"One of these things is not like the other.....
DAN RYAN sits alone....
A dressing room on the road; familiar surroundings.
Can't say there are mouths to feed. Nothing drives the hunger anymore except the abiding need to be great. Nothing brings him here but his nature.
Nothing annoys him more than those who cannot accept theirs.
Ryan:(Looking up from his seat on a bench) "Shane Southern....."
"Hey look man, I know you've got your match this week and I've got mine. Rabesque is a hell of a technician. You'll have your work cut out for you. I've got a man who you and I both know well.....you in the ring, me in and out of it."
"We should probably both be focusing on those things, and for the most part....actually....for the whole part until now...we have."
"There's just something about you right now that isn't sitting quite right with me, Shane."
"Who are you, man?"
"I mean really. Who are you right now? Because it's funny, but I could swear that as soon as this company announces the new lineup in it's restart you appear on my television just as happy to be here as you could possibly be."
"That's the old Shane Southern that everyone remembers around here I'm sure. A lot of the fans in Greensboro are rather myopic in their viewing habits."
"But not all of us are willing to play the part of the deaf, blind and dumb."
"Am I to forget that you s**t on your golden boy legacy less then six months ago? Am I to pretend as though you're the same ol' good ol' boy that you used to be?"
"What's with the act, Shane? What is it with you anyway? Do you figure it works for you here so ya might as well go back to it? Did you not think the people in charge over here would like your new 'take no prisoners do whatever it takes' outlook on life?"
"Don't worry, I know."
"You're not trying to impress me. Yeah yeah....we know, man. Save it."
"So who are you trying to impress? Who are you trying to look good to? And the most important question of all...."
"Do you even know who you are anymore?"
"Does Shane Southern even have an identity anymore? Did he ever?"
"One day Shane, you're gonna wake up and get out of bed...and realize after failing once again that every gimmick in the world won't gain you one single ounce of true respect, true honor or true victory in this sport."
"I spent the first five years of my life pretending to be something I'm not just to entertain the fans, to impress bookers and to get ahead in this game. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. But one day I woke up.....one day I found who I really was....and I absolutely refused to ever play by anyone else but my own rules for as long as I'm in this business."
"So tell me, Shane....who are you?"
"You better find out before Anniversary. If you don't.....the window will close once again. Jean Rabesque may be all you've got left...."
DAN RYAN sits alone....
A dressing room on the road; familiar surroundings.
Can't say there are mouths to feed. Nothing drives the hunger anymore except the abiding need to be great. Nothing brings him here but his nature.
Nothing annoys him more than those who cannot accept theirs.
Ryan:(Looking up from his seat on a bench) "Shane Southern....."
"Hey look man, I know you've got your match this week and I've got mine. Rabesque is a hell of a technician. You'll have your work cut out for you. I've got a man who you and I both know well.....you in the ring, me in and out of it."
"We should probably both be focusing on those things, and for the most part....actually....for the whole part until now...we have."
"There's just something about you right now that isn't sitting quite right with me, Shane."
"Who are you, man?"
"I mean really. Who are you right now? Because it's funny, but I could swear that as soon as this company announces the new lineup in it's restart you appear on my television just as happy to be here as you could possibly be."
"That's the old Shane Southern that everyone remembers around here I'm sure. A lot of the fans in Greensboro are rather myopic in their viewing habits."
"But not all of us are willing to play the part of the deaf, blind and dumb."
"Am I to forget that you s**t on your golden boy legacy less then six months ago? Am I to pretend as though you're the same ol' good ol' boy that you used to be?"
"What's with the act, Shane? What is it with you anyway? Do you figure it works for you here so ya might as well go back to it? Did you not think the people in charge over here would like your new 'take no prisoners do whatever it takes' outlook on life?"
"Don't worry, I know."
"You're not trying to impress me. Yeah yeah....we know, man. Save it."
"So who are you trying to impress? Who are you trying to look good to? And the most important question of all...."
"Do you even know who you are anymore?"
"Does Shane Southern even have an identity anymore? Did he ever?"
"One day Shane, you're gonna wake up and get out of bed...and realize after failing once again that every gimmick in the world won't gain you one single ounce of true respect, true honor or true victory in this sport."
"I spent the first five years of my life pretending to be something I'm not just to entertain the fans, to impress bookers and to get ahead in this game. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. But one day I woke up.....one day I found who I really was....and I absolutely refused to ever play by anyone else but my own rules for as long as I'm in this business."
"So tell me, Shane....who are you?"
"You better find out before Anniversary. If you don't.....the window will close once again. Jean Rabesque may be all you've got left...."