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Immunity/Reward challenge

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
The challenge is simple. 4 members of each team will row out to sea to a stand. On the stand is a pot containing a fire. Once out to the stand the rowers will grab a rope and tie the stand to their boat and row it back to shore. Once there the other 4 members of the tribe must carry the stand, with the pot (It's a big, heavy thing.) 200 yards across the beach to a finish line.

Winning tribe gets flint for easy fire making and immunity.

Losing tribe goes to counsel and votes somebody off.

I need each team to agree on who's rowing and who's carrying and get me their names, if not I'll just have your listless, disorganized tribe randomly figure it out.

Result of challenge will be posted as by Thursday at latest.

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