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Havoc vs Marcus Slayton


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville US
A time to bleed and a time to rejoce

(We fade to the Tokyo International Airport where a large number of photographers and wrestling fans are waiting for one of the few gaijin or american wrestlers to be trained and spend most of their careers in the land of the Rising Sun in the form of the "Sandman" Marcus Slayton. He's dressed in the old SCW "Absoulte Extreme" t-shirt with the "Damned's" trademark logo on the right sleeve, a pair of black cargo pants and his signature black motorcycle boots. Behind him is his wife and manager in the form of Kelly Gellar who's wearing a regular black EUWC t-shirt with gray cargo shorts. Both seem to be in a rather dark mood so to speak but it's nothing that the Japanese fans aren't used to from one of their own locally trained boys. A reporter walked up to Marcus with a smile on his face)

Reporter: Mister Slayton, first off welcome back to Japan and are you ready for your match against former Dominion member in the form of Havoc for the extreme universal wrestling corporation's united states title? I mean you have been rather quiet this past week.

(Marcus gives the reporter a rather dark look for a moment before responding)

Marcus: I've been getting ready for this match the whole of this last week ontop of everything else. For the last few weeks, I've noticed that I've been loosing my touch and my wife and manager in the form of Kelly here has pointed out everything that I've done wrong in my last few matches ranging from mistimed moves to holds that any trainee could've done perfectally. They say that when you come home, you can do anything you want to and since I've lived and worked here so much over the last several years of my life that this country feels like home to me and while it feels weird fighting for the United States title here in Japan, but I am here in front of the millions and millions of true Japanese wrestling fans who didn't come here to welcome to Japan some punk who used to run with a new world order rip off group like the Dominion and while I know a thing or two about redemption, trying to do it here in Japan against me is not one of the ways to do it. Now I could keep standing here and saying my usual rants about how ****ty you are and crap like that but since we are here in Tokyo, well here I do things a little bit differently and by differently I mean that I'm not going to waste time and I'm going to put things very plain here.

(The man formerly known as the "Reaver" takes a breath to clear his thoughts before he continues)

Marcus: Havoc, I respect what you're trying to do with the whole trying to prove that since you broke with the Dominion and how in your first match away from that group, you won the united states title but this is different my friend because you are in my yard and you're playing in it. Sure, there's a chance that I might win that belt off of you and there's also a chance that I might not win that belt but I will not use any form of cheating tactics to win the belt because I plan on doing it in the same manner that I was taught right here in Tokyo by one of the true greats in this profession in the form of Antino Inoki. He taught me everything that he needed to, helping me to build on my already good set of skills before passing me on down to other wrestlers here in Japan until I finally decided to make my way back to the states where I've earned my stripes in numerous rings since then. Now, here I am once again where I'm ready to once again fight in my yard and if you want to fight me in my yard then you'd best be ready for a fight because I'm not going to roll out of the ring to grab a chair to use on you and I'm not going to wrap my hands in barbed wire, oh hell no because I intend to do what I do best and that's fight. Havoc, you bring the noise at Blood Bath or so help me, I will give you an interesting little "present" at the next Mainframe.

(the camera shows Kelly putting her right hand on the shoulder of her man who then steps to the side to allow her to step forward so that she could take a turn with the reporter)

Kelly: I know it's been a while since I've helped Marcus do a promo for anything but this is different. I've noticed that Stone's partner in crime in the form of Echo has been somewhat left out of the loop and so I thought that I'd come in and help with the rebirth of the Damned or if she feels that name is not "PC" enough for this federation, well then you can't make a title match without breaking a few rules true? But the important thing is between my experience of managing the monster team that is the Damned ontop of helping with the manager duties and being the dark hand that guides the Sandman so to speak. But the important thing is that with me guiding my man in the form of Marcus here, I promise that he will be back on the right track once again. So, Havoc, like Marcus said get ready for a fight because you're in our yard now and once you cross the curb and make a mess in our yard is when this dog (Kelly places a hand on Marcus' shoulder and gives the camera rather wicked smile) will bite you hard because his bite is worse than his bark.

(Marcus spreads his arms out in his signature pose as the camera zooms out to show him in the pose with the dark look still on his face)

Marcus: Come what may, the only way out of this match Havoc is through me and that way, you know what a true Japanese street fight is and you'll learn to respect your elders the hard way...Qoute the Reaver...Nevermore...

(The camera fades to black as Marcus and Kelly head through the crowds)



The camera sweeps down the hall of a Japanese hotel before swinging around to look at a particular door. Behind the door, the muffled sound of music can be heard. The door opens under it's own power and the music is accentuated, revealing it to be Green Day's Boulevard of Broken Dreams. The camera moves into the room as the music takes center stage.

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's only me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the boulevard of broken dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone

I walk alone I walk alone
I walk alone I walk a

My shadow's only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Till then I walk alone

The camera searches the darkened room for a moment before finding Havoc leaning against the window, silhouetted by the lights of Tokyo. He looks out at the city, his breath causing the glass to fog. The US title hangs from his hand as he stares. As the camera gets closer, Havoc turns and brushes his medium length hair out of his eyes. A slight smile crosses his face.

"Guess everyone's wondering where I've been. Truth is, I've been here, in this godforsaken room. I was so out of it, I couldn't even get off my ass for something to eat, let alone go to a show. Not even getting in the ring could wake me up and usually I would never pass up that opportunity. In fact, it's everything I could do just to get up for this interview. Go figure why I'm even doing it."[

Havoc hits his head lightly against the window before continuing.

"Maybe I'm not cut out for this lifestyle. The travel, the constant injuries...damn, what am I talking about? I live for this, the only time I'm ever really alive is in that squared circle. But I have to admit, since that match with Malice, I've gone through more emotions than I can count. And it's not a pleasent experience."

Havoc closes his eyes and sighs.

"Every time I close my eyes I think about that match and a flood of memories and emotions return. Guilt, lonliness, sadness, I feel all of it. I bet Malice is getting a big kick out of this, seeing his brother on a downward spiral. I think the only thing that's kept me sane is knowing I have a match tomorrow. Heh, wrestlings my curse and my cure. Funny."

Havoc glances down at the belt.

"You'd think I was proud to be champion. Right now, doesn't even make a difference. The belt is just a thing that reminds me that I'm being hunted. I never asked for the belt, I just went out and did what I do best: wrestle. The belt was just a result of that. But I don't go out of my way to keep it, right now, that's just the way everything played out."

Havoc throws the belt on the bed and gets up. He goes to the bathroom and splashes himself in the face with cold water. Havoc sighs deeply and throws on a jacket before walking to the door.

"Guess I'll try to go out and have a good time tonight, but I'm not saying I will. Until I can put the past behind me, who knows when I can live life to the fullest again."

Havoc steps out of the room and the scene dissolves to the inside of a Japanese nightclub. Havoc sits at the bar, staring sadly at the dance floor. The inside of the club is lit with neon, giving everything a surreal glow. Havoc sips at his drink as he watches the club patrons bump and grind to the pulsing techno music. Havoc grunts and turns away from the dance floor, choosing instead to look as his drink, which he mixes with a straw in boredom. He sighs when he suddenly hears a voice behind him.

"Could that really be Christian?"

Havoc rolls his eyes, thinking it to be some crazy fan. He turns around, fully prepared to tell them where to go. What he is confronted with is an incredibly beautiful woman. In the dim light her green eyes sparkle and she flashes Havoc a perfect smile. Havoc's jaw drops.

"Still go clubbing after all these years. You haven't changed a bit."

Havoc chokes out a name.


She laughs.

"In the flesh. It's nice to see you again, Christian."

Havoc is still shocked.

"What are you doing here?"

Valerie pushes her highlighted brown hair back and smiles again.

"After college I went traveling. Japan is just another stop. You're here with your wrestling group, right?"

Havoc nods.

"Even in high school, you were always on about wrestling. It's nice to see someone made something out of themselves."

Havoc, despite himself, laughs.

"I was lucky. But what about you? Do you still have my ring?"

Valerie holds up her hand and we see a silver band with a heart on it, a design much like the one on Havoc's wrist.

"And you still wear it, even after we went our seperate ways. I would have though you threw it away after I was such a jerk to you."

"No, it has too much sentimental value. It reminds me of the good times we had."

Havoc nods, thinking about his past. Valerie changes the subject.

"I've actually seen you wrestle a few times on TV. You're really good at it."

"Nice to hear that someone thinks so. Usually everyone just says they want to beat me up."

"Awww. Well, good luck on your match tomorrow. I can see you winning."

"Thanks Val. It means alot to me that you say that."

"Yeah. I guess I'll see you around."

"Well, I'm leaving Japan soon, so you might not."

"Oh...that's too bad. Well, it was good seeing you tonight."

"It was nice seeing you too."

They stand there awkwardly for a moment, then they shake hands. Valerie laughs and turns to leave. Havoc stares after her for a moment, and begins biting his lip, deep in thought.


Havoc sighs with relief as he sees her coming back toward him. He fidgets as she approaches him.


"Yeah...uh...I was just wondering if you wanted to...uh...go and get some saki or something with me...?"

A second passes and Havoc assumes the worst. His fears are for nothing though, as Valerie smiles her radient smile.

"Christian, I would love to."

Havoc smiles and they leave the club together. As they walk out, Valerie surprises Havoc when she grabs his hand and pulls him closer. The scene dissolves to the two standing in front of Valerie's apartment.

"I had a really good time tonight with you."

"So did I. Maybe you want to do this again sometime?"

"I would. How about tomorrow, after your show?"

That would be great. Good-night, Valerie."

"Good-night Christian. I'll be watching your match tomorrow."

"I'll win that one for you."

Valerie smiles and leans in, kissing Havoc lightly on the cheek. She smiles, mouthing the words "good-night" as she closes the door. Havoc stands there blushing, before finally walking down the hall. Halfway down the hall, he pumps his fist in the air.


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