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GREENSBORO: Rocko Daymon vs. "Yours Truly" Adam Benjamin


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Gate 114 international flight England to North Carolina. Seen standing with his travel bags is "Yours Truly" Adam Benjamin.


"The airport the un told story of a professional wrestler. You fans only get to see us in the ring. Today I am here in England home finally for EUWC tour. However I have been asked, and have graciously accepted to work a tournament for TEAM.

This tournament is going to showcase the best wrestlers in the world today. To be asked is a honor to me. And with all this talent signed on the dotted line I get to face Rocko Daymon."

(Adam looks downward shaking his head)


"Now in todays world of wrestling many of us work for several promotions. We juggle flights from cities to cities or in some cases countries to countries like Yours Truly.

Now Rocko you are a special case in terms of working for different federations. You tend to bounce a lot trying to find your place. And I have to say in EUWC you have found a great place.

I mean the fans of EUWC seem to embraced you. I almost see the Rocko of old. The SCW Rocko that I once looked at as a challenge."

(Adam looks with a grin.)


"Now I will give you this in WFW you have beaten me a couple times. My head at the times of the loses was not were it should have been.

However fast forward to the present moment. Unlike some of the talent in the EUWC I look at you as a pretender Rocko. I know the truth about your career. I know that you tend to run away when the going gets tough.

When I signed up for EUWC and proclaimed myself the Savior it was because of you. I could not sit back and watch a promotion highlight it's line up with a Rocko, a Stone, or a Doe.

So I signed my name to the dotted line in EUWC and soon enough I will stand alone the true superstar in that company.

(Adam rolls his neck around smiling.)


"So take away your little rise to stardom in the EUWC. The rest of your career up until that point might as well be documented on toilet paper cause you truly have not done sh!t.

And this week when you step into the ring with Yours Truly I am going to leave you walking back to EUWC with your head between your legs. And it is there with your head up your ass you will have to tell the so called stars that perceive you as a threat, just why you lost to Yours Truly the quote un quote rookie.

So please with out hesitation come out and tell the fans your theories of Yours Truly. Tell them how I like to puff my chest out and tell everyone how good I am. Tell them how you have defeated me in the past and will do it again.

But in saying all the things you usual say try and make it believable. Try and build yourself up to the level of the stage we will be wrestling on.

I know personally I am looking at this chance as a defining moment in my career. This is my chance to showcase myself in the ring with the best the world has to offer. So it begins with you this week. One match at a time. Good luck Rocko...

(Adam begins to walk away, and then looks back into the camera)


"Oh and a special good luck to my one boss. I am routing you on deep inside Danny Boy.."

(Fade to black)
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Jan 1, 2000

(An average day in Casa de la Daymon. The camera takes a long scan of a table in the hallway to the living room, where we can hear Adam Benjamin's voice. We see a collection of items: plane tickets to Greensboro, a custom black iPod, a family photo of the Daymons, a half-full bottle of Jack Daniel's, a copy of ENN's weekly magazine with the TEAM tournament brackets on the cover, and to the side a waste-basket filled to the brim with discarded invitations and letters from various owners of federations featuring nearly every letter in the alphabet. Finally, the camera tracks into the living room, where Daymon sits alone on the sofa watching the face of Adam Benjamin as he makes his closing comments on the HDTV. When it finishes, Daymon turns the TV and turns to the camera with an arched eyebrow and half a smile.)

Rocko Daymon
Well, what do you know?

Every time I find myself in a match outside of EUWC, my opponent is seemingly always either John Doe or Adam Benjamin. Ironically, a year after I joined, I now see the two of them in the ranks of EUWC. Makes me wonder what's been going on in these other federations that causes the two of these athletes to seek greener pastures in the fed I've single-handedly dominated in the past year.

I was never a fan of Adam Benjamin, but I've always had tremendous respect for him. He defines his reputation through cunning talent, undeniable dedication, and a drive to improve with each and every match. Whenever I go head to head with this man, I can expect a good challenge, one that in any case will help me grow as a professional wrestler.

Unfortunately, I was disappointed to see that the feeling isn't mutual...

(With a tsk-tsk and a shake of his head, Daymon stands up, facing the camera directly.)

Rocko Daymon
Adam, you might think I'm the kind of guy who only sticks around when he's winning and runs away when he's not. A few years ago, that observation might have been true... but today, it's outdated and sorely inaccurate. I've changed a lot since those nomadic days between SCW and GXW...

Why, you need only look at my work in WFW to understand that. Look at my first few weeks struggling to elevate myself to the standard ranks. I suffered numerous defeats and set-backs in those early days. Sure, I could have always left, and I'll admit the chance to rid myself of the humiliation was enticing. But then I realized, we all have problems, and what sets real men above the regular scum of human beings is how he handles those problems. I chose not to give up and run away. And now, I've been doing quite well for myself in WFW and other leagues. In fact, in a year's work, I've obtained the EUWC International Title.

Because I chose not to quit, I've brought myself to a level that makes that old Rocko Daymon of SCW lore look like nothing more than John Doe on his better days--and that's not saying much.

(His attitude suddenly becomes more serious.)

Rocko Daymon
And yet you accuse me of being a "pretender", as though my successes have been a fluke. I stood up against all challenges, resisting the urge to turn tail and run away, and in the end I succeeded beyond the expectations of critics and wrestlers alike... and you think it's all a fluke.

(He shrugs.)

Rocko Daymon
Well Adam, I guess I can't expect everyone to understand. But sometimes, I wonder why every week, people look at me under the microscope and pick out my every flaw, looking for some sort of nonexistent Achilles' heel they might exploit in the ring. Rarely, though, do they ever take a glance at themselves to see how they might compare.

In my experience, I've come to understand that professional wrestling is 70%hard talent and 30% psychological. You can come out swinging like a titan, but unless you know your own abilities and those of your opponent, you're going to have a hard time finding the win. Naturally, the best wrestlers in this industry are those who know how to get under an opponents skin in the week building up to the match through words...

On the contrary, the true "pretender" in this league is he who deludes himself into THINKING he's being the psychological dominator. Instead of striking a blow to their opponent's ego, he ends up patronizing him, and subsequently underestimating his abilities. In the end, he ends up getting bent over and spanked like a two year old playing with matches; you play with fire, you end up getting burned.

The point of all this is, Adam, you might think you can call me a pretender, blatantly ignoring everything I've accomplished in the past couple years--including handing you your own ass a time or two in more than one federation. But I know what I'm capable of, and based on my experience with you, I know what you're capable of as well. You know as well that I am no pretender, but you seem to think that you might have the edge if you convince me otherwise. And let's let that be the closest you ever come to trying to bull**** me.

I suppose I could sit here all day and pick out your every flaw and embarrassing feature, but I won't, due to the fact that I have too much respect for you and there is no justification why anyone should drag your name through the dirt.

(Daymon walks over to the wall behind the flatscreen TV, where several photographs have been framed and put on display. The one he focuses on is a photo of him inside the ring, holding the EUWC International Title over his head. This was taken moments after he won the title.)

Rocko Daymon
I can tell you're bitter, Adam. And why wouldn't you be, once you see everything I've done in the past year while you've been on a wild goose chase for the coveted World Title in EPW? And now you're in EUWC, where the critics call you a rookie, and I'm exhalted to a near-godlike status. There's quite a gap between us now, when at one time we were on the same level. But that's only referring to EUWC... this is TEAM, Adam, and it's a whole new ball-game. You could use that to your opportunity...

In EUWC, I may be the International Champion, and you may be nothing more than a promising up-and-comer, but this is a different league. There is no ladder that seperates us; we are again at the same level. The outcome of this match will determine where we stand in comparison to each other on TEAM's roster.

You say you're the one who's going to knock me from the top of the mountain in EUWC? Then I, for one, would like to see what you're capable of in this match, because if you can't beat me here in TEAM, you won't beat me in EUWC. But don't be stupid enough to think that I'm any less dedicated to win than you. You have a lot to gain by winning, but I promise I'll do everything necessary to make sure you don't advance to the next round.

I'm going to remind you, Adam, why you lost to me those few times in WFW. Week after week, you learn and improve, but there's always one thing you fail to realize; everyone else is also learning and improving, and you're not going fast enough to catch up with the real talent. That's why you lost then, and that's why you're going to lose now, unless a miracle happens to bail you out of another disappointment.

(Daymon turns to the camera again.)

Rocko Daymon
I'll leave you by reiterating the difference between us, Adam. We're both talented wrestlers with a lot of cunning and skill. Our accomplishments are relatively small compared to what we'll do in the future. But like you said, you're using this match to showcase your talents. You're still looking for your opportunity.

There's no need for me to show anything, because I've already shown this world what Rocko Daymon is. Now, all I do is step in that ring and do what it is I do best, regardless of how the world may look at me.

I'm not in TEAM for fame or noteriety... I'm only here to win. Nothing will stop me from reaching that goal.

(Daymon goes back to the couch and takes a seat, flipping through channels while he listens to what others involved with TEAM have to say about the tournament and their opponents. The camera slowly retreats back down the hallway and fades to black.)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
The scene begins inside a high school wrestling event. On the mat are two young lions battling it out. The crowd is split into tw side of rivaling school. The colors of blue are seen on one side standing proud, as the red colors screams back from the other side.

As the camera pans the building seen standing in the corner watching "Yours Truly" Adam Benjamin. Slowly he exits the building looking back smiling.

As Adam exits the camera follows him to his car. Adam takes a seat on top on this back of his car. the sun is beating down however Adam sits smiling as he begins talking....


"Old school memories. I remember feeling the emotions on the mat, the cheers, the mere passion of the sport.

(Adam looks upward in aw of his thoughts and memories)


"On that mat inside there was true heart. Those athletes are not out for glory or money. They wrestle because it is there life. And it is that notion that defines Yours Truly.

When I step into the ring I am stepping into my own personal gym. I am that kid again who is out there because he loves the sport.

(Adam face gives a look of desire and respect as he look back towards the gym.)


"So my opponent Rocko Daymon has come out and given his declaration of his career. And I must say you truly mistook some of my words about you from my last interview.

I personally have in the past respected what you have done in your career. However I feel it fails in comparison to what I have done to this point. I also believe the future of my career will over shadow yours like a eclipse.

(Adam smiles)


And then there is the EUWC. We all know you are a champion. I don't believe you could go a day with out telling us again. But can you really sit and say I am an up and comer in that federation. Maybe I am at the bottom of their cards, but ask yourself as you sit on top "why am I looking down with fear"

For what took you a long hard year in that federation, will take me a short few months.

And as for the EUWC being greener pastures that is debatable. However stacking claim that you have been the single most dominant wrestler, is a slap in the face of the tradition, as well as every other wrestler in that promotion."

(Adam smiles again)


"Oh and about you being under the microscope? Sorry to say you put yourself under it years ago.

You can toss theories at me all you want. I have come out and declared you to step up to the platform in which we have been chosen to perform on.

I truly believe you have lost your desire to wrestle. You go through the motions. You lack desire. You have become complacent.

Sometimes I checked your shoulders during your interviews for strings cause you come off like a dummy with a possible ventriloquist.

(Adam haves motions of checking for strings)


"You claim you could say a lot about me, however you respect me too much.

What you are respecting not to mention the world all ready knows about me.

However its real simple. In the past Yours Truly has lost several matches that could have defined my legacy in this sport. I also have lost many matches that have been dark clouds on my resume as well.

Oh and Everyone at Home Rocko has beat me in the past, give him a round of applause please, or he will tell you again and again how he beat me.

Now lets talk about your flaws. You like to tuck them in and run off to a seemingly unknown territory in this sport and start the same old blah blah blah career all over again.

You time in federations should come with an expiration date."

(Adams smiles)


However in regards to this week when I beat you have fun walking back to the place you are "The man" in and explaining why the guy at the "bottom" beat you. And I am going to be the only guy left representing EUWC, however I will stand proud as a EPW star as well, something you could never be.

So in closing I give warning out to the sport of wrestling.

Wrestlers around the world I tell you this with respect. The man the myth the legend Rocko Daymon is nothing to mess with. In his own words..."It will take a miracle to beat me." I know I am seriously afraid.

I talking like "the RING" the movie afraid. And that was some scary stuff...

Rocko please do not come through my TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Adam smiles and he opens his car door and sits down starting it up as the camera begins to slowly fade to black)


Jan 1, 2000

(Urban Seattle, Washington. One of the "lower rent" districts. It's a cold November morning. Clad in a long leather trench coat, Daymon can be seen walking alongside a line of railroad tracks near a depot. Not far away are numerous dilapidated buildings of dark brown stone, holding apartments for tenants who can't afford to live anywhere else. Dogs are barking in the distance. Rocko's breath comes out in pulsating clouds of vapor. He looks up once to the camera, then to the buildings nearby.)

Rocko Daymon
Old school memories... or at least that's the way it was for me.

Ten years ago, I didn't have any soft padded mats on which to fall or a nice, warm gymnasium in which to fight. There were no bleachers filled with friends, family, and other supporters. It was just you and the other guy, and the dozen hobos gambling their dimes away.

I come from what many consider a different world. My training wasn't standard, nor was it given to me early on. In my world, it was sink or swim, and I was one of the few that elevated myself from petty pit-fighting to professional wrestling.

I didn't have my ass wiped every step of the way, like some people in this industry. Everything I am, and everything you see, I earned through my own effort. I took a beating at every turn, and it toughened me up. Through every set-back and deterance, I prevailed.

So when I hear Adam Benjamin talk about a couple of teenagers grappling at some high school event like it was the greatest thing that ever existed, I get this sour taste in my mouth. They wrestle because it is their life?

(Daymon scoffs. He looks thoroughly insulted.)

Rocko Daymon
Years ago on these railroad tracks, and in the ghettoes of every other city between the Pacific Ocean and the Mississippi, fighting wasn't some ******* "life purpose". For me, it was a way of keeping my belly full, at least until the next hitchhiker came around to take me elsewhere.

I remember this one guy I fought a few times in various places; he was a drifter like me. Fat Alfredo, they called him. Big guy, but not so much in muscle. He'd be as big as me if he cut back on the cheeseburgers. Had a hell of a right-handed haymaker on which he based his reputation. Problem is, his size affected his speed--a flaw I naturally exploited whenever we faced off.

I must have fought Alfredo three times during those years prior to my professional wrestling career, in Denver, San Diego, and here on these railroad tracks in Seattle. All three of those times, Alfredo hit the ground with a bruised face and I went home with thirty bucks in my pocket. After the first time, he kept laying down the challenge, but he refused to realize that he could never win against me, due to the sluggish weight that held him down.

A decade later, I find myself in the same damn distuation with a different man, only the one thing that holds back Adam Benjamin from beating me isn't fifty extra pounds of flab, but a wounded ego that he sustains through constant denials of his own mishaps and flaws.

I don't think I need to reiterate our history; Adam has this habit of thinking I'm trying to flaunt it for all to hear, when it was he himself who first made mention of his shortcomings against--these are his exact words--"the man, the myth, the legend" Rocko Daymon.

And how does he explain these losses? Oh, his head wasn't in the right place...

(Daymon rolls his eyes and shakes his head.)

Rocko Daymon
You know, back in my day, we didn't need excuses. When you lost a match, it was because you were an untalented piece of garbage who could only dream of being on the competitive level of his victorious opponent. You accepted that fact, and you went back to train and improve and grow until you finally got to that level.

Even in some occassions, in light of, say, an interference or underhanded tactics, you could argue your case, but back then, when you lost, there was no other explanation than at that point in time, you were inferior.

Hell, even Fat Alfredo knew he was physically below me after our third bout. He didn't know WHY, but the point is that he realized that he couldn't stand on my level.

But now, these kids and their "hip" ways like to say that whenever they lose a match, it's because their "heads" were not where they "should have been".

Ironically, if it had been Benjamin who won those past two occassions, and I was standing here saying that the reason I lost was because of the exact same thing he told me, people would immediately be crying "bull****" from here to Timbuktu.

(He waves his left hand to the camera in dismissal.)

Rocko Daymon
But whatever... I'll give him this one excuse. I can understand a man losing a match because of matters outside of the ring. I can see it happening to somebody once...

But twice, against the same opponent? That's just a little TOO coincidental. Sounds like a lame excuse if you ask me... on that I never personally had to use, because I have the sense to keep my life outside the ring out of my focus while I'm competing.

This defines the difference between men like me and pretenders like Adam Benjamin. When I step into that ring, all of my attention is on one person in one place. The second that bell sounds, I abandon my responsibilities as a husband, father, friend, and teacher. In other words, I never give my "head" the opportunity to go anywhere where it shouldn't be.

I suppose this would explain why for the past couple years, while I've been out doing something worthwhile, Adam Benjamin has flubbed around from fed to fed, following ever so closely in MY footsteps, getting beat everywhere he goes, and never realizing that no matter how hard he tries, he'll never understand that he holds himself back.

Seriously, if you don't know why you continue to lose, then why bother trying? I look at Adam's dilapidated career in Empire Pro--much more extensive than mine, I have to say, but I'm not even going to get started on the real reason why I left EPW. When I see the downward spiral upon which he's caught, desperately vying for attention and credibility with constant failed attempts at the World Title against Beast and the IC title against JA, I can't help but think... what's it going to take for him to understand? A third loss at my hands?

So much potential... all gone to waste. All that muscle, skill, and talent, built up in order to equal itself to mine, but completely lost without the proper brain to guide it.

There may be some truth to his words yet. Already, we can see that Adam Benjamin's head is not where it should be.

(Daymon turns to the camera with a confident smirk.)

Rocko Daymon
Adam, simply put, you are a DOG.

No, I'm not referring to some flea-bitten mutt... D-O-G: Delusions Of Grandeur. You are the classic example.

You ignore your own flaws, focusing only on your opponents. I never said I was perfect, Adam, but I let my record speak for itself. What makes you any different?

You accuse me of no longer having the heart and spirit it takes for a man to achieve greatness. Well, Adam, it's been seven years since I started wrestling, and if I haven't done anything, as you seem to think, then why am I still here? Don't you think that's a pretty damn good indicator of how dedicated I am as a professional wrestler? I busted my ass for a year to get the EUWC International Title, not simply because I was "going through the motions", but because I wouldn't let myself walk away with nothing after putting so much into it.

You slander my accomplishments, claiming they don't compare to what you "achieved". But what have you don yourself, Adam? Last I checked, you followed me to WFW when you realized you couldn't cope in EPW. You said the same thing there when I fought you then, and not surprisingly, I proved you to be a fool by beating you... twice.

And then, the cherry on top: Your future, you say, is just DESTINED for glorious success and achievements. Sadly, you've been saying the same thing since the first time we met in the ring in GXW. Back then, I never said I was going to accomplish many things; in fact, to this day, I have never said any such thing. I only said I would improve as a professional wrestler. And I have, accept it or not. My record doesn't lie, Adam.

You've been wrestling for quite a while now, Adam, and you've improved quite a bit since the first time we met, but it was too little too late. As I have proven numerous times in the past, I am at a level you cannot compete on. You constantly deny this fact every time we meet again, and like a moth lured by the light, you fly into my fire, and end up getting hurt once again.

It's this DOG complex that keeps you going... making yourself think that everything you've done wrong in the past is justified, and everything your opponents have done right is complete and utter bull****. But you're only looking at the world the way you want to see it. You "delude" yourself in other words...

(Daymon sighs as his eyes follow the tracks.)

Rocko Daymon
A few years ago, I got word that Alfredo died in a fight. His heart gave out while another man punched his face in; he was 325 pounds when he died.

I don't know why he continued fighting--he would never be the best. Maybe he thought that some day, he'd find an opportunity to make it somewhere like me. That ambition ultimately led him to his grave.

I admire your dedication to the sport, Adam... but you have no concept of what it means to be a true professional wrestler. To you, it's nothing but glory, no matter how you look at it. You even said in one promo, you're using this match to showcase your talents. Until you open your eyes and realize where your place is in this industry, you're only going end up like Fat Alfredo; probably going out clutching your dreams into your final days.

When we meet in the ring for this TEAM event, I hope it will be the last time I show you the talent that seperates us.

Until our match... take care.

(Daymon turns away, coat floating in the cold air behind him as he goes the way he came, following the tracks. We can hear the dogs barking in the distance again as the camera pans up to take in the rising sun in the east sky. We fade to white.)


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