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Jean Rabesque vs. John Skieler



It Starts Now

(( Fade in on John Skieler, standing before a GLCW backdrop. He's wearing his normal street clothes -- that is, a red flannel shirt, dirty jeans, and cowboy boots. He glowers out past the long, stringy dark hair that is falling all in his face. ))

JOHN SKIELER: Jean Rabesque, a champion among men. A guy who made it to the top and is still fighting to stay alive up there. You've had a pretty impressive career there, Jean, but all things considered...you're just a guy.

You see, I've been thinking a lot lately. Really, since I started preparing for that match I had with Chris O'Neil. About roles. About good guys, and bad guys. In terms of the classic wrestling match, you would be the ultimate good guy. You're clean cut, the fans like you, and you tend to win.

But that would make me the opposite of the coin. Ruthless, stop-at-nothing attitude. A look that wouldn't be very marketable outside of the "monster" role. Huge, with menacing eyes and dirty hair and a love for battle.

I like to think that we're above all that, Jean. It may not come across much, but I'm a lot smarter than I look. This isn't about good vs. evil Jean. This is about winning. You've done it before. You've broken that barrier that was set in front of you, and now you're one of the foremost names in professional wrestling. I should have broken that barrier years ago, about the same time you did. But no. I was on the backburner, and then I was on the sidelines. Well, that's all changing now.

I'm not going to pretend that I want to be just a champion for the sake of being a champion. I don't need a damn belt to show that I am what I am, and that is the best. All I need is to run through the little men that they line up in front of me. All I need to do is destroy the competition. And that brings us back to you.

No good and evil. No bad guy and good guy. Just Jean Rabesque, and John Skieler. You and me. I'm bigger, I'm stronger, yeah, all that's true. But I'm more than that. I'm power, Jean. I'm determined. I will mow through you at Riptide. I will show the world just how good I really am. You'd best be ready, meat, because your time has passed. My time starts now.

(( Fade out. ))


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river
Another name

(the screen comes in on the same backdrop we just witnessed with Jon Skieler, as Jean Rabesque stands in front of the very same one, wearing his normal gear, the same cocky smile clearly visible on his face, as he removes his sunglasses and speaks)

Rabesque: Another show, another person. Somebody bigger, somebody stronger, somebody that thinks that they should beat me. This is becoming commonplace. Not just in the GLCW, but the GLCW is proving to be no different. First it was O'Neill, now it's Skieler. Now, Skieler, I saw the big debut you tried to make a few weeks back, and I saw how you tried to make something of it, and I also saw how nobody cared. Nobody really cared about you coming to the GLCW, and I know you're going to try to prove that wrong, and I know you think you have something to prove, but you really are nothing Skieler. I wish I could put it differently, I really do, but... I can't.

You see Skieler, I've never thought about what people think of me. Sure, I try to put on a good show, but if the fans decide that they don't want to like me, then so be it. History will prove that I really haven't changed a great deal. Hell, pop in some AFWC, pop in a little FWF, and I'm basically the same man. There's no false exterior here, no.... (chuckles) false gimmicks. I'm not about being a good guy, or a bad guy, I'm about being the best damn wrestler everywhere I go. Everything else is fluff, it's pointless. I can outwrestle you Jon Skieler. I don't care about the whole good vs. evil crap that you spewed. That means NOTHING. What cares about is simply what happens in the ring.

I look at you Skieler, and I see a big man. Yes, you're big. But to me, a big piece of S### really isn't any different... than a little piece of S###. S### is S### Jon, it doesn't matter the size... or the shape...(chuckles) or the texture. You can't wrestle Jon, I've watched. You actually have to get your arms around me to do anything, and I'm pretty confident you can't do that. You're just like every other big piece of crap I've ever wrestled. You get a contract because of your look, and because of your build. And then, you actually have to get in the ring, and I embarrass you. Just like with O'Neill, just like with everybody else.

So, don't bother with the entire shtick of how I'm holding you back. I don't want to hear a single word about me being an older guy, and trying to keep the younger guys down. Were you paying attention to O'Neill? He tried the same thing. I didn't need words to prove myself. I simply went into the ring, and let him make a mistake, and I made his ass pass out. When you deserve to make it to the top, you will Skieler. That's how this business work. Somehow, the cream always rises to the top, the best always make it. You, Jon Skieler, are not it. I've watched you, I've studied you, and I've realized that you're not very good.

So make up your own back storylines. Talk about good and evil, talk about whatever the hell you want. You're not better than me Skieler. I can't even tell you how many punks have challenged me, and it's just as hard to recall every single one that I sent packing. So cut the crap Skieler, and let's get it on, because you're in for a longer night than you could possibly imagine, and it's going to happen a lot sooner than you think. No false gimmicks, no false hype, I am Jean Rabesque.

(fade out)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
In a van down by the river
Having fun

(the screen comes in again on Rabesque, same spot, same gear, you know the drill by now, as he stares into the camera, an amused look upon his face, a smile ever widening as he speaks)

Rabesque: You know, I really love this after awhile. You see, everybody who approaches me has the same rhetoric to spew my direction. They all talk about how I have no talent, how I am washed-up, and how I am holding others back. But then, when you turn around, I have person after person trying to get a piece of me. Hell, it'd be easier to find someone out there that hasn't blindsided Jean Rabesque at some point than to find someone who hasn't. Case in point, John Skieler, at some meaningless house show in Gary, Indiana, I decide to come and avenge a little business Mr. O'Neill had done originally unto me. Now, you couldn't be content to just stand there like the little ##### that you are and be grateful that I was bailing your ass out? No, Skieler, that wasn't enough for you. You had to sign your name on the bottom of the list, just the next name on the list.

You see, the only problem I am having right now is how to ration out the beatings. It seems that you have to be the first Skieler, just because...you're booked. Plus, O'Neill doesn't seem to want to go quietly, even after I squashed him like a bug, and now you have that 0-for the century against me punk Sean Edmunds that wants to throw his name into the hat. Now, there is little doubt in my mind that I can handle anybody and everybody here in the GLCW, it's all just a matter of timing.

Because no matter what claims others may make about me being washed up, one simple matter remains. If I wasn't the best damn thing going, if I wasn't the benchmark, the gold standard, then no one would bother me. I could live a life a anonymity here, but that's simply not the case. Everyone wants a shot, everyone wants to be a star, and to do that, they think they have to start at the top. No, valid argument, and it seems to be the one that Skieler's adopting, but let's look at the track record. Dozens of wrestlers have stepped up, dozens of wrestlers have failed. Jon Skieler, there is a spot reserved for you to join such elite company.

And, just as an aside, I see that this company has thoroughly demeaned itself by putting the GLCW Heavyweight Championship on Mike Manson. (laughs to himself) Right now, Mike, I'm worrying about Skieler, but I just want you to know that I've punked your ass once lately, and I'm going to do it again. So, have fun dealing with whomever you have to deal with, because when I decide to come and take your title.... I will. You're a mockery to this sport, and well honestly, you suck, bottom line. Your time at the top is short, just as Skieler's time as a legitimate contender. Bottom line, no questions needed. No false gimmicks, no false hype, I am Jean Rabesque.

(fade out)

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