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Hell Bent


Jan 1, 2000
Selden USA
Fade In:
‘The Italian Bruiser’ Reuben Fasco is sitting in a darkened room. Only a single break of light shines through a rusty old window in this secluded room. Fasco is wearing an all black business suit and holds his walking cane with skull to his side as he sits in a wooden chair that creeks every time he makes a move. The room is very dark as it has much in common to the life of Reuben Fasco. A light bulb dangling by a thin chain hangs over his head. The lens adjusts to the darkened room and focuses in on the emotional expression on Reuben Fasco’s face.

Reuben Fasco is not tired one bit, his rage builds and builds as time moves forward. Fasco’s rage keeps him going and it still burns inside. He won’t stop until the rage is gone and until that day comes every day is a day of reckoning for the GXW. For the GXW the sands of time are running out. The pieces on this life size chess board have been placed and Fasco sits and waits for the game to end. He knows it will end soon. He will make the one move that ends it all when he comes face to face with his avenger. The GXW has locked an innocent man inside a rabid cage. When the sands of time run out the animal inside the cage shall break free and his innocence will no longer be innocent. Evil thoughts run through Reuben Fasco. Many deranged and twisted dreams run through his mind. Sooner or later none of this can be contained.

So as he ponders his horrific thoughts and he sits and prays for one soul who to this day has escaped from the rage only by a split second. There won’t be enough time in the world to save this worthless human being. If he has to do it alone he’ll do it alone. He wants to do it alone, he wants the satisfaction of crippling this human into oblivion. There won’t be any more surprises or sneak attacks. Reuben Fasco is focused 100%. He is hell bent on redemption. Or perhaps he seeks vengeance. It’s only a matter of time till the sand hits bottom of the hourglass. There are no words that can describe the feeling of hatred Reuben Fasco carries inside. This person in his thoughts cannot grasp the concept of the grim future that lies ahead for him. And a man who doesn’t answer another mans challenge is just simply a coward. A man that needs to hide in the audience and sneaks from behind using a steel chair is just a coward. Most of all this person is just a man. No one special to Reuben Fasco. Just another target to make his mark in the GXW.

Fasco has marked his territory and Gabriele Poe has crossed the line. A war has begun and this battle of Armageddon will live on until Poe faces his challenger. What does he wait for? A congressional medal of honor? The continuous things that Poe continues to do is not honorable. It does not have dignity or pride. Most of all it is disrespectful. So Gabriele Poe is nothing more but a disgrace to this business in the eyes of Reuben Fasco. It doesn’t matter what kind of situation you put Reuben Fasco into. He’ll have enough patience and wait for the perfect moment for his kill. Determination is in his veins. There will be no more waiting on the side of Reuben Fasco. No more games. Their fury will one day meet. And when worlds collide Reuben Fasco will be victorious.......

Fasco> (Looks up into the camera with anger in his eyes)
‘I am done waiting Poe’. ‘Look over your shoulder anytime you cross a corner’. ‘Carry a light with you at night for I could be lurking behind you in the dark’.
‘Usually business is business but this has gotten personal, meet your new vendetta’. ‘I’ve got nothing to lose, how about you?’ ‘I dare you to step in the ring and face me’. ‘Face me like a man instead being that coward you like being’. ‘Meet your maker inside the steel cage and be a man for god sakes be a man’. ‘No more games Poe......No more games!!’


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