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You've come to the longest running fantasy wrestling website. Since 1994, we've been hosting top quality fantasy wrestling and e-wrestling content.

Hey McFly



(FADEIN: Doc Silver sitting at a card table, Gladiator stands over his shoulder as Doc looks at his hand before folding it. Doc reaches over and munches on an Oreo before talking.)

DOC: Hello? Powells? You there? Look, I'm gonna make this easy for you, I'm here...I got your money...That's all there is to it...But I'm a good man...<smiles> really I am...And to show this...I'm going to have Gladiator walk out to the ring during your Tag Title match with this briefcase. <Doc pauses for a second and looks at his new hand, he folds it as well> And if you two are in any shape to leave with it...You may...If not...Well then Hell Machine can spend my money...I really don't care...See Powells...The only reason I took my money back is because I could...You're really useful as hired thugs, hell I could even let you into my Goon Squad and you could spend your days watching me play cards and just generally being good lackeys of me...<Doc looks at his new hand> I'll raise...<Off camera one voice says 'call'> Bet...Bet...Bet...Pocket Queens...<Doc reaches foward and pulls in a small stack of chips> Sorry about that...But anyhow...Powells...The money is all yours...IF you can take it...<Smiles...Looks at his new hand of cards..Folds> >

Now then...This brings us to a man who managed to displease me on my entrance into NFW...I mean, when God himself walks into the room, most people avert their eyes, or begin bowing, or pray for forgiveness for whatever sins they have committed...But this man...He MOCKED me...He insulted me...And that man, is the two bit manager of a worthless tag team...Calvin Carlton...So, since I am a vengeful and cruel God...Me and Toga Boy here <Gladiator laughs, then continues to laugh, his whole body beginning to shake before he stops and glares at the camera.> are going to tear apart the OSS...And if the other Showstoppers want in on the action...That's fine with me...The More...The merrier...For endless path of misery is a wide one, capable of dragging many souls down into ruin...Only Happy When It Rains...<FADEOUT>

About FWrestling

FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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