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Immunity results

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Wallen sat out Margaret for the challenge

Both tribes began the long walk in a circle, after a brutal half hour, Ned and Olivia handed their packs off to Diva and Chris, then Tiffany gave her pack to Kevin.

The tribes went on like that for another half hour before Cynthia gave her pack off to Blaine.

The shorthanded Shak-No's then were slowly and relentlessly hunted down by Wallen, until finally, Steve caught up to Blaine, winning immunity for Wallen for the 2nd straight week.

Shak-No goes to counsel again, I'll expect plotting and scheming shortly, and votes to be in by the weekend at latest.

Show goes up as soon as I can write it after the voting is in.

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