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GREENSBORO FINAL: Dan Ryan vs. James Irish


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
RP DEADLINE is Saturday, January 7th, 11:59:59 PM, give or take a second.

Dan Ryan beat...

1st round: John Adams
2nd round: Rocko Daymon

James Irish beat...

1st round: The Sergeant
2nd round: Andrew Gilkison
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League Member
Nov 1, 2005
Rochester, NY
The scene is a generic interview backdrop. You know the kind: shades of beige and gray, basic lighting, nothing that would distract from the wrestler talking. James Irish is standing in front of it.

JIrish: We couldn't get a better location than this?? Seriously, this is blander than an episode of "King of Queens" without Jerry Stiller in it.

Erin's voice comes from off-camera

Erin: Lad, this is live TV.

JIrish: Oh... oh, bother.

So Dan. Did you miss me? How long has it been now since we last did this?

I'll be bluntly honest, I was very disappointed with the semi-finals. I was really looking forward to that match. Had Andrew shown up, I'm sure we would have torn the place down to it's foundation. But, alas, he got caught up with travel problem after travel problem when it came to getting back to the States. I can only imagine how you're handling it, Danny Boy, between this, A1E, UCW, running EPW, and oh heck, I've lost count of the pies you've got at least one of your all too sticky fingers in. Right now, I've only got this and A1E on my plate.

For now...

But that's a story that's going to tell itself in due time when it is ready to be told. Because right now, you and I get to tell our third story together. And, out of respect for you, I'm not going to tell the audience how the last two ended. I mean, people hate spoilers, right? And I don't mean Forces of Natures, either. Suffice to say, there's more than enough tapes of our matches circulating the world right now. If someone really wants to see our warm-up encounters, they can find them.

This "respect" thing stifles the humor so much, it's not even funny. Heck, the fact that even that part isn't funny makes the whole matter worse! Hell, I don't even know if the respect is mutual. It's been that long since you and I have encountered each other. I think the timing is actually kind of weird, but I'm getting ahead of myself. You'll learn what I mean very soon.

Regardless, I do have to stress the phrase "warm-up" from a moment ago, because let's be bluntly honest. That's all they were in the long run. This one match is the one that will make the difference.

You and I, Dan, we've made it to the regional finals in this tournament. We're the only two of eight people who can rightfully lay that claim for our division. Now, you went out and you earned it, winning your two matches. Me... well, I won the first match, and for the second I merely showed up, and got the proverbial pat on the head for doing so. Not all that impressive, I have to admit. But I'm here and, which unless someone in TEAM management cries foul over, that's all that matters.

Regardless, we've both got an investment by this point. Some hard work behind us, time and effort. Not something people like us want to go to waste, is it? I mean, we've both come pretty far by this point. Defeat here and now, in the Elite Eight, is nothing to sneeze at. I hope you've had your allergy shots in this case, Dan.

I may have signed up for this to try something new, but I've made it this far. I'm not dropping the ball.

James pulls out a small Nerf ball

Nope, going to keep my hands on the ball and carry it right through this match. Its going to take one of those five star performances that have become your legacy to make me drop this one, Dan.

So let's plan on making this one for the record books. Trivial history, like our last couple of matches together, is one thing. This, being the first of it's kind, is going to be REAL history. And we made it far enough that at least one of us will be a pivotal part of it. Sure, people expect it from you. You've done almost everything in this business, and the things you haven't done, I'm sure you've got a nice, bullet-pointed to-do list with them all on it. Ranging from "Win the A1E World Title" to, oh, I don't know, "Sing Duet with the guy who plays Apu on 'The Simpsons.'" But me? Does anyone really think I could take a piece of history like this and make it mine? Hardly. As a matter of fact, I just paid a visit to some folks in Las Vegas, and the odds on this match? The odds makers are heavily favoring you.

Which is why I absolutely cannot let you beat me. This is the dream maker right here, and I'm not going to blow it. See you soon, Dan. Sooner than you expect, in fact...

James starts to walk off the set... and suddenly the entire backdrop falls down right on top of him! Planks crash, Erin shouts in shock from off-camera, and it's just chaos. The camera moves back to get a better look at the madness... and James' hand pops out from the wreckage, holding that Nerf ball. His muffled voice comes out from underneath the crumpled backdrop...

I still got it! I didn't drop it!

Fade out
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Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX

Dan Ryan, hanging out in Greensboro. A segmented mirrored wall is the backdrop, the side of CSWA Headquarters and Hall of Fame.

The front courtyard and lawn of the premises are reflected in the windows, as are the camera crew. Ryan stands stoically, in jeans and a black "Team Phenom" t-shirt, circa 2002.

Ryan: "James, I'm glad it's you here and not Gilkison. Quite honestly Andrew Gilkison gives me the sort of headache that only hardcore prescription medicines can eradicate..."

"And that's just by talking."

"But then there's you. Always entertaining, always with something witty to say. And here we are, and you're kissing my ass a little bit."

"Uncharacteristic, I'd say."

"But then again...." (Ryan smiles) "...I've seen the dailies over in Empire Pro. I know what you're doing, Irish. And that's fine. That's perfectly fine with me."

"But let's not gloss over our past with this false humility you're selling, hmm? Let's be up front and honest about it all."

"You've defeated me...twice. You've wrestled me...twice. One was in a tournament for a World Title shot. Not exactly inconsequential, I would say. It mattered to you then, as I recall."

"So what's different now, Irish? And what's so different about you that I let you slide, let that blemish ride and went about the business of being the biggest and most overhyped name in our sport that I am? Because that's all it is, right James? It's all hype. Hype that runs you over like a steamroller before you ever step foot in the ring."

"And that's why you're being so nice, James. That's why. You've come out of the A1E cocoon and taken a bite of the rest of the world, and have found out that I am what makes that world go 'round."

"If nothing James, I would think that would make you even more proud of your wins over me. And why, again did I let them slide? Duchess beat me once and I made her life a living hell. To this day, after defeating and humiliating her time and time again I would make fun of her and slap her upside the head for fun if the oppurtunity arose."

"James, you've always been a man after my own heart. Quick with the wisecrack, skilled in the ring....young, arrogant and foolish but ripe with potential."

"Your statement of not intending to drop the ball however, has it's flaws."

"It's a funny thing, the way people think about people who lose games, who lose matches, who drop...balls..."

"You lose and you dropped the ball, never taking into consideration the effect on that outcome caused by outside influence."

"Do you think that if you wrestle your best, if you make no mistakes and are on top of your game mentally that you can't lose?"

"I wonder, if you throw everything you've got at me, hit your finish and stand over my fallen body before the cover, then drop and only get a two count....did you drop the ball? What happens if I fight back, fend off your offense and spike you on your head for the three count?"

"Did you drop the ball, Irish? Did I drop it in A1E?"

"I've got news for you, Jamie. Every match I wrestle in is 'one for the record books'."

"This is a dream maker for you, but not so much for me. I have some dream matches left out there, but I've already accomplished most of them....Eddie Mayfield....Felix Red....Troy Windham.....Mark Windham...Hornet.....Shane Southern....Copycat....Michael Manson....."

"I win and I lose, but they were all matches that the whole world was watching. This one will be no different. But make no mistake, I'm the one making the dreams come true in this tournament, not you."

"Do you want to be a star on this circuit, James?"

"Beat me. You're a star. It's as simple as that. It's as simple as pinning my shoulders to the mat and getting back to the dressing room in time to have your picture taken, an interview given and an endorsement contract signed."

"You'll be known because of me."

"And just as every match I'm in is accompanied by the annoying flash of cameras all over the arena, every match to me is what I'm on this Earth for. It is the fight that drives me, the business raging through my veins that moves me forward whether it be against you or anyone else."

"Don't tell me you cannot lose, because trust me my friend...you most certainly can."

"You can lose here...and you can lose...there....where you think you're sneaking around being clever. You know what I'm talking about, Irish. But you haven't even scratched the surface with me yet, so if I were you I'd plan my next move very....very carefully."

"Sorry I don't have a cute sight gag for you today. I ran out of rubber chickens and fake vomit."

"I guess instead of being the wrestling version of Bozo the Clown...I'll just concern myself with dropping you on your head and moving on out of Greensboro."



League Member
Nov 1, 2005
Rochester, NY
Portland, Oregon. A city with a lot of rich cultural history, too bad James and Erin don't know any of it. Yet, anyway. Regardless, it's the site of the TEAM Tournament Quarter Finals, and thus there they are. We catch them downtown, bundled up for the winter's cold, and walking into a grocery store while James is still holding that Nerf ball. Erin grabs a grocery cart, and the two begin to shop...

JIrish: It happens to me every time. I try to show someone what I believe to be their proper respect, and it gets called ass kissing. Look, Danny Boy, you're good and all... but your ass is not doing it for me. I wouldn't kiss it if you promised me a title shot in EPW and a night with one of those lovely ring girls that work for you. If I'm going to kiss anyone's ass around here, it's Erin's, and she's already made me agree not to pursue her in any romantic and/or sexual fashion.

Erin: We did that a long time ago, the lad an' I, an' I think our business relationship and our friendship are both stronger for it.

JIrish: Regardless of that, since you seem to want to throw a few things in my face, though in a reasonably polite way, that gives me a little elbow room. First of all... yes, that World Title shot did mean something to me then. But you saw how it turned out in the end, right? I blew it. I'm now an older, far wiser and somewhat more whacked man than I was the first two times we met. And I didn't even know much about your reputation back then, just that you were someone who Lindsay Troy had nothing but respect for, and frankly, took himself far more seriously than I thought was necessary.

I know better now, Dan. Much better.

So, in the respect that I'm entering this match with my eyes wide open with regards to your reputation and- WOAH!!

James is taken aback by a bunch of cantaloupes and grapefruits tumbling from a produce section display that suddenly decided to break while the duo were walking past. He slips up and falls... but keeps that Nerf ball held up in his hand. Erin jumps back while this happens.

I didn't do it! It wasn't me!

Some of the store's workers arrive and start cleaning up.

Erin: Seriously, it wasn't him... though he is takin' that "don't drop the ball" gag a little far now.

JIrish: Hey, when I say something I mean it. Besides, I wouldn't want Dan to make a fool of himself trying to do some sight gag of his own. That would ruin his precious legendary image.

The two keep moving.

Now, I do have to take some question to this claim of yours that you make the rest of the wrestling world go 'round. Because if this is the case, Mr. Ryan, how do you think that a company like A1E managed to develop the following it did even before the mass exodus of MBE talent when that company went under? It certainly had nothing to do with either of us. And I don't have to name any of the names that did have something to do with it. Lord only knows there's enough large egos in this business that a man with your moniker would never run out of ones to, *ahem* bust.

Erin: Lad... don't make me say it.

JIrish: Come on, Erin, you know you want to.

Erin: *sigh*... Who ya gonna call?

JIrish: Ego Busters, that's who!

Even the camera man groans at that one.

So, as I was saying, Dan, your reputation is just that. A well deserved one, yes, but it's not something that intimidates me. I'm not concerned about the past, or our potential future, either. This match is merely about two- HEY!!!

Some bunch of nutcase kids go racing down the isles, one pushing the rest in a shopping cart. They nearly bowl over James while their mother chases after them.

Mother: Sorry about that, sir. HEY!! THAT'S ENOUGH!!! STOP OR YOU'RE ALL GROUNDED!!!

James just looks surprised, but then he checks himself, and yes, he still hasn't dropped that Nerf ball.

JIrish: Sheesh, were we ever that out of control as kids?

Erin: Yer mother once told me ye went down a flight of stairs in a laundry basket when ye were seven.

JIrish: Yeah, and once was enough, considering the front door was right in front of the stairs.*

As I was saying, this is merely about two men who want nothing more than the first piece of TEAM History to themselves. It's a greedy sort of motivation, I know, but in this business, altruism is often all too rare. So why not call it what it is, y'know? You've made more than enough history, Dan. It's time I got started on some of my own, and it's going to have to be at your expense.

I said I "cannot" lose. Does not mean I "will not" lose, because let's face it, it's definitely possible. But seriously, Dan, what good am I in this business if I can't hold my own against the ones who seem to know how to set the score in it? The ones who seem to find their way to the top with barely any trouble at all, no matter where they go or who they manage to piss off.

I don't have to say you're one such person, Dan. People seem to believe it, anyway. I just call it like I see it.

And right now... I see one big target. One I respect, but a target regardless. And while I can only imagine the conditions you can create that would make me lose, you'd better start using your imagination, too, Dan. Because when I start to get thinking...

James just smiles that "I have an idea" smile.

By the way... you really think you can predict my next move "over there?" Good. That's just what I wanted to hear.

Fade out.

*True story, folks. Explains a lot, huh?


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX

Dan Ryan sitting in the back of a crowded sports bar, a section roped off and private away from the throngs of college football fans celebrating Texas' first National Championship since 1969.

Ryan leans back, sips on a bottled water and spreads his arms out.

Ryan: "You know James, you're right. I'm not much of a sight gag kinda guy."

"I mean, I like a lighthearted romp through the grocery store as much as the next guy...."


"Did I just say a lighthearted romp through the grocery store?"

Ryan shakes it off...

"I was saying...the sight gag is fine, James. What we do is entertainment partly after all. So long as at least nearly half of your segment actually addresses the match I'm cool with it."

"After all, falling melons....that's gold right there."

"But since you took some question to my claim, allow me to take some question to your questioning."

"I'm pretty sure I was referring to the world outside of the A1E influence when I said you stepped out and found out that I make the wrestling world go 'round around here. Yeah....pretty sure that's what I meant. Always drifting back to A1E aren't you? That's okay."

"And naturally I didn't say I was responsible for all past successes of these companies I'm in today. What I said is that I am what makes the world go 'round. Present tense. Semantics, I know but it's an important distinction you might wanna make if you're gonna question it."

"And of course, you're another in a line of people who think this has all been easy for me. As though I showed up in Greensboro one day and Chad Merritt thought I had a good firm handshake, so he handed over his World Title."

"Or maybe I walk into every company that ever opens and my opponents fall at my feet upon hearing my name."

"It's all so easy. I go to the top so easily."

"No James. I go to the top because of my determination, hard work and God given ability. I go to the top because I don't let minor setbacks derail me from the bigger picture."

"I go to the top because I have the quality that leads the merely skilled to become the legendary. And because I've worked so hard and come through so much, I've been given that status by other people and don't have to bestow it upon myself."

"And what you're doing...over there?...if it sells tickets, it'll go well for you won't it? If you become the star, all the better. I can make some use of you if so."

"I know you have to say you cannot lose, you will not lose, whatever. You want your big break and I'm always that holy grail for guys like you on the cusp of greatness."

"But I'm not in the business of giving you a name this week, James. I'm not interested today in making you a bankable commodity in this business and crowning you the new king. There will be no passing of the torch in Greensboro, Irish."

"You don't know what my motivation is despite you thinking you have it all figured out. But I will tell you this much....the plan does not include losing."

"If the world thinks you can't hold your own against the better wrestlers around? So what? I don't really care. That's your concern and your problem. I know it's incumbent upon you to tell us all about your inner struggles but I'd just as soon dump you on your neck as watch you carry a nerf around and dodge canteloupe."

"What you shouldn't do is have your eyes wide open about my...reputation."

"What you should do is actually go watch some tape and have your eyes wide open about the facts."

"You're a walking contradiction. You're a smartass who offers respect, who juggles a half dozen tomatos while lecturing us all about the inner demons we all as wrestlers face....the fight to be known, to be recognized, to be respected."

"Pick one, James. Serious or a clown, not both."

"As for me, I'll stick with what got me where I am today."

"It all comes off as forced from you, James. So maybe what you need to do is to stop bullsh***ing and just bring it, hmm?"

"How would that be? No more goofy crap about being older and wiser and learning so much and blah blah blah blah blah."

"Let's just have a match, hmm? You and me....and a chance for me to erase a couple of blemishes on my record....and a chance to move on out of Greensboro and to the semifinals."

"Then, we'll go elsewhere and see if the real fun begins."



League Member
Nov 1, 2005
Rochester, NY
The scene is backstage at, oh, whatever arena we're at, I don't know. Look, I just get paid to narrate, all right? Here's James and Erin, walking through the corridors planning for the match, blah, blah, blah...

JIrish: My, my, aren't we unflappable, Mr. Ryan? Well, today is your lucky day. I'm not going to try to push you to your absolute limits at all. I'm saving that for later. Much later, in fact. But that would seem to be what's gotten into your craw, isn't it, Dan?

Erin: Glad I took my headache medicine this mornin'. I have a feeling this one may be painful.

JIrish: So, I have to choose serious or clown, huh? Well, Dan, let's be honest. I'm a man, not a machine. Some people might be able to be all funny, all the dang time, but when you travel around the world (especially frequently across oceans with A1E over in Europe right now), put your health and well-being on the line at least three nights a week, and are lucky to be sleeping in your own bed more than one night in a row... sometimes you just find yourself unable to "bring the funny." That's what the kids are saying now, right?

Besides, does it not add depth to the clown if there is a tear running down his cheeks? I mean, there's some sad things known to man, as the song goes. And furthermore, take a good look the comedic genius Danny Kaye. His most famous movies, like "The Court Jester," "The Secret Life of Waldo Mitty," and even "Hans Christian Anderson." Sure, he brings a certain unique brand madcap lunacy to those movies, but he also works on another level entirely, in that he makes a believable romantic lead opposite to female characters. And not a single thing he does isn't phoned in, every performance is from the heart. Want something more recent? Tom Hanks. We know him now as a serious Oscar winning actor, but how did he get his start? Dressing in drag, in the sitcom "Bosom Buddies." Quite a silly start for the guy who would be Gump, huh?

Erin just looks at James with that "I know you're trying to be serious, but it's still kind of sad" look.

Erin: Danny Kaye, lad? Seriously, ye can't even buy his movies in stores anymore.

JIrish: And it's a damn shame, too. Through him I learned the silliness of syncopation, the finer facts of fictionalization, and the allure of alliteration. Though I'm still memorizing that whole "chalice from the palace" bit...

Point is, Dan, there's far more to me than the absurd. There's a working brain up here behind the madness that's dead set on taking the Ego Buster down a few notches himself.

And, frankly, some things I don't even plan. Those supermarket mishaps, for example. Believe me, some days bad luck just finds you.

... okay, okay, so I paid those kids off with a Snickers bar each, but still!

My point, and I do have one, is that while you're overanalyzing the overt obtuseness of my oral op-eds, you've already fallen into the trap, Dan. Now you're ripe to be picked like so many oranges.

Erin: Come on, lad. Besides channeling a certain would-be dictator, don't ye think yer gettin' too far ahead of yourself?

JIrish: Maybe I am. But then, Dan needs to have some fun now, too, right? I mean, what fun is a match if we're not somehow at odds?

Which actually leads me to a big question, Dan. We've touched a lot about all these federations you're a part of, and something occurred to me.

When does it stop being about pride and love, Dan, and start being about a paycheck?

Is there really that much you haven't done yet that you think you have to put yourself through all this mania? What is there that you feel you need to prove to the rest of this business? That you're the best? That no one has your endurance? That you can rack up the most frequent flyer miles??? Or maybe you just took the song "Traveling Man" by Dion too literally!

At what cost are you paying to become the wrestling world's "Man Who Has Everything"? What kind of toll is this going to take on your body, or for that matter your psyche? And who do you share it with, Dan?

Erin: I swear, if you start singin' "The Rainbow Connection," lad, I'm gonna kick yer arse...

JIrish: I'm saving the Muppet gags for that Windham fellow, thank you very much.

Besides, we have just discovered the irony of someone who calls himself the "Ego Buster" feeling the need to try to be everywhere and do everything. Yes, it's merely a moniker, and you don't try to make it a gimmick out of it unlike some people (though even I must admit the genius of the Muffin Man), but regardless this little sign of pride suddenly became as obvious as the nose on my face. Especially after it got broken last year. But the human body has it's limits, Dan. You've been around long enough to know that better than most of us. And the mind has them, too. Do you think you can risk the mental exhaustion of the kind of workload you put upon yourself?

Well, so far you've managed to do that pretty well. But let's see if you pass the Energizer test this week.

"Still going... nothing outlasts the Ego Buster. He keeps going... and going..."

Erin actually chuckles at that one, and smiles at James.

JIrish: You see that? Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. Seeya in the ring, Dan.

Fade out.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX

Dan Ryan, flush against a ring set up in a large workout room in Greensboro. Ryan leans back on the apron, arms folded as students in the local wrestling school run the ropes inside.

Ryan: "James, is it really so hard to refrain from trying to psychoanalyze me at every turn? Is it, really?"

"You remind me of my little cousin back in Texas. He makes these grandiose discoveries, eyes wide and feels like he got one over on everybody. He smirks and acts like he should've known it all along and we're all so stupid for not realizing it."

"Except he's wrong."

"But he's a kid, and he's stupid. That's how kids are."

"You're a grown man. Stop acting like you know me, please."

"I'm working for many companies because there are people in this business who I believe in. There are people in this business whose success can mean the difference between our great sport dying a slow death or reaching forward and touching a new boom in the industry."

"I facing you this week because I have that mindset. We're here in Greensboro because the owner of this operation is a man I believe in, who can do great things if given the proper kickstart. The same goes for over in UCW, where two men I have a great deal of respect for and who I believe have all the potential in the world are starting up their business."

"If nothing else, you can't deny that I am at an all-time high in name value. The bottom line is that I can give back in this way without requesting anything in return simply because right now I don't need it."

"I'm not some over the hill hack who's trying to bank in on his former glory. This isn't a greed thing. It's a giving back thing."

"And when exactly did it become logical to join start-ups, if I were trying to simply cash as many checks as possible? Do you think the payoffs from these little companies break the bank, James?"

"There is inherent value in helping to develop the next generation of wrestler, Irish."

"If they win, then I win. If they win, we all win."

"A booming industry is good for us all; more asses in the seats, higher buyrates, it's all the sort of thing a responsible member of society would think about."

"I'm no leech, trying to suck the business dry for every penny, because it's a business I love, that I live for, and that I intend to be a part of for a very long time."

"Don't pat yourself on the back to hard, buddy."

"You're not all that insightful and you're putting yourself on a path I'm not so sure you want any part of."

"Too many people like you have stepped forward and tried to get in my way, tried to break me down as some sort of ritual of manhood."

"But let me put it for your simply, and believe me when I say this it's no cliche' and it's no empty threat."


"Is that as clear as it can possibly be to you?"

"I'm not falling into any trap, and trust me James...if I decide to spring a trap on you, you won't even know there is one until it's sprung. You'll be walking along, whistling down the lane one moment and the next moment ruined horribly."

"Take your lumps, live your life, do what you do. Don't f**k with me, Irish."

"I promise you'll regret it."


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