So the question has been posed to me.
"Why would you attack Frankie Scott, Irishred?"
My answer is simple. Because he was there. Because the son of a ***** exists. Because I don't have my belt anymore. Because I am sick and tired of the amount of little hotshots running around this company acting like they don't have dues to be paid. But mostly I attacked Frankie Scott because I can and there's not a ****ing thing ANYONE can do about it.
Frankie you are everything I despise. You are nothing more then flash. You are just another of the faceless names that I have seen come and go through too many federations. You're just a punk kid playing at being hard. You are just a boy trying to impress the men. So you got your ass kicked because I was in a bad mood and there you stood, the epitome of my bane.
Oh don't worry Frankie many more will feel my wrath. Cameron Cruise, The Sarge, Adam Benjamin, the punks from MCW whose names I haven't even bothered to learn...
I am serving notice to all of UCW. I'm in a foul mood. I am officially declaring war on the entirety of the whole roster until what is rightfully mine is back around my waist.
None of you took me seriously when I claimed that I would reform UCW in my image. Guess what retards...i was dead serious. You will each and everyone of you fall in line or be dealt with.
It's too late for you Frankie Scott; by simply existing you become the first in my cleansing of UCW. Your only chance at redemption is to convince the First to step aside and return what is mine. Until that time war has been declared.
The US Military claimed shock and awe...well guess what boys and girls Irishred is going to show the wrestling world what shock and awe really are as I unleash my Reign of Pain tour 2006-2007 on UCW.
Step up there's room for everyone.