All Your Base Are Belong To Us
(FADEIN to a hospital room bathed mostly in darkness. Harold A. Lumbourgh lies upright in a bed, an Acer notebook on his lap splashing vibrant colors over his bloodshot eyes. He seems agitated and begins to mumble.)
HAL: "... yeah... that's right... just walk around like everything's hunkey dorey... don't mind me... nah, no, I'm not there... just your imagination...
"... YEAH! STUNLOCKED! Sinister Strike! Gouge! Oh, yeah, how's that feel magey... can't Blink out, can 'ya? Oh, is that a COLD BLOOD EVISCERATE COMBO I JUST HEARD!?
"Psht. Powned, b*tch.
"Serves you right for rolling Alliance."
(Suddenly the lights come on and Lumbourgh covers his eyes as a nurse walks over to him, a livid look on her face.)
NURSE: "Mr. Lumbourgh, we have warned you, repeatedly, about your language while you play your... Internet games."
HAL: "It's not a game, noob. It's Warcraft. It's life. Don't you know ANYthing?"
NURSE: "Listen, Mr. Lumbourgh, it's very difficult to take your injuries seriously if you refuse to get the rest you need. You're lucky you aren't on a respirator, your ribs were v-"
HAL: "Enough, lady. I get it."
(Lumbourgh closes his notebook and the nurse stands there for a moment, before leaving, apparently satisfied.)
HAL: "Y'know, Shane.. I'm sure you expect me to come out here and brag about what happened out at TEAM, but I won't. Personally... winning something like that is about as important to me as the Tea Time Party Planners' latest batch of winning gardenias.
"Just about as much as what you've done, Shane. Truth is, I didn't come to NEW to represent NEW as some icon of wrestling supremacy.
"Hardly. In fact, the more I look around, the more obvious it becomes how... obtuse... and out of touch my opponents truly are.
"Like the misguided attempts of Sony and Microsoft to push the boundaries merely of graphics, you aren't merely wrong -- you aren't even perceiving the problem correctly.
"Nintendo, of course, the old standby... well, they changed the way we play the game. While everyone else thought prettier graphics, they were thinking increased intuitive interface. They were thinking, why not change the WAY we play?
"You, of course, know nothing of this. For you are Sensational, and that's all you'll ever be. Me? I am the bleeding edge technology... the Ruby on Rails to your Java... the Core 2 Duo to your Pentium 4... the Wii to your PS3.
"All Your Base Are Belong To Us, Shane. Whether you know it or not, those words changed everything. They made geek chic, and they made you obsolete.
"I have only just begun to ride these electrons to the core and dissipate into the heatsink... you do not yet know of my DirectX and OpenGL capabilities.
"But you will. Just like that little Ally mage on Dunemaul... you, too, will taste the wrath. But not of my Widowmaker blade into a Stunlock.
"For you, it will be nothing quite so visceral. Except the dawning realization that being Sensational wasn't good enough. Perhaps in the good ol' days, but not now. Not ever again.
"You, my friend, are obsolete."