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I give to you.... Lindsay Troy, DEFIANCE style!

Bubba McCoy

League Member
Nov 29, 2012


Jan 1, 2000
Oh ho....we're deferring to me for my blessing first. You kids are finally learning.

First, let me say that LT artwork has always been a challenge, partially because of the nature and description of the character, but mainly because I'm picky as fuck [Virgo] and that's not me being self-deprecating at all. JP did a commendable job and worked really hard on this. There were a ton of different versions with tweaks and style changes and challenges with getting the morph and props to work right. We both had to find a middle ground on certain things.

All that said, I like it. The hair and the expression were the most challenging - JP's the first person to actually get the highlights right and he and I (with help from Dan McDevitt) found the same hair prop that Owen used for the black cherry Cozen-feud LT poser. Really sweet job on that. I dig the clothes also.

I know some people have said to me via PM and IM that the expression is still "off" ... but it's going to look "off" in the scaled-down version. It's the same problem we've seen with Frank Holiday's LAZER PEW PEW EYEZ. Something gets lost in the visual when you have to reduce the image down to fit the constraints of what the website asks for.

http://bit.ly/qotrdefpic That's the link to the image if anyone wants to see what I mean.

All in all, I think this is JP's best female poser and I'm glad I got to help him with it.

Onto the next batch!

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