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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Niagara, ON, Canada
(Outside the arena in Zurich. Revolution is long over, and most of the cars have left the parking lot. However, a black Corvette remains, parked in a VIP spot. CHRISTIAN SANDS sits on the hood, gazing off into the distance... with a faint smile on his face.)

Sands: Heh... seems Miller was right all along...

(Soft footsteps sound nearby as one of SANDS' staffers, TONY DANNEKER, walks up alongside the Corvette; the fur lining of his heavy coat rustles.)

Tony: Well... I told you so.

Sands: That's alright, Tony. I may be oh for three against him, but he and I both know that it was Miller who did the deed - our toking friend only picked up the credit.

Tony: Well, that's one way of looking at it...

Sands: You're like an old woman sometimes.

Tony: Well, SOMEONE'S gotta watch your back.

(The two are silent for a moment.)

Tony: So, uh, what're you gonna do?

(Slowly, SANDS lowers himself from the hood of the car, brushing himself off.)

Sands: Win the title shot at Battleground Britain.

Tony: That's a tall order, considering some of the names in that thing. Boogie's in it... Dan Ryan... Lindsay Troy... DreamMa-

Sands: Lindsay Troy?

Tony: Yeah, apparently she's signed a deal to take part in the tournament.

Sands: Hm...

(Another moment of silence.)

Tony: By the way, Chris... What DID happen with those Xtreme Enough girls, anyway?

(SANDS lets out a dry chuckle.)

Sands: Nothing. We went to dinner, they tried to pick me up, and they failed miserably. You should know I don't go for jailbait.

Tony: Are you kidding, man? They're old enough. I would've done it-

Sands: Which is a key difference between you and I.

(Looking off into the distance again, SANDS raises a hand to his chin, lifting his head a bit.)

Sands: Besides... There's only one woman out there who interests me.

Tony: Who?

(SANDS merely smirks, then turns to open the door of the 'Vette and slip in. He rolls down the window as he begins to drive off.)

Sands: Kevin's around back with the Carlo. I'll be back at the hotel if you need me.

(As SANDS drives off, TONY watches after him, then blinks as if realizing something.)

Tony: ...Oh, her. Heh... He's crazy. Then again, I knew that already.

(Shaking his head, TONY turns to walk away as we FADEOUT)

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