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Jean Rabesque vs. Jonathan Marx


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river
Two parts..... Closure and A New Beginning

(the screen comes in backstage at the previous Riptide, where Jean Rabesque still stands, dressed in his wrestling gear, just sitting in the hallway, a completely blank expression across his face, staring forward, Lady Vernoica can be seen walking by, as if on an errand, when she sees Rabesque, she stops, and slowly moves towards him)

LADY V: "Jean...?"

(Rabesque continues to look forward)

LADY V: "Jean? Jean? What's going on?"

(Rabesque responds but continues to look forward)

RABESQUE: "You saw everything that happened. What do you mean what's going on?"

LADY V: "So you lost a match, and you weren't even involved in the decision. So what?"

RABESQUE: "It's been awhile since I won anything V, and that wasn't even all..."

LADY V: "What, after the match?"

(Rabesque nods slowly)

LADY V: "What, you challenged Manson to a match at the PPV? What's the problem with that?"

RABESQUE: "One of my biggest problems for my entire career has been my temper. I tend to lose when things aren't going my way, and well, things definitely haven't been going my way as of late. Hell, who's to say I'll still even be standing by the PPV? Who's to say I'll still even be standing by that point? Now, I'm in a match I'm not even sure I want."

LADY V: "What? You not wanting to beat the snot out of Manson?"

RABESQUE: "Yeah, I know. Doesn't make sense, does it? But I just have a bad feeling about the whole thing."

LADY V: "What do you mean?"

RABESQUE: "It just seems as though he has my number. For a guy with zero talent, both inside and outside the ring, I have to give to him, he gets it done. It's not to say that I can't beat him, because I know I can, but the concerns are still there. At my age, you never can be so sure. I know I'm still the best damn wrestler out there, but then why isn't anything going my way? I just wish I could have taken some more time to think about the entire ordeal."

LADY V: "Jean, you'll be fine. You just have to dig inside of you, and there's no doubt you can beat him. Like you said, he doesn't have one half the talent you have. Just relax, and get the job done, like you used to."

RABESQUE: "We'll see, thanks V."

LADY V: "And I just got done talking with Scott. After you face Grossard at Wired, I have your next opponent for Riptide."

(Rabesque finally makes a motion with his eyes towards her)

RABESQUE: "Yeah? Who do I got?"

LADY V: "Marx."

RABESQUE: "Well, that's at least one I don't think I'm going to have to worry about as much. Then again, that's what I said about this tag team match."

LADY V: "You know full well you've never been a tag team wrestler. This is singles, this is your domain. Do what you know how to do...."

RABESQUE: "We'll see, but I appreciate it V. (finally cracks a smile) Marx ain't going to be easy, but I think it's about time I turn this ship around."

(they smile at each other, and we slowly FADEOUT)

(CUTTO: The normal set-up, standing in front of a GLCW backdrop is Jean Rabesque stands, cleaned up and in the normal gear, leaving the bandana on, but removing the shades, as he looks into the camera, no smile on his face this time, just a serious expression of a man with something on his mind)

Rabesque: "I can already hear it now. I can hear Marx talking about the superiority to me. I can hear him talking to his little boyfriend about how I no longer match up. I can hear it now, and I'm not even sure that right at this moment, I will be able to say anything to dispute any of his claims.

"The truth is, that I have as of late been a serious, SERIOUS disappointment. Tag matches or not, they are matches that I have NO business losing. I came to that realization talking to V. I noticed that this is all about me, and me letting things like this happen. It has nothing to do with anyone else.

"I have to admit I'm getting up in years. I wasn't young when I broke into the NFWA all those years ago. But what I might have lost in quickness or strength, I have more than made up for experience and wisdom. In my younger days, I went through dry spells that would last for weeks, even months. I didn't know how to snap out of them. I was constantly worrying about how others were wronging me instead of what I was doing to enable them to do that. Well, all of that has changed now.

"I can look at the mirror now and full well know that I'm the problem. But, knowing the problem also leads to the solution. And I have the solution now. Going back to what brought me this far in the first place. I'm going to take it to the mat, maybe even take it through the air a bit, and if it comes to it.... (Rabesque holds up a steel chair), I might just have to get a bit mean.

"But Marx, I know what you're expecting to see at Riptide, and I'm going to let you know that right now what you're hoping to see is not going to be what comes through that curtain. It's going to be a man that has gotten a new lease on a lot of things, and I hope you enjoyed watching me over the past few weeks, because it's going to be awhile before you see that Jean Rabesque again.

"Today is Day 1 of A New Beginning. It leads from now until the next PPV. While I'm at it, I think I might go ahead and make you an example to your little mentor Mr. Monaghan himself. I know that right now you're not buying anything I say, and that's fine. But just trust me, you have no idea what is about to hit you. Brush it off, I know you will, but don't say I didn't warn you.

No false gimmicks....

No false hype.....

I think you know the rest. See you soon Johnny.

(fade out)


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
Why Jean Rabesque Sucks

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-03 AT 10:47 PM (EST)]::Jonathan Marx is sitting on a stool in a room, surrounding by bags of fan mail::

JONATHAN MARX: Folks, today I thought I would do something different and answer a question from a the viewer about Jean Rabesque’s recent losing streak in GLCW.

::picks up a letter which has already been opened::

Little Sarah, age 8, from Toronto, Canada asks… “I use to be a big fan of Jean Rabesque, but all that he does now is lose matches. Being the smartest man in the GLCW, can you please tell me why?”

JONATHAN MARX: Certainly Sarah, I’d be glad to. Now normally I wouldn’t tell my opponent what he is doing wrong before a match, but since I doubt Rabesque will ever listen to what I have to say even if it is the truth, I’ll be glad to tell you. Jean Rabesque whines excessively about Manson and treats his fans like garbage, costing him the fan support he needs to get over that hump.

Like I pointed out to Malestrom, Manson does not hold a title belt but Rabesque is obsessed with him. I know this is where Rabesque will point out that I call him God and he will deny that he is obsessed with Manson, which will all be pointless childish banter. Rabesque needs to get over it, because if he doesn’t, it will continue to be a cancer on his career.

Secondly, Rabesque is much to mean too people. I’m a dirty rotten scoundrel for teaming up with Manson, Anarky, and Minion, but I treat people will more respect that he does and he wants everyone to cheer for him. He’ll probably even come up with a sarcastic reply to this, but there is nothing I can do, Rabesque won’t change.

Let me tell you why I got into wrestling Sarah, I love wrestling. Wrestling is what I do best, I love letting God flow through me as I tear there ring up with classical technical match after classic technical match. Occasionally, I’ll lose a match against a guy like Maelstrom, but there is no disrespect in that. I compete here in GLCW and NFW because I want to face the best competition in all of wrestling. I could go to some jobber league and win the title quite easily or I could go to some senior league and fall into their bad habits, but I chose to come here because I wanted to work to get to the top.

If I don’t make it to the top, I can’t say I won’t be disappointed, but as long as I try and make the most of my time here, I’ve done all that I’ve possibly could do. If there is one guy I can’t beat, like Rabesque being unable to beat Manson in here or Manson not being able to beat Doc Silver in WFW, that happens. There is one guy who always has your number. It is frustrating but you just make the most out of it. Manson hasn’t let not being able to beat Doc Silver in WFW ruin his career, he has found a way to surmount the odds and work his way towards the top.

Rabesque, yeah, we are the two best technical wrestlers here, you are going to say you are the best, I’m going to say I am the best. But unless you can get your mind off of Manson and find your way back to the fans, I’m not going to be able to beat the Jean Rabesque which is on the top of his game.

I ask you for me, and I ask you for Sarah, to get your damn head out of your ass and put your career back on the right track.

I am “Gentleman” Jonathan Marx. Who are you?



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river
RE: Why Jonathan Marx is a fraud

(the screen comes in on Jean Rabesque, standing in the normal spot, wearing a "Ringlords I" shirt, the rest is the normal black gear, he removes the shades as the camera comes in, but leaves the bandana, as he takes the glasses off, he dips his head slowly, as he brings it back up, a smile can be seen as he speaks)

Rabesque: "So... I just wanted to get some things straight right now. After months of absolute treachery, after running around against the scum of the Earth, after committing whatever sin it would take to win a match..... Jonathan Marx is suddenly... the man of the people?

"Let's get one thing clear right now. You're a fraud Marx. First off, next time you go out to the ring, listen to the crowd reaction. You can say everything you want about my fans and how I so-called... abuse them, but even if that was the case, it doesn't seem like anybody's noticed. Besides maybe Maelstrom, when my music hits, the crowd pops for NO ONE like they pop for me. Now, for you on the other hand, you're generally dealt with a good amount of indifference. Yeah, you might get your smattering of boos, but nobody's cheering you, and generally most people are just wishing that you'd go away.

"With that being said, quit the facade that you're actually getting fan mail. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU! Much less, I'm pretty sure that there is no eight year old girl that's going to write you a letter about me. And then, I doubt that ANYONE is going to want to turn on their telelvision and watch you reading some letter that you fabricated sitting on a stool. Do you realize how much of a fraud you've become?

"You may say what you will about me, but I am genuine, and what I'm thinking, wnat I'm feeling, comes out. There was a time about a week ago that I was about as far in the dumps as I could be. Therefore, I said what I said, and I meant every word of it. But still, those were my words. I didn't decide to be a man that ostracizes the fans one night, and then decides to become "Champion of the people," the next. No one's buying it Marx.

"But, let's pretend for one second that little Sarah really did write you a letter, and you decide to answer it. Let's address for one second the recent string. First off, I'm not a young man, I openly and freely admit that. Little streaks like this are probably going to happen from time to time. I don't want it to, but unfortunately it almost seems like it's inevitable. But let's go a little bit further. What matches have I been losing? With the exception of the Great Lakes title match against Maelstrom, I haven't lost a singles match in six months. I haven't been pinned cleanly in YEARS around these parts.

"You see, 'Sarah,' the reason I've been losing so much is that I've been booked in this series of ridiculous tag match after ridiculous tag match. That's not really my thing right now. It's not what I'm looking to do, even though it very well could be in the future. Even more than that is that I have not once been involved in the decision. Nobody's beating me. I'm always on the outside or indisposed at the moment. Hell, in my last match with Dakota, I was the legal man, and somehow HE managed to get pinned! I don't think any of this really would qualify. It's just poor booking and bad luck. That's all, Sarah, but I assure that times are going to change. At the next Wired, it's Grossard, at Riptide, it's your buddy Marx. Hope that answers your question.

"Back to you Marx, you can say what you will about me, but I have a question for you. How can it be, that someone who is so clouded... as you put it... someone who can win a match, someone who has completely lost and has their had square up their ass... still be at the top of the card week in and week out? Where do you think Rabesque/Manson is going to be on the marquee? (smiles) Maybe I haven't won as much, but I'm still right at the top of this league... higher than you Marx. If I'm not mistaken again, I was in the main event at the last PPV. Where exactly.... were you?

"But that's ok, right? Because you got into wrestling for all the right reasons. You NEVER would do anything like cheating. You never would take a shortcut to get involved with a match. You're just here for the competition, huh? Blow it out your ass Marx. Again, NO ONE'S BUYING IT! This is another example. You lie, cheat, and steal for everything you get, and you align yourself with the worst players in the game. But now, your Mr. Purity, Mr. Competition, Mr. For the Love of the Sport. (chuckles) I wish you could hear how ridiculous you are.

"And as far as Manson clouding what I'm doing. (laughs) You really don't have a clue, do you? You misses the entire point of everything that has been going on.

"But right now, Marx, I wouldn't worry about me being at the top of my game. I'll be there, and right now you could say that the cloud has been lifted. I'll be there, meaning that the best technical wrestler in the GLCW will be there. As far as I'm concerned, there is no second place. There is Jean Rabesque, and there is everyone else. Is this an attitude change from a week ago? I guess you can call it that.

"But you said it yourself Marx, you can't beat me at the top of my game. Unfortunately for you, that's EXACTLY where I'm going to be come Riptide.

"I know EXACTLY who I am, to answer your question from earlier. The only real question is after our match at Riptide.... will you be able to remember who you are. No false gimmicks, no false hype.... I'M BACK!!!!.... I am Jean Rabesque."

(fade out)


I shunned a voodoo witch, decapitated a black cat
Jan 1, 2000
Milltown USA
Nobody Loves Me

::Jonathan Marx sits on his black leather couch with a box full of tissues with red eyes looking totally devastated::

BRANDON JACOBS: Come on Jonathan, you have to respond to Rabesque.

JONATHAN MARX: I don’t feel like it. Did you hear what he said to me? He said that nobody loves me! ::throws down the tissue box:: NOBODY LOVES ME?! I can’t believe Rabesque said that!

::Marx blows his nose::

BRANDON JACOBS: Rabesque is a horrible, horrible man. He’ll get what is coming to him, if you don’t do it, Manson will do the job for sure. We all love you Jonathan.

::pats Jonathan on the back::

BRANDON JACOBS: Rabesque is just jealous that the fans are beginning to take to you instead of him. You came dangerously close to beating him in the Best Technical Wrestler of the year balloting.

JONATHAN MARX: I know, but it still hurts, right here. ::puts hand over heart::

BRANDON JACOBS: He even doubted the letter from little Sarah.

JONATHAN MARX: Rabesque should feel happy that he has any fans at all with the way he treats people. Poor little Sarah… How dare you treat an eight year old little girl like that?! She even wrote me a letter thanking me for reading her letter on the air! All the letters from the little children warm my heart...

BRANDON JACOBS: Rabesque is just thoughtless old man who is trying to hold on to his spot who takes join in ripping apart the reputation of others. Some people are like that. I have some really good news though, Grossard beat Rabesque in a singles match at Wired.

JONATHAN MARX: Grossard is vastly improved, but Rabesque is a master technical wrestler. He even claims to be the best. He shouldn't have let that happen.

BRANDON JACOBS: No, he shouldn't have. So Rabesque can’t continue to make the excuse that he is only losing in tag matches, now his streak has carried over into singles and he is in the worst shape of his life going into his big match at the PPV against Manson.

JONATHAN MARX: He was even bragging that he was higher up in the card than I am. Even I don't think I should be higher than Rabesque, Rabesque has paid his dues to get where he is and he is much, much older than I am. Plus, It isn’t like I’ve been here since the beginning, in fact, I’m rather new compared to him, two years ago I wasn’t even in this business at all.

BRANDON JACOBS: He doesn’t let facts get in the way of his larger than life ego. He even said that you hold yourself as a pious man and go around cheating.

JONATHAN MARX: I’ve never ever said that I don’t cheat and take shortcuts, people cheated in the old days and I do so early and often, but I only do that because I believe in my causes so deeply, and to make any change in the world, you have to have a position of power. The end justifies the means.

BRANDON JACOBS: It is blind idealism to think anything else.

JONATHAN MARX: But here I sit, depressed, not only because Rabesque is saying that nobody loves me, but because Rabesque, a man who claims to be the best technical wrestler in GLCW, can’t even beat the unorthodox Grossard….. on top of all his insults... now our dream match which all the fans in GLCW wanted to see… IS RUINED!

::stands up and looks at the camera man::

RABESQUE, you owe ME and ALL THE FANS out there an APOLOGY for losing to Grossard! I wanted you on top of your game and right now, you are no where even close. Golden Hawk, a man in his early fifties is in better form than you are right now! That is just disgraceful. Please try harder at Riptide, because I’m not going to let you take technical wrestling down with you.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river
You're right

(the screen comes in on Jean Rabesque, wearing the normal gear, standing in front of the GLCW backdrop, a smile clearly on his face)

Rabesque: "So, after all this time, after what seemed like a year and a half for you to respond to me, that is the best you can do? A fake cry and your boyfriend trying to comfort you? You feigning this impression that it bothers you that I point that no one really cares about you? Come on, Jonathan, at least put forth an effort. Those production guys who "conveniently" happen to show up at up at the precise moments of high drama sure can come up with something more stimulating than THAT, can't they?

"You want to speak of an embarrassment Jonathan, simply take a look at yourself. You're a hypocrite who prides himself on being such a man of high honor, of dignity, yet you show none of it. You think people care about you, you make a point of saying how popular you are, yet you commiserate with the scum of the Earth. You think your little spots are entertaining, when all they are contrived pieces of crap.

"Moral of the story Jonathan is that I really don't care what your take about my recent string is. Yeah, I just wrestled out in Joliet at Wired, and yes, I LOST THE MATCH. But did you even watch the match? Did you see me dominate that punk? Did you see him lying in a pool of blood afterwards? Yeah, that groupie came out and interfered, and yes, I did something that I shouldn't have done, but what the hell does that prove? The only difference between the two of us is that I got caught. I find it amusing that you're one of two men in this entire company who take DQs seriously. The other still goes on about Maelstrom losing. So what? I knocked his punk ass out after dominating him for 14 minutes. Does that diminish the fact that the world has acknowledged me as the best damn technical wrestler in the GLCW? OF COURSE NOT!

"Win or lose, I still go out and prove that simple fact night in and night out. I'm going to outwrestle you at Riptide Marx. If you want to win the match, have your little boyfriend Jacobs chuck me a chair, and I will gladly knock your ass out. It will be the same thing that happened with Grossard. I proved everything that I needed to prove in the beginning of the match, and then I made myself feel a whole lot better at the end of the match. And with how good that made me feel, I can't even imagine how good it will feel to bloody your little East Coast face.

"Sure, make the point that I haven't been winning much lately. That's fine. But I have a question for you Marx. You think you can pin me? When was the last time you saw that here Marx? When was the last time you saw me cleanly pinned for a three count right in the middle of the ring? When was it? You wouldn't know, would you, because you've NEVER seen it happen. You going to make me tap? Even harder to find evidence of that, because it has NEVER happened. Make all the points you want there, but that point is simply UNDENIABLE.

"So I owe no one an apology, but I will soon. To all of my fans of the GLCW, I apologize in advance for what you're going to have to endure at Riptide. No, it has nothing to do with my abilities, it has to do with the embarrassment you're going to see that is Jonathan Marx.

"I'll beat you one way or another Marx. In a match like this, just like with Grossard, the decision is secondary. If I'm announced the winner... fine, so be it. But if I'm not, that'll probably mean that your blood is scattered across three sections of the concourse. The more I think about it, the more fun that might be. But I will prove that I'm the better man, win or lose. And Marx.... you and your boy can take that one to the bank, because there is no surer thing. No false gimmicks, no false hype, I am Jean Rabesque."

(fade out)

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