RE: Why Jonathan Marx is a fraud
(the screen comes in on Jean Rabesque, standing in the normal spot, wearing a "Ringlords I" shirt, the rest is the normal black gear, he removes the shades as the camera comes in, but leaves the bandana, as he takes the glasses off, he dips his head slowly, as he brings it back up, a smile can be seen as he speaks)
Rabesque: "So... I just wanted to get some things straight right now. After months of absolute treachery, after running around against the scum of the Earth, after committing whatever sin it would take to win a match..... Jonathan Marx is suddenly... the man of the people?
"Let's get one thing clear right now. You're a fraud Marx. First off, next time you go out to the ring, listen to the crowd reaction. You can say everything you want about my fans and how I so-called... abuse them, but even if that was the case, it doesn't seem like anybody's noticed. Besides maybe Maelstrom, when my music hits, the crowd pops for NO ONE like they pop for me. Now, for you on the other hand, you're generally dealt with a good amount of indifference. Yeah, you might get your smattering of boos, but nobody's cheering you, and generally most people are just wishing that you'd go away.
"With that being said, quit the facade that you're actually getting fan mail. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU! Much less, I'm pretty sure that there is no eight year old girl that's going to write you a letter about me. And then, I doubt that ANYONE is going to want to turn on their telelvision and watch you reading some letter that you fabricated sitting on a stool. Do you realize how much of a fraud you've become?
"You may say what you will about me, but I am genuine, and what I'm thinking, wnat I'm feeling, comes out. There was a time about a week ago that I was about as far in the dumps as I could be. Therefore, I said what I said, and I meant every word of it. But still, those were my words. I didn't decide to be a man that ostracizes the fans one night, and then decides to become "Champion of the people," the next. No one's buying it Marx.
"But, let's pretend for one second that little Sarah really did write you a letter, and you decide to answer it. Let's address for one second the recent string. First off, I'm not a young man, I openly and freely admit that. Little streaks like this are probably going to happen from time to time. I don't want it to, but unfortunately it almost seems like it's inevitable. But let's go a little bit further. What matches have I been losing? With the exception of the Great Lakes title match against Maelstrom, I haven't lost a singles match in six months. I haven't been pinned cleanly in YEARS around these parts.
"You see, 'Sarah,' the reason I've been losing so much is that I've been booked in this series of ridiculous tag match after ridiculous tag match. That's not really my thing right now. It's not what I'm looking to do, even though it very well could be in the future. Even more than that is that I have not once been involved in the decision. Nobody's beating me. I'm always on the outside or indisposed at the moment. Hell, in my last match with Dakota, I was the legal man, and somehow HE managed to get pinned! I don't think any of this really would qualify. It's just poor booking and bad luck. That's all, Sarah, but I assure that times are going to change. At the next Wired, it's Grossard, at Riptide, it's your buddy Marx. Hope that answers your question.
"Back to you Marx, you can say what you will about me, but I have a question for you. How can it be, that someone who is so clouded... as you put it... someone who can win a match, someone who has completely lost and has their had square up their ass... still be at the top of the card week in and week out? Where do you think Rabesque/Manson is going to be on the marquee? (smiles) Maybe I haven't won as much, but I'm still right at the top of this league... higher than you Marx. If I'm not mistaken again, I was in the main event at the last PPV. Where exactly.... were you?
"But that's ok, right? Because you got into wrestling for all the right reasons. You NEVER would do anything like cheating. You never would take a shortcut to get involved with a match. You're just here for the competition, huh? Blow it out your ass Marx. Again, NO ONE'S BUYING IT! This is another example. You lie, cheat, and steal for everything you get, and you align yourself with the worst players in the game. But now, your Mr. Purity, Mr. Competition, Mr. For the Love of the Sport. (chuckles) I wish you could hear how ridiculous you are.
"And as far as Manson clouding what I'm doing. (laughs) You really don't have a clue, do you? You misses the entire point of everything that has been going on.
"But right now, Marx, I wouldn't worry about me being at the top of my game. I'll be there, and right now you could say that the cloud has been lifted. I'll be there, meaning that the best technical wrestler in the GLCW will be there. As far as I'm concerned, there is no second place. There is Jean Rabesque, and there is everyone else. Is this an attitude change from a week ago? I guess you can call it that.
"But you said it yourself Marx, you can't beat me at the top of my game. Unfortunately for you, that's EXACTLY where I'm going to be come Riptide.
"I know EXACTLY who I am, to answer your question from earlier. The only real question is after our match at Riptide.... will you be able to remember who you are. No false gimmicks, no false hype.... I'M BACK!!!!.... I am Jean Rabesque."
(fade out)