enough about you Jean, you’re nothing more than a rapidly fading puff of smoke… My attention is focused now on Kurtel and Xanatos… Two hapless individuals who like you Jean and so many others have allowed your egos to steer you… Tell me something guys, in what world did you ever think that you will be able to take these away, (Points to belts) Are you all psyched up!? Is the blood pulsating through your veins, slamming into your extremities!? (Pauses) It won’t matter guys, it won’t matter whether you are or you are not… It won’t even matter if you’re all hyped up and ready to rock and roll… You two guys are going to come down, crash and burn… It’s just that simple Kurtel, and in case you’re thinking that I am just throwing words into the wind Xanatos, the only thing separating us is air and opportunity… The opportunity has arrived, so the only thing between us now is air… I don’t know much about you two, and I don’t care to know anything about you, all I see is two individuals who like Jean, Golem and all the rest that came before them think they have the answer to the riddle…

KRAVEN: And the real answer to the riddle is… That there is no answer… Xanatos, Kurtel, contrary to what you have been led to believe, don’t trust what you have been told, don’t even trust what your eyes witness, for even that can be illusional… And like the big man said, it’s time for a change, time to go back to our roots… And what that means is that no one is safe, rules won’t matter, Malec or KK won’t matter, no one will matter, except us!!!

FLATLINER: Blood is thicker than water, and it doesn’t get any thicker than Pandorian blood… Hear that GLCW!!! From here on end, things go from bad to worst… No one and I mean NO ONE will EVER again be able to say that they were close to beating us, we will no longer leave any doubts lingering about!!! Nor will anyone ever again doubt our heritage… Xanatos, Kurtel I do hope that you are prepared for a long damn night, one in which you will endure pain and the only thing that will dominate your mind will be to survive…

(Camera slowly begins to fade with Flatliner’s cold steel blue eyes glaring into the camera… It metamorphoses into the old NEH symbol… The world with a panther clawing its way upward while on the other side an eagle has its talons dug deep… A golden dagger is imbedded in it from north to south… What makes this site even more strange is the fact that as we draw our camera closer, we can see that this picture is not a picture at all, but a tattoo on someone’s massive back… Air raid sirens can be heard in the background as we fade to black and then a GLCW Massive Assault commercial….)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville North Carolina
Devil's advocate....

(Camera starts to fade onto two cold staring steel blues eyes and as we zoom in closer we see that we are staring into Flatliner’s face an expressionless, stone chiseled face behind that cold cynical glare… It slowly metamorphoses into the old NEH symbol… The world with a panther clawing its way upward while on the other side an eagle has its talons dug deep… A golden dagger is imbedded in it from north to south, blood dripping from its tip… After a few seconds, we are back with Flatliner; next to him is none other than Rico Suave… Sports reporter!? Investigative journalist!? Who knows, to many he’s nothing more than a tool the UA have been utilizing to their advantage…)

RS: Good evening folks, and welcome to my show… I like the sound of that, “MY SHOW”; it has a certain ring to it… But anyway, tonight we are privileged to have the Pandorian monster himself, FLATLINER!!! It’s a great hono… (Gets cut off…)

FLATLINER: Cut the crap Rico, I’m only here because it will suit my purpose… You want to ask me questions go ahead, no guarantee that I’ll give you any answers… There’s something I want to get off my chest so here I am…

RS: Okay…. Fair enough, wasn’t what I was expecting but I see where you’re coming from…

FLATLINER: Never expect to get what you think you’re going to get from me Rico, I know you all too well, like I told your show writer, I don’t need any freaking script to go by… And as far as this being “your show”, stop your lying, you’re just an employee like I am… Only difference is that I fill arenas, you on the other hand would most likely empty them…

RS: Well enough, can I ask you this question if I may… Your comments last week… Am I right in assuming what I think is about to happen, happen!?

FLATLINER: You can assume all you want Rico… Same goes to the Jean Rabesques, the Brian Lawlers, and whoever else is out there assuming… A word to the wise, Kurtel and Xanatos; don’t go assuming the same way they are, that’s a bad judgment call… Don’t go assuming what YOU want to happen, always assume what can be expected and be prepared for what’s not… And this match you have against me and Kraven will be one where you better be prepared!!! I meant what I said last week, every single damn word!!!

RS: It would seem to me, that you have had a change of heart Flatliner… Would this have anything to do with that massive hooded figure who appeared on the ramp, you know the one that stopped Kraven dead in his tracks!?

FLATLINER: Change of heart!? Get real Rico… All I had was a change of mind… And as for that person you speak of, he’s none of your business… I didn’t come here to speak about him or Kraven, I came here to speak up on what Kurtel and Xanatos can expect once they hit the ring and are face to face with me… I want them to be aware that hell is coming with me…

RS: Time for a commercial, we’ll be right back….

(We fade into a commercial… We slowly fade onto the NEH symbol… The world with a panther clawing its way upward while on the other side an eagle has its talons dug deep… A golden dagger is imbedded in it from north to south, as we draw our camera closer, we can see that this picture is not a picture at all, but a tattoo on someone’s massive back… The words, “He’s coming…. Soon… Very soon”… run across the screen… Air raid sirens can be heard in the background as we fade to black and then a GLCW Massive Assault commercial… As we fade back into RS and Flatliner, they are in deep conversation…)

RS: Flatliner, I have to ask, who is it that is coming!? And where is Kraven!?

FLATLINER: Hell if I know who’s coming… And if I did, do you think that I would tell!? Where is Kraven!? Good question… Who knows…

RS: Your opponents have yet to say anything, to what do you attribute that!?

FLATLINER: I don’t attribute it to nothing, I don’t care… Just show up Kurtel, just show up Xanatos… Come and see what I am all about… Don’t listen to what peons like Jean and Lawler are saying… Come and experience the pain factor for yourselves… Come and learn why we, the Unholy Alliance are who we are and why…

RS: Well that about wraps it up, thanks for the interview Flatliner and to all my fans, good night and remember the pleasure has been all yours… Good night folks…

(Rico and Flatliner continue to converse as our camera fades into another Massive Assault commercial….)

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