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Gant / Rage vs Horror Business


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Hickory USA
Open for Business

OOC- See the World Title thread for the reason of my tardiness.

Fade up on Commissioner JP standing in front of a GXW backdrop with Paul Zombie and Kyle Carson, Horror Business, flanking him.

JP: You see guys...it's like this. Rage...Gant...you two might have done some good things lately. Wowed some folks. Put on some top notch matches. But apparently...you f***ed up.

JP smirks, pacing back and forth.

JP: That's the only CONCEIVABLE reason I can imagine that the front office would put you up against my Horror Business. These two pieces of human trash behind me might have been getting slack lately, but by god I've whipped them into shape so fast that their heads are STILL spinning.

He pauses.

JP: And speaking of spinning, that's exactly what your heads will be doing after Horror Business beats your asses right back to the States.

The Commissioner laughs, slapping a hand down on Paul Zombie's shoulder.

JP: Nuff said.

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