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GREENSBORO 2ND: Andrew Gilkison vs. James Irish


League Member
Nov 1, 2005
Rochester, NY
Running WAY late!

Returning to Greensboro via airplane for a quick break from A1E's Eurpoean Tour, James Irish and Erin Flanagan step into the terminal with some extreme jet lag.

Erin: Lad... tell me why we're doin' this? Our internal clocks are going t' be completely inside out by the time we're done.

JIrish: How was... *yawn* I supposed to know we were going to be booked between continents? This is the first year A1E has toured Europe, normally we just hit England for the Pier 6 Brawl and all that to kick off the new year. But a commitment's a commitment, and we're not ducking out of this match, no matter how long it took us to get our rear ends here.

Erin: Yeah, yer right. At least we'll rack up enough frequent flyer miles for the future.

JIrish: Too true. But I'm wondering if we should have taped this match while in Europe, because one of our fellow A1E stars, Andrew F'N Gilkie himself, will be my opponent.

Erin: Talk about night and day from the Sergeant. Whereas he was still learning his trade and wanted to do things the right way, Andy's been in this business as long as you have. And as much as he wants to stick to doing things his way...

JIrish: ... the Highland Social Park Club has him on a leash in A1E. Now, for those of you who don't know A1E from UB40, the HPSC is the wrestling version of high society. Chip Friendly, Richard Farnswirth and to a somewhat lesser extent Duchess, they're filthy rich and they think they're socially and generally superior to the wrestling world at large. They've got some muscle to back up their technical style, namely the deranged, demented and deluded Slambo the Clown, and Farnswirth's right hand man, Mr. Fikes. They also have Andrew Gilkison under contract to them lock, stock and barrel thanks to the fine print from when he ran with them a long time ago. By this business' standards, anyway.

As a matter of fact, the poor guy and I were in one of his first matches after they decided to pull him back into the fold against his will.

But now... no Highland Park'ers to get in our way. No smell of whatever Slambo has been sleeping in. No fear of a shoe upside the head from Duchess, or any run-ins. And Andrew... he can cut loose and do things the way he wants to. Sounds like at least a vacation for him.

Erin: That's good an' all, lad, but this tournament might be just th' thing Gilkison needs to cement his place as a legend in this business. Nothin' personal, but ye've got a ways t' go on that yerself.

JIrish: Everyone's a critic. *yawwwwwwwn*... well, I'll agree with the part about Andy. He's this close to reaching that final level.

Too bad he's got to go through me to do it.

Now, let's just get our asses to the hotel. Flying trans-continental is no picnic, especially when they screwed up the movie signal and instead of "Batman Begins" we got "Gigli".

Erin: How did that even happen?

JIrish: Somehow, I think it wasn't a coincidence... someone is trying to get into my head...

Fade out


League Member
Jun 28, 2005
I am running later than you!

Edit: Nevermind, I missed the deadline.

Congrats on the win, James. Sorry I couldn't promo sooner.
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