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Gary, Indiana House Card 00


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
(Backstage following the Movement's loss to Kraven and Flatliner. A sweaty and battered Rocky Wellington massages his neck with his right hand. The bruised Rockwell slumps into a foldup chair. Even Britni's normal smile has disappeared.)

SHANE ROCKWELL: "Them sonsabitches thought we'd lay down for 'em?" (Barely chuckles. Rockwell rises up and grabs a towel from his locker and uses the towel to dry his sweaty face.) "As for Parker and Rogers, well boys, I'd say that the new tag team champs stuck it right up your ass too."

ROCKY WELLINGTON: (Standing up and gathering some gear from his locker) "Crimeny, my neck feels as if it's been torn in two."

SHANE ROCKWELL: "It's cool Rocky. Those two got the best of us. We'll get back at 'em. We just gotta beat them two cowboys again."


SHANE ROCKWELL: "Easy buddy. Listen, we beat those two before. Hell, we'll do it again. Parker, Rogers, we stuffed our feet up your asses before. Do yourselves and us a favor, stay away from the ring. 'cause I promise you, you ain't seen nothing, and I mean NOTHING that the Movement is ready to do. JC. We schooled your ass didn't we? But to hell with it, 'cause we walked away empty handed. Next time fellas, we won't. Now stick that up your ass and try it on for size."


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
The Witty One

(Cue up "Shebeen" by the Toasters.)

(Fade into the Jobber's Whitelandia compound. Cut to the living room, where the Jobber sits on his couch, not as he always does, because this time he has the GLCW Television title over his shoulder.)

The Jobber: So you've finally accepted it, albeit in a rather sarcastic fashion. There is a reason the GLCW did not make our match for the Television title Wolf. It isn't because I hadn't won it yet, because really that happening never occured to them. You just aren't up to the caliber of an opponent who should be able to lose to me in a title match. You are just another dull repetitive upstart who makes big statements and hopes no one calls his bluff.

I'm not sure how you become more dangerous to me as I continue to blow you off. It's not as though I've neglected to noticed I have a match with you, I realize that I do, and just accept the fact that you are not the opponent you think you are. If you think that you can provide more of a challenge than Jared Poe, and the others I could have faced on top of that? If you do, you are quite mad. Poe might be a pathetic individual, but he is a game opponent, where you are unseasoned, and arrogant. A man may be seasoned and arrogant, because he has earned the right to believe in his abilities.

But there might be one thing you have to your advantage Wolf. It isn't much, but as I said after my victory, I said that soon the pain would set in, and I'd be lying if I said it hadn't set in now.
I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be in pain during our match. But that pain will just be a reminder of my chance to scare Jared Poe and his kind out of professional wrestling. For some reason, I have a feeling you are more like Poe's type than my type Wolf. Maybe less heavy on the tatoos, and the other trends, but perhaps that pain will end in another of these worthless enigma's leaving this sport. I'm sick of those who speak only to ask questions, and never to give answers. I'm tired of wrestlers who think it will give them some sort of edge to be an enigma, to be mysterious in some way. It doesn't make you some sort of god to try to be different Wolf, it doesn't make you special, it just makes you another member of the cult of alternative. Continue leafing through the thesaurus so you can put up a facade of intelligence as I continue to assault you with criticism. But your careless errors make it known that you are a fool without a thought in your head. That as much as you try to play it off as a falacy, that you are exactly what I accused you of. You are a person with a 3rd grade mentality. You can joke about the accusation, but I am not sure anyone will take your assurances that you are mature seriously when you mention someone's mother in an insulting manner.

Wolf, I can continue to nit pick you because there just isn't anything else to do. You will come to the ring, you will try to play the part of someone who is different, and you will fall to someone who is still battered from his last battle with one who wanted to be different. You can smoke as much as you want to seem edgy, you can perch wherever you choose, but the fact remains you are just another member of this new breed that has found a common ground in the word different. Each of you will fall to me during my reign as Television champion, and each of you will serve as a stepping stone to the next level, the level I rightfully deserve.

(Fade out)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Just a rest stop

(The camera opens backstage at the Genesis Convention Center. As a slew of production crew prepare for tonight. Jarod sits atop one of the numerous empty equipment boxes watching as the people go bye. He checks the time on the wall as he extends a ringed finger to call forth the camera-man. Jarod stands on his feet and peers coldly into the camera)

Poe: Well here we are Michael. In just a few short hours we'll once again meet in the ring. As I said it's not that I don't want this match it's that I wanted it to mean more. No you deny your desperation at beating me, but that is expected. You've wasted away and respect in self-worth you've ever had in my eyes. I now wonder if any of the stories I've heard about you were true...or you have always been this pathetic. I find you a sad little man who needs only the prize of gold and glory to strive for. After all that's all I see you really after. Your actions speak so much clearer than any words that come from your mouth.

(Jarod pauses as somebody runs in front of the camera a cable dragging behind them)

Poe: Sure I could look for a moral victory in what you did to me, but I really don't care. You see I'm not as shallow as you Michael...not in this for just the chance to wrap a few pounds of tin around my waist. You see it will in the end mean nothing should you posses it. See for me the belt is the measure of a man. It's reputation that of the champion that holds it. In you I see a man with little insight on the person standing across the ring from him. I see a coward who would rather stalk a man's family then confront him directly and I see a coward who cheats his way to everything he wants in life. In the end those means will be succesful, but with every amout of succes...there is a price to be paid. For you Michael...I will make you pay. Maybe not tonight...maybe not the next night...but in time...
*smiles* Pay you will

(Jarod cracks his knuckles before continuing)

Poe: See you don't understadn me. you think I'm this dark gothic depression act. I'm not. In fact I haven't been as happy as I am in a long time. I've found a path in life that makes me pleased with myself...which is more then I can say for you. It's just you and all the others look and judge. Your simple minds make that snap decisiion and the words just come tumbeling out of your mouth. Sure you say you don't care, but if you truly didn't...the thought wouldn't cross your mind. Deep down though I think you worry Michael...that target is on your back and the pressure is growing. Well it's going to get a whole lot worse. I'm going to turn on the heat on you EVERY chance I get and tonight is just the start.

(Jarod steps closer to the camera his cold eyes peering deeper)

Poe: See Michael...you saw you came here you give us all hope, but that's just another lie to justify your actions. What I see is a man who slowly see a new generation coming to replace him. You've been around along time Michael...along time....the years have been tough and the wars brutal. Your actions since stepping foot in the GLCW don't show us the signs of a great warrior in his prime, but a quickly growing deperate man taking every advantage he can. Well I'm going to keep you on that path, because even if I never get a shot should you win the title...I really don't care. I'm going to do my best to take what little respect...humanity...pride and if you even have any...joy in your life. You can't make me miserable Michael...there's othing more you could possible take away...ah, but you...you have so much more to lose then me.

(Jarod let's loose an evil laugh)

Poe: In the end you'll see I had a plan for you. A road to hell to take you on. Tonight...even it's just Gary, Indiana you can consider it just a small rest stop for the final journey. One way or another you might have stopped my path to the title Michael, but my new goal to amke your life a living hell... *grins* Well that one has just started. I'll see you soon Michael...better be in your game or Gary, Indiana...well it might be a meaningless night you never forget

(Jarod turns his back and walks away)



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Hopefully Uncharacteristic Idiocy...

I would like to apologize to both JC and Joe for letting them down by not RPing. I just got home and it's obviously already past the deadline. So...Jesus, guys, I am sorry to ruin what should be a great match.


The Game

(( Fade in on John Skieler lacing up his wrestling boots backstage at a GLCW event. He's shirtless with his black tights on, and his expression is more dour than usual. ))

JOHN SKIELER: I think maybe you're a little confused kid. I heard you call Martinez and Maelstrom and the rest of those headlining chumps heroes. This ain't about heroes and villains. This is about men fighting for what they want. You don't dress it up, you don't pretend like it matters to anyone but the men involved. Otherwise, you turn into some idiot fan boy.

Some "lost cause." You're trying to be the most hated man in the game, huh? That sounds like an aspiration. That sounds like a dream to me. You keep trying to play off this whole "Don't follow the rules, I'm a rebel" kinda attitude. You talk about that kinda stuff a lot. But what I want to know is -- are you really proving it? I mean, I've seen you do a lot to try and become wrestling's most hated man, but you still do it by playing the game. You're no rebel, you're no lost cause -- you're still a part of the game. You still follow the rules. All of which means that the game is able to eat you alive -- and trust me kid, it's more than willing to do it.

You've been pointing fingers at the guys up top, saying how they're just frauds, and we're idiots to believe that they're anything more. O'Neil, you're playing the game just like they are. You're doing it the same damn way. If they're frauds, then you're just as bad.

But you did ask a question: who am I? I'm just like you, kid. I play the game. But the difference between you and me is that I know that this is all just a game. There are no heroes, no villains, and there's no one outside of it that matters. There's just the guys struggling to get to the top, to win. You're stupid enough to believe that there's more to it than that. Me? I know only one thing. All that matters is that I plow through you in Gary. That's it. I don't plan on being the good guy, or the bad guy, or the man with a dream, or any of that BS. I'm just the guy that's trying to stay alive in the game, one victim at a time...

(( Fade out. ))

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