(The song “Ski Mask Way” by 50 Cent pumps through the speakers of a black Escalade as it rolls through Brooklyn. The vehicle comes to a stop and the Sprewell rims continue to spin. The driver of the car steps out and plants his feet on the ground. The camera moves from his feet and turns upward to reveal the driver. Boogie Smallz has his hair braided up, wearing a white fur trench coat, and has an old school Kangol hat on backwards. Boogie has a lit blunt dangling from his mouth and looks pissed off. He sees the camera and begins to speak.)
BOOGIE SMALLZ: (Reciting the lyrics of the song.) I see fools with that ice on, rims shined up….this towns one big p**sy, waitin’ to get f***ed. (Smallz pulls a remote control for the stereo out of his pocket and turns the volume down.)
So I bet a lot of y’all out therre is scratchin’ yo’ temples wonderin’ what tha kcuf Boogie Smallz is doin’ back in EP-Dub. I’ll tell ya what I’m doin’ herre. I’m pissed off and sumbody is about to pay. (Puffs his blunt.)
Why didn’t EPW do what erry other major sports organization does when athletes test positive on a drug test?
Sweep it under tha rug. Deny it. Protect their image and tha athlete. (Shakes his head.) Why didn’t EPW do that?
You wanna ban me from this company? Fire my ass on national television…and yet still to this day use me in tha opening montage of your f’n tv show!? (Looks confused.) I don’t get that. Sort of sends a mixed message. On one hand you profit from my likeness…and then on the other hand you keep me off of your show and don’t send me any royalties…nothin’.
EPW is like the WNBA…ALL P*SSY!
And tha chick you have for a World champion proves it. (Puffs his blunt.)
Who they got me up against? Jack Owyns? (Lets out a laugh.) I’m sorry that you gotta be tha person to catch this beatdown…but hey, that’s tha price you pay for signing an open contract.
I got more to say…but I ain’t tryin’ to give this company any more face time.
Fade me out.
(The scene FADES TO BLACK.)