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It is inevitable that this world will be broken


Aug 19, 2006
Often times the world will extend a brass ring to those who have been deserving of that one defining moment… and other times, the one who has been given that brass ring refuses to let it go to the point where you forget it even exists.

That is the story of Derecho… a man who grabbed a hold of that brass ring over a decade ago and hasn’t let go and because as such he had become one of the most recognized names in the professional wrestling world. Multiple world titles, a main eventer no matter which company he wrestled for. Quite simply… Derecho was just a man who had surpassed greatness.

That was the same man that sat there in the parking lot outside of the arena on a small raised portion of concrete containing a some shrubbery. The barren lot, devoid of life other than his own. A metropolitan wasteland as some would come to call it.. the others.. a certain calm before the impending storm. The ticket holders weren’t here yet, but they would come. All of this could be summed up in a single solitary word: Inevitable.

“Why am I even here? “ asked Derecho out loud as he noticed the camera pointing in direction.

“I’m pretty sure that a lot of people are wondering that. A man with nothing to prove sits outside of an event that beckons many from around our industry to fight.. to compete… to become the single solitary survivor in a war contested by thirty individuals.. and for who? For what?”

Derecho smirked to himself.

“For personal glory? For recognition? For the money? I suppose those are your typical reasons. I’m sure you’re going to hear them out of the mouths of the other competitors. Some might run me down to justify their own existence.. some may even state that they want to be the best, but no matter what they say, there is a common theme among them. They think that they are better than everyone else and they believe that they will be the ones to walk out of Battlemania as the sole survivor.”

Derecho laughed to himself.

“It’s rather cute if you think about it. Like a bunch of keyboard warriors flocking to the nearest community forum, they squawk about their accomplishments, they stroke their own egos, and they pour their hearts and souls into their reasoning to try and justify their participation to the fans, to their enemies, perhaps even to themselves. Everyone seems to have a “hey.. look at me” syndrome that just begs and cries out for recognition. These events truly are nothing more than a circus full of mislead clowns all vying for the crowd’s hard-earned attention.”

Derecho looked away from the camera at the arena.

“So that circles us back to my original question. Why am I here? I mean… I certainly don’t need to be here. I’m not here for the fame, the fortune, nor the recognition, none of that. I simply don’t need it. Heck.. at this point in my career, I may not even want it, however, I’m far from just a warm body taking up a space. I am something more than that.”

Derecho hopped down off the small cement ledge he was sitting on and then leaned against, putting his hands into his pockets.

I have often said that I consider myself The World Breaker. I’ve worked within the system of so many companies… so many organizations that I have become bored. I’ve became tired of being the person figure heads look to in order to build their company around. I’m tired of leading divisions, winning championships, being the face of every company I stepped foot into… I’m just tired of it all. It’s like working at a call center… same rules, different script.”

Derecho pinched the bridge of his nose as he let out a sigh.

“They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Perhaps I’ve been to the top so many times that I am the clinical definition of insane. That’s why I decided to become The World Breaker. Instead of working within the system and getting myself to the top each and every time… I try to reinvent the system. I break the pillars holding up the world around me and after they have been shattered and reduced to nothing but common rubble, I pick up those pieces with my bare hands and I reshape the world around me in my own image. I’ve already done it once… and here at Battlemania, I will do it again as that is my one true goal.”

Derecho laughed as he stepped in front of the entrance of the arena with his back to the camera and held his arms out.

“All of this is the world in which I exist... and just like I have done many times before... I will break the twenty nine other pillars holding up this world and when they fall one by one and crumble into nothingness, I will pick them up and I will use them to support my frame as I am lifted above all others as the sole survivor… as the sole savior of this world. I will then remake this arena… remake Battlemania… remake this world in my image so that whenever this event is held… any who gaze upon it… any who come to witness it… will automatically know that this is MY WORLD!”

Derecho laughed as he put his arms down. He then turned and faced the camera.

“And it’s not for glory… it’s not for another accolade on my resume… not for another muse to which I can entertain myself with. No… It’s all for something much simpler…”

Derecho then took a seat on the steps in front of the arena.

“I do this simply because I want to.”

Derecho laughed against to himself.

“Boredom can do so many things to a man. After a while, boredom can be the catalyst which pushes an individual out of the mundane and into something that’s more exciting. Rebuilding worlds in my image is pretty exciting to me. Nothing has stopped me from doing so yet and if twenty nine other random people think that they’re special enough to be the first to stop me, then I’m afraid that twenty nine other people have set themselves up for failure.”

Derecho cracked a grin.

“Everything here could be summed up with a single solitary word and that word is inevitable. It’s inevitable that I will win. It is inevitable that twenty nine others will fail, and it is inevitable that Battlemania will be reshaped in my image.”

Derecho stood up looked straight at the camera.

“Only someone who has transcended legendary status can achieve something like this. I am the one to do it because in this world… legends get remembered then forgotten… in my world… I am forever.”

Derecho then walked off out of the view of the camera. A single man looked to change the world around him. He looked to change the status quo. He had set his sights on Battlemania with that one goal in mind.

A sole question weighed on everyone’s mind after hearing his intent. Was it truly inevitable? Or did someone have the ability to stop him?

Fade to black.

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