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Jason Natas (redux)

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I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Name: Andy.
Email Address: amurray87@gmail.com
Preferred Method of Handling: I like both, but I prioritize storytelling over everything else.
Best Way to Contact You: Skype (amurray87), forum PM.
eWrestling Experience:Started on the Angelfire circuit in 2001, just like everyone else. I drifted into PTC about a year later, worked my way into PCW and hung around the circle for the next decade, most notably in GCW and PRIME .Had a cup of coffee here last year before work decided to give me a significant (but time-sapping) promotion... those bastards.
How did you find Defiance? Blame Lindz... about a year ago.
Are you willing to write matches: 100%.

One segment: http://www.defiancewrestling.com/results/78#1167
One match: http://www.defiancewrestling.com/results/80#1211

Ring Name: Jason Natas
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 270lbs

Hailing From: New York City.

Alignment: Face.

Gimmick: Jason Natas is downtrodden and desperate. His 2014 return to“mainstream” American wrestling was supposed to be a redemptive tour for the man once known as one of PRIME's most notorious miscreants. A crippling knee ligament injury (http://www.defiancewrestling.com/news/383) prevented this from every really taking-off, and Jason sunk into a deep depression.

Unable to do the one thing he was good at (fight) for over a year, he drifted between menial jobs without purpose, focus or direction. He burned through his wrestling earnings and slowly descended towards a near-destitute state when DEFIANCE tried (and failed) to legally terminate the three-year contract he'd signed in the summer of 2014.

Now medically cleared and still bound to his contract, Jason Natas NEEDS this more than anything in the world. Out of shape and out of focus, if he can't reconnect with the one thing he doesn't suck at in life, he'd be better off dead.

I've got a long,looooong redemptive storyline in-mind for this guy, and I'll gladlyshare more if required. His skills undoubtedly need some sharpening,but they're still there... it's just gonna take a while to ascend toan elite level again.

Wrestling Style: Stiff striker/powerhouse with an "take a hit to give a hit" philosophy.

Three Weaknesses:-
1. Athleticism. Jason's 31-year-old who smokes like a chimney stack and used to drink like a sailor, and that's without mentioning the countless war wounds he's accumulated over the years. Strong as an ox, but heavy, slow and plodding.
2. Mat Wrestling. A fish out of water on the mat. Will try and reverse submissions with raw brute force rather than technique, to his detriment.
3. Beaten Down. Mentally and physically, Jason's not even close to 100% at the moment. His skills and hunger will come back, but for now, he's extremely vulnerable to manipulative heels.

Three Strengths:
1. Striking. A trained Muay Thai kickboxer, Jason hits hard, quickly and precisely. He's proficient with fists, elbows, knees and kicks, and will throw anything that his size allows. It's extremely difficult to drag him into a wild brawl.
2. Caveman Strength. In short, Jason's an absolute brute who excels at catching dudes and throwing them across the ring.
3. Pain Threshold. Dude's basically a damage sponge – it takes a huge effort and a shedload of punishment to put him down, even in his diminished state.

Ten regular moveset moves:
1) Literally any kind of standing strike a 6'4", 270lbs hulk can realistically pull-off.
2) Spinning Backfist.
3) Yakuza Kick.
4) Corner back elbow splash.
5) Scoop Powerslam.
6) Tilt-a-Whirl backbreaker.
7) Belly-to-Belly overhead release suplex.
8) Fully Nelson slam.
9) Deadlift German suplex.
10) Scoop slam.

2-5 trademark moves:
1) New York Minute: double-arm DDT.
2) South Bronx Lariat: exactly what you think it is.
3) Corner Powerbomb.
4) Deadlift top rope Suplex.
5) Stalling Brainbuster.

1 Finishing Move: Facebreaker: a running Busaiku Knee Kick to the face of a seated opponent.

1 "MDK" (murderdeathkill) Finishing Move: Beautiful Death: three rolling powerbombs, with the final delivered head-first into the corner.


Jan 1, 2000
I like this story for DEF more than the return of the Tennis Champ, plus babyface, plus good OOC influence and matchwriter.

Voting yes with the caveat that you don't bail again or else you'll be sorry...
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