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Jarod Poe vs. Jon Savage


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Statesville United States
Camera fades into the office of Johnny Wildside, Jon Savage's new manager. An intercom is heard buzzing and Wildside is seen pushing the intercom button.

WILDSIDE--Yes, what is it? (Pauses) Oh, Jon is here. OK. Show him in.

Wildside gets up and heads over to the door. Just about that time, the door opens and Savage strolls through, all smiles. The pair shake hands and Savage takes a seat in front of Wildside's desk.


SAVAGE--Naw. Not right now. Let's save the drinkin' for the celebration after our next victory.....

WILDSIDE--Yeah, the winning ways. Get used to em', kid. You've had what now, 2 or 3 victories?

SAVAGE--Two. Emerald Warrior and (yawns) Showtime Steven Jobber....I mean, James. How are you feeling, by the way?

WILDSIDE--Aw, the punk just pulled my hair. No big deal. Hey, who's your next opponent?

SAVAGE--Jarod Poe.....Another one of those gothic-type characters who know how to do nothing but spout mid-evil bilge in some lame attempt to scare the opponent....

WIDSIDE--Yeah, son,tell me about it. Smoke? (Wildside lights up a stogie and kicks back in his office chair as his receptionist walks in.)

WILDSIDE--Oh Jon Savage, this is Tiffany. Say "hi" Tiffany....

TIFFANY--Hi Tiffany....(chuckles)

WILDSIDE--Isn't she clever?

SAVAGE--Nice paper clips......

TIFFANY--Uh, Mr. Wildside, there's kinda a strange package for you outside. Would you like for me to bring it in?

WILDSIDE--No, honey, I'll be out there in a minute. I'll get it myself. That'll be all...

Tiffany is seen leaving....


WILDSIDE--No, she's actually from South Carolina.....

SAVAGE--The cigar?

WILDSIDE--OH (both laugh) I thought you meant Tiffany.

SAVAGE--What about this Jarod Poe?

WILDSIDE--Look, we can't have a strategy session with the cameraman here. Let's talk about it later. Now, cameraman, you can go.....

Camera fades as the pair moves in closer to talk. "To Be Continued" flashes across the scren,.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Burning Rage

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-02 AT 07:36 PM (EST)](the camera opens inside a a small white walled room. As the camera pans around we see the eye chart and testing equipment of an optomatrist. Sitting in a chair sits Jarod Poe. His eyes are covered in dark sunglasses, the left still covered with a foam bandage. He sits there his feet shifting anxiosly as he awaits for the doctor to arrive. After a few moments a man in a white coat walks in. Jarod's feet get still as the doctor sits down)

Poe: Well Doc...what's the verdict...how bad is the extent of the damage.

Doctor: Well on the good side you say your not in any pain. However your eyes were damaged...nothing that will not heal in time, but the will be extremly light sensitive for the enxt few weeks. My advice to you is keep wearing the sun glasses and keep the burns clean. Besides that it's just time.

Poe: {smiles} Time heals all wounds ...huh Doc?

Doctor: yes it does

Poe: {bitter} Not all of them Doc...not all of them.

(The doctor pauses...disregards the comment and leaves the room. Jarod slips on his leather jacket and prepares to leave)

Poe: This isn't over Blazer...not by a long shot. They say an "Eye for an Eye" Well pal...you can bet I will most certainly live up to that saying. We might not have a match scheduled Blazer, but I will find you...yes I will. You called me ungrateful...well I'm more thankful now then I have been for quite some time. This you will see.

(Jarod makes his way out of the small exam room)

Poe: However I've got another victim first...I've got you Jon Savage {laughs} Savage...I guess thta name is more ironic then anything else. After all I've seen no evidence of you living up to that. You brag about Steven James and Emerald Warrior? Are you serious?...not even fish in this pond. You've been in the ring with two fools who I would wipe the floor with...I will do the same with you.

(Poe has made his way down the hallway and stops at the front desk)

Poe: We settled here?

(The woman behind the glass nods)

Poe: Good

(Jarod pushes ove rthe front door and walks outside...he pauses as the bright sun glares into his damaged eyes. Even the sunglasses don't provide enough protection)

Poe: You see Savage you've caught me at a bad time....A BAD TIME!!! See Blazer has crossed a line. He's defamed my family...burned my eyes and taken his jealousy to a new level. Well he will pay for his actions Jon, {looks into the camera} but so will you. See Jon...your just in the wrong place at the wrong time. A rage is bulding inside me...a {grins} burning rage Jon...Blazer has pushed me to were no man should and now I will push back.

(Jarod waits on the corner of the sidewalk)

Poe: Hell Jon I can't even drive thanks to Blazer, but I can still fight. yes I can...I can still fight and fight I will. You go ahead...make jokes with your manager...plan all the strategy sessions in the world, but let me ask you this question. Has he ever been in the ring? Much less in the ring with me? No he hasn't. Even more has he been in the ring with me in this state of mind. I was good...content when I DESTROYED the Jobber. Everybody saw that. Well imagine what I have in mind now. Imagine that SAVAGE... {Laughs} Well the thought scares me...and it should you. I'm going to avenge what has happened to me Jon and it will sadly...come at your expense.

(A black sedan pulls up to the sidewalk and the passenger door flies open)

Poe: I've got to go now {smirks} Savage...but think about this for a moment. Everything you've felt good about in the GLCW has just been an appetizer. Just a snack...now John...what will you do...what will you do when you've bitten off MUCH...MUCH more then you can chew. I'll see you soon Jon...poor Jon

(Jarod slips into the passenger seat, shuts the door and the car drives off)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Statesville United States
Don't make a mistake.....

camera fades into Wildside and Savage watching television when the Poe interview comes up. They watch it, then look at each other and start speaking.

WILDSIDE -- Well, how the mighty have fallen. Poe is actually not a hundred percent, and that's thanks to Blazer. Can't stand the heat, Poe? Seems you have a burning desire to get revenge on somebody, however you fail to realize that misdirected revenge could cause you to get hurt. (smiles) And that would be our pleasure. Now I don't normally fulfill any requests of our opponents, but in this case since you're sssssooooooo eager to feel pain, then Pain, that is what you will feel. I'm gonna keep my eye on you, Poe, and I sincerely hope you blink when Savage stares you down....Tell em' what it's about, Savage......

SAVAGE -- Poe, you jump on me for victories I have rightly earned, yet you mention that your victory over The Jobber is impressive? As Shania Twain sang, "That don't impress me much." Poe, remember that you're not a hundred percent. Maybe a visual would help you to understand that better......

cam shows Savage walking over to the fireplace where he stands next to it as a fire is going.

SAVAGE -- Man's greatest invention, fire. You can strike a match and get fire. Put some wood on the fire, and you can burn it for light or heat. Burning, Poe, is something I understand that is near and dear to your heart. I also understand that you can't handle feeling a lot of heat. So how did those flames feel lickin' the ol' eyeballs? Did you feel the heat then? I hope you remember how it felt, Poe, because you're gonna feel the heat....AGAIN!

WILDSIDE -- Marshmallow's. Savage?

Cam shows Marshmalows shaped as eye balls. Savage begins throwing them in the fire, screaming like a little girl, saying "my eyes, my eyes. My name is Jarod Poe and I can't see. Ahhhhhhhh. Camera begins to fade as both Wildside and Savage laugh maniachally.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
False Warning

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-02 AT 07:39 PM (EST)](The camera opens nightime on the shores of Lake Erie...as the sounds of the night tide rolling in can be heard in the background we see a man sitting on the shore. Dressed all in black he huddles over a fire that burns brightly in an empty barrel. Slowly the camera moves in ro see the flames glowing on the face of Jarod Poe. He looks deeply into the burning fire...it's flames jumping as if almost alive. It's eats and consumes whatever is feed to it. It's a pure and simple animal mor ealive then people would give credit for. Jarod smiles as he stares into in. In the light we see his left eye still is covered with a patch and there's some discoloration around his face as the skin is still healing. He looks up and into the camera)

Poe: It was here were the GLCW first was introduced to me. With my affliction to the daylight right now I've come back here. Despite the coool night air it's one of the few places in the city where you can find some piece and quiet. I've come here to let my mind clear...see if the feeling of rage will go away...it seems though that no matter how hard I try...they will not. Blazer has awoken an anger I had not felt in along time. Woe onto him or as my mentor Demo Dick would day "Doom on You"...it's coming Blazer...coming real soon

(Jarod walks away from the fire as he talks his breath can be seen in the cool night air)

Poe: My focus though is on you Savage. You are the {smirks} Man I have to defeat in the ring. The poor fool whose manager I take more seriosly then you. Am I at my peak performance Jon...no I am not. {Laughs} But do you really think I'm fool enough to take a match I didn't think I could win. No Savage...I know you...I can see what you clearly are not...a true warrior. Yes you've tasted a small victory, but look in the mirrior tommorrow morning and ask yourself this...Do I even impress myself?

(Jarod pauses for a moment)

Poe: Think long about that one Jon...long and hard. You see I hate to tell you this, but half blind I have your number. You see I don;t need all my vision to defeat you...just enough to grab a limb Savage. that's all I need...a limb. Something to bend, twist, pummel until you cry out in submission. A body part is all I need to find and your night is over. Don't beleive me {shrughs} Well beleive what you want, but the art of combat is that simple to me. Sure you can do all the fancy high flying or strong power moves for the fans, but in it's simpliest form...combat is just pushing one part of your body to it's breaking point. {smiles} Sadly for you I think your mind might be the easiest

(The chilly air cooling him down Jarod returns to the warmth of the fire)

Poe: I'm going to pout you in your place Savage...right were you belong. Just as you'll learn fire is an element and no invention of man...well you'll learn that mocking me was a great mistake. The wheel was a great invention of man Jon...the microchip perhaps even better...ah, but our lasting legacy might just be combat. It's something from the military to The Hellion Dojo I have learned quite well. When the time comes we'll see...truly see that what we TRULY know is not all in sight, but in the mind.

(Jarod points at his head)

Poe: It's all up here Jon. All the sick twisted thoughts...the people to inflict them on, and most of all the knowledge of how to do so. What is missing...that one key thing...it's the little voice that tells us "You've gone to far Jarod...Way to Far." I haven't heard from him in a very long time. Although I suspect he'll speak very soon...perhaps that sweet moment in the ring when {smiles} your begging me to stop.

(Jarod stares into the fire for a moment and then looks up)

Poe: I've been burned once Jon...it's not going to happen again.

(Jarod turns his back and walks away)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Statesville United States
Your Living in a Fool's Paradise.

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Nov-12-02 AT 09:49 PM (EST)]Cam fades into the interview set of GLCW. Seen is Wildside, Savage's manager, placing candles around the feet of Savage. Savage's back is turned to the camera. Savage is wearing all black and keeps his back turned as Wildside begins to speak.

WILDSIDE -- Well, Poe, you're mighty confident, aren't you? You think you're going to win, don't you? Well, Jarod, I can guarantee you this; it will be over my cold, lifeless body. Now to keep with the darkness "theme" that you have chosen in response to the truth, I've decided to be politically correct and place these candles around the future.....YOUR FUTURE.....the winner of the upcoming match, Jon Savage.....

Cam shows Savage turning around. He's even wearing dark sunglasses.....

SAVAGE -- Whoa, chief, it's kinda dark in here. A little chilly, too. Cut them set lights back on and blow out those damn candles....

Acting on request, the set lights come back up and two stagehands collect the candles and blow them out. Wildside is shown coming in next to Savage.

WILDSIDE -- You gonna take off those shades, boss?

SAVAGE -- Yeah, might as well.

Savage removes the glasses and the cam zooms out to show Savage's eyes bandaged. He then starts stumbling over a couple of props that are onstage. He even bumps into the GLCW backdrop.

SAVAGE -- See, Poe? I'm trying to make the playing field even. Your eyes are bandaged, and see? Mine are, too. Can't see a damn thing, but yet, you can't either. How well does a blind man do inside a ring? Not very well. It's sorta like a one legged man at an a$$ kickin' contest. You're living in a fool's paradise, my friend, if you think you're gonna walk into that ring and defeat me with you being less that a hundred percent. People are saying "Poor Jarod, he's hurt. He shouldn't be in the match." There's nothing....I mean nothing that will be poor about you when I get finished with you. All that will be left is your dead, numb carcass in the center ofthe ring. You're not a hundred percent, so you should do the right thing and forfeit the match before you get permenantly injured. I mean, Poe, say you lose......your.....eyesight???? If it were me, I wouldn't want to take that chance.......

WILDSIDE -- And we're not responsible for what happens to you.....at any time! Mind over matter, you say Mr Poe? It sure is. We don't mind putting you out permenantly because after we're finished with you, you won't matter.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Only the ignorant are truly blind

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-02 AT 07:43 PM (EST)](The camera opens mid-afternoon in downtown Detroit, Michigan. On the bust streets of the city the noise of traffic and people is almost overwhelming. The camera pans around capturing the large buildings in the city which cover the factories on the surrounding outskirts. On a small corner block a simple store front reads "Detroit Tattooz" Coming down the street Jarod Poe walks slowly his mind in one contant thought of upcoming match he barely hears the background noise and nearly bumps into the camera man heading into his favorite tattoo parlor. He looks up his eyes still covered by the dark sunglasses only now the bandage is missing. The camera zooms in close to see the skin still healing is almost pink. Jarod pushes back)

Poe: {grins} Is that the best you've got Savage. A poor mockery of me? You a person who doesn;t see the irony in acting like the fool you are. Well that's ok. You go right ahead. You make all the jokes...crack all the smiles...mock me...copy me...go right ahead. It will do you no good. It's just a poor attempt to get under my skin. There's no need of trying to provoke me John...I'm already angry. All your doing is giving me more incentive to punish you inside that ring. More incentive to give you the kind of pain {chuckles} Well that only I could enjoy. Keep telling yourself I'm injured...everything is in your favor, because Jon...it's the only and I mean THE ONLY chance you have.

(Jarod opens the door and steps into the small interior of Detroit Tattooz. It's brightly lit inside and it's takes him even longer for his damaged eyes to adjust to the bright light despite the sunglasses coverign his eyes. Inside the walls are decoreated with thousands of tattoo designs. Jarod walks forward to a glass display case which contains hundreds of piercings in many kinds of designs. Jarod stares down at display case looking for his next modification. He nods and looks up a smile on his face)

Poe: Have you ever felt the sweet joy of metal piercing skin John? The cold hard steel ripping at your flesh and the only heat provided is the flow of your own blood. HAve you ever felt that Jon? Well I have, and I must say...I enjoyed it. Now some people like to judge me...they think I some goth monster, but they don't understand the pure pleasure that is pain. I try and explain it, but most just don't understand. They let thier own ignorance and close-mindedness shut them out from a true personal joy. Well perhaps I need to show this pleasure to a few people now. I need personally demonstrate my own life's passion. I was thinking you could be my first victim Jon, but {pauses} your too weak. You couldn't handle it. Ah, but Blazer...Blazer can handle it Yes he can and soon he will...right after I dispatch you.

(A man dressed in a black concert shirt, his body riddled with tattoos walk up behind the display case. Jarod places his hand on the display case, the steel talons in the webbing of his hand make contact with the glass. He extends his middle finger and taps on the glass)

Poe: I'll take that one.

(The man looks down)

Man: You sure? I mean that's just for display man...nobody has even put one of those in

(Jarod looks at him and smiles)

Poe: yes...very sure and don't worry... {sadistic laugh} it's not for me

(Seconds later the man hands him a medium-sized paper bag and Jarod, content smile on his face looks back into the camera)

Poe: Now that I have my little surprise for Blazer...I just have a few things to say to you Savage. You asked how does a blind man do in a wrestling ring. Well I'm not blind John...you are. You dail to see that a wounded animal is much more dangerous. You see he has nothing to lose. You and your lackey Wildside make threats, but your words are hollow. He' s just a manager a mouth piece, he's more of an open statement that inside that ring...you need guidance. Well I stand on my own Jon...I'm my own man. Don't need some fool whose never seen combat to help me out. No...I'm not that weak. What I am is dangerous.

(Jarod turns his back to the camera and walks outside gripping the papper bag tight in his hand)

Poe: See Jon even as you speak and that hollow confidence Wildside has instilled in you starts to dwindle I want you to remember this. See Jon...you know NOTHING of DEATH and DESTRUCTION. Don't even speak on such a subject with me. You know NOTHING of truly being cold and calculating....I can look in your eyes and see YOU DON'T HAVE IT!!! You want to try and ruin my career...I invite you to try, but in the end I promise...I PROMISE YOU...it will all backfire. You've gotten yourself into a wrong place at the wrong time Jon. I don't have time for jokes....THIS ISN'T A TIME to joke with me. I've got a SERIOUS mission and your IN MY WAY. Come the end of our night there will only be one man left laughing...that's me Jon. I'll be laughing...laughing as I punish you into submission. That will be me you hear laughing John...right up into the ref either counts three... {smiles} Or until your poor little hands TAPS!!! Just remember Jon when all is said and done...unlike that fool Wildside....I at least told you the truth.

(Jarod turns his back one last time tot he camera and walks off)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Statesville United States
Only the blind are truly ignorant

Cam fades into an interview set where Wildside and Savage are seen in front of a GLCW backdrop.

Wildside: Looks like we hit a nerve in our last talk, there Poe. What was it exactly? Was it the fact that Blazer did the damage before we had our chance? Was it the fact that because of your own negligence to be a full 100% against Blazer that you got burned...figuratively and literally? Was it that Savage here was willing to stoop to your level in order to even a very uneven playing field? See, Mr. Poe, your anger seething at us isn't scaring us in the least. It's actually motivating us to throw everything at you and then some. Provoke you? How long did it take you before you resorted to some sort of lame attempt to try to get to us?

Cam shows Wildside handing Savage the microphone

Savage: (mock applauding) Bravo! Bravo, Jarod. You actually whined more than the democrats did the day after the 2002 elections. Would you like some cheese? How about some ice for those eye burns? See, Jarod, you have already been humiliated by Blazer....and you can't stand that. It's getting so next to you, that your jumping on a bandwagon that frankly you can't jump off.....ALIVE. Poe, your worst nightmare is getting ready to come true. Facing myself, Jon (not John) Savage. We've planned for this match ever since the GLCW main office sent us the contract, Poe. I've trained, listened to my coach here, even had a few warm-up matches along the way. And now, in lights, it's the man that could've been king, Jarod Poe, facing the killer of royalty, Ruckus, in a match where two will walk in, but only I will walk out. Just like a magician, my friend, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. But I'm totally not without heart......

Savage grabs a nicely wrapped box from the ground and places it on a table.

Savage: The first gift I got for you is an eyepatch. Actually, it's two eyepatches. They're embroidered with the words "Blazer" on each patch. See? Next, I got a block of dry ice. You can chip that off and place it over your eyes when you begin to feel a lot of heat. Finally, I got you a copy of the song "Eye of the Tiger." It's all in the name of kindness for my fellow man.....

Cam shows Savage handing the mic back to Wildside

Wildside: So tell me, Poe, how did it feel when Blazer threw that fireball into your eyes? Was the fire nice and hot? Were you stunned beyond belief? Didn't know how to immediately react except to grab your eyes and let out a blood-curdling scream? Did you feel like your world was crashing around you? Having a hard time seeing now? What about when our match comes around? Are you really convinced that you'll be a 100%? Stop lying to YOURSELF that you'll actually make an impact on us. With my managerial talent and his wrestling ability, we're gonna go places here in GLCW. I GUARANTEE IT!

Cam shows both walking off the set.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
The Fool Whisperer

(It's around 6 PM at the Detroit Iron Works Gym. Jarod Poe sits back doing sits ups on an inclined bench his arms crossed across a weight disk. He pushes hard to lift his back up and does so again to finsih his last set of ten. Spent from the set of fifty he throws the weight aside and it makes a loud noise on the cement floor. Slowly he sits up ab muscles burning screaming for oxygen. Jarod stands up slowly and drink from a bottle of water. He takes afew moments letting his heart rate settle backdown and to wipe the sweat from his upperbody. The camera zoom in closer showing the tribal tattoo that outlines his upper body. Jarod put the water back down, wipes the sweat from his face and smiles intot he camera)

Poe: Ah, Wildside. I wonder as you guide your charge through life if you'll ever use an common sense when doing it. I told you Jon you should be careful...in the end there's only one of us telling you the truth and it's not the fool or whispers in your ear. No...it's me Jon. Your being led like a lamb to my slaughter. I've got you right were I want you. You think I'm not ready fro this match {smiles} Well you could not be more wrong, Do you really think I would take a match if I wasn't ready for it? Don't beleive me Jon...then keep listening to the whispers in your ear. He might by lying, but what do you care. As fopr getting under my skin. You should know boys, that I see you as more of an amusement then anything else. My anger is for Blazer and no other.

(Jarod pauses once more to take a drink of water)

Poe: See Jon...I hear you speak the words of Wildside, but I can look into your eyes and see there's nothing there to back them up. You've spoken many times of death in the past. Well I ask...what would you know of that subject? You speak alot about what you do not know Jon...I guess if one throws enough out there, has a man who constantly agrees with him, well sooner then later you start to beleive it. Well I'm your reality check Jon...your not ready to face me. You don't have it in you to do the things I'm willing to do. You don't have the lack of morals...sens eof loss or that knowledge of life or death to pull the trigger. You talk about destroying me, but I don't see a man before me that can do it. Blazer tried fire, Jobber nearly broke my neck, I'm still here. The pain didn't stop me, they didn't stop me...you telling the world that YOU WILL!!! {laughs} {/i] Keep telling him that Wildside

(Jarod sits down on a wooden bench and slides his t-shirt over his upper body)

Poe: Once more you've tried to mock me Savage...you've taken it upon yourslef to look foolish in my eyes. Well I'm willing to do you one better. You want to give out gifts...what I have for you come sIN the ring and there only. It's a lesson in combat Jon...a lesson in how to take another man apart. I told you once all I needed was a body part, and that's what I'll do. I see you as amusement Jon, but you will not hear me laugh. Not until I've got you in that ring and your pinned. after all it is he who laughs last, laughs the loudest. then I will have proven that the biggest joke was on yourself. That all those whispers in your ear were just false hope. I'm telling you the truth Jon, but I don't blame your denial. No man...no real man would admit he's going to get defeated. It's cold recognition that you need and I...well I will be only to happy to do that.

(Jarod picks up his duffel-bag, zips it shut , and slings it over his shoulder)

Poe: Wildside there's onl;y one teller of lies here. I guess it's easy to talk big when your not the one putting your body on the line. {smiles} tell me Jon does he get his pay ahead of time? I'm ready Wildside...mor ethe ready fpor your client. You want to know how it felt when Blazer threw fire at me. Well it hurt..it hurt alot. It was a searing pain that led to tempory blindness. You want to know the extent of the pain Wildside? Well then you can ask your client. Ask Savage what he felt when he was in the ring with me. Ask him how it felt to get dropped on his head in "Sudden Impact" ,ask him how it felt to feal a "Daisy Cutter", ask him how it felt to get put in "The Blood Wings"...finally Wildside ask Jon how it felt to get his neck bent when I put him into "THE FADING LIGHT" {laughs} Jon will tell you just how much it hurt See John you can copy me...you can mock me, but in the end...you will not DEFEAT ME!!!!

(Jarod turns his back tot he camera and walks away. As he opens the door he gives one last sadistic laugh)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Statesville United States
If Crap was royalty, then you, Poe, would be a King!!!

Cam fades into Goldworks Gym in Flint, Michigan, where Savage is going through reps and being coached by Wildside. Wildside looks around, sees the cam, and starts the interview

WILDSIDE--Wow, Poe, what a laugh! To think you know what the truth is. Truth, my friend, is something you know nothing about. Savage has been doing workouts twice daily since our match was announced. He's stronger, faster, and better than before I took over his career from that no-good trollip Lyla. We've got him on a major nutrition program, he's getting as twice as much rest as before, and the most important point -- he's focused on his upcoming match with you!!!

Pauses momentarily and starts moving over to where Savage is working out.

WILDSIDE--Now it's important to point out that yes, there is fear on our side of the fence. Yes we are afarid.....afraid of beating you so badly that what Blazer did to you seems like a kindergarten fight on the playground. Savage's power is raw, unharnessed. That, my dear Mr. Poe, is what scares you so badly. You've never tapped the power that Savage truly posesses. Are we taking your threats seriously? Oh yes, we would be foolish not to. Do we have plans for you during our match? Oh yes, we most certainly do. Will Savage and I walk out of the ring victorious while leaving your disemboweled carcass in the center of the ring? That most certainly will happen. When the pundits and talking heads look back over the history of Poe vs. Savage in GLCW, they will talk of a bloody, Savage encounter where both men were pushed to their respective limits. You, Poe, reach your limit right after the ring announcements cease. You're scared of the unknown, Jarod, and that's been a cornerstone of your career. That's why you couldn't get the job done against The Jobber. That's why you couldn't get the job done against Blazer.....and that's why you will not get the job done against us, either.....

Cam shows Wildside standing next to Savage

WILDSIDE--Now, Jarod, I can assure you the following things will happen. #1, we will face each other at Riptide. #2, you will ultimately collapse under immense pressure right after our match starts because you are afraid of the unknown. #3, Savage will win our match and continue his quest for the GLCW Championship., #4, you will be seriously injured. Bank on it, Poe, because......it.....will.....happen.....

Savage is seen getting up from the bench press, heading towards the locker room

WILDSIDE--Savage is heading to the showers while I go to the office and take care of final arrangements for Riptide. Poe, never fear. When your career ends, you could hold Savage's soap for him in the shower. (chuckles) Yeah, I could see you holding Savage's soap, among other things, in the shower. The perfect career choice for a guy like you, Poe......

Cam shows Wildside heading to his office.

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