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GXW UpDate 28 Aug 02


New member
Jul 8, 1998
Sierra Vista, Arizona
Hey Everyone,

Like I said we would post the line up for Revolution and here it is ...

'Good God' Kevin Powers vs 'The Career Ender' Chris Lehew

'The People's Choice' Cole Steele vs Zero - Part II

The Assassins vs. The Night Cripplers - Tag Titles

Monsta Boyz vs The Motor City Maniacs

'The Rant' Ricky Gant vs Jimi Sinister

'The Dark Lotus' Miso vs 'The Blonde Bomber' Jennifer Rowe

'Cocky' Justin Tyler/Kendall Codine vs 'Mr. Main Event' Rob Sampson/Jeffery Roberts

GXW Owner Erik Zieba will have a SPECIAL announcement at Revolution!

This show will be at The Baltimore Arena in Baltimore, Maryland.

Angle deadline is Sunday, 1 September 2002, at 11:59PM EST
RP deadline is Monday, 2 September 2002, at 11:59PM EST

Remember you can find all the new stuff at http://www.fwrestling.com/host/gxw

And yes I AM working on news for the card ... THANKS CHAD! ;)

One final note, once we have the line up for Onslaught it will be posted. Stay tuned for that email.

Erik Z
Co-Owner GXW

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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