Foxx sits on a hotel bed in a dimly lit hotel room. Anyone who's been paying attention to EPW would recognize it as the same room from her latest chat with Shawn Hart in preparation for the Television Title match over there. Apparently since she hasn't traveled since then, chances are she's in Iowa. She doesn't really look too happy...
"Do you think YOU'RE my ideal opponent to start off my run in New Era outside the now defunct women's division, Mr. Wells?! I would certainly hope not. A chauvinistic womanizer with no regard for anyone but himself and the attitude that he's the best thing that's happened to the planet since sliced f**king bread is NOT my idea of a good time!"
"You can make claims of being legendary, but I just don't see it...anywhere. All I see is a drunken pervert with an attitude. If you really are so great, prove it. Not with words. Not with a past that means absolutely jack at this point in time. Prove it by working your way back up the rungs of greatness."
"It's not my fault the women's division was dissolved and I have to start all over again, but decided to leave everything and come back and expect everyone to ooh and ah at you like you're some herculean athlete come back to take his rightful place. You LEFT. Have you been working? Keepin yourself at the top of your game? Or have you been knocking back booze and bringing women to your bed with confidence and stories of being a star, making time here and there to maybe lift a weight or two?"
"We don't know til you get there in the ring and show if you still got what you left with. Me? I've been working myself bloody, preparing to rectify past mistakes and make my return something noteworthy. I will NOT be ignored and I will NOT be dismissed. I may be okay with being passed by and left behind, but it sure as hell won't be because I wasn't trying to make it farther and it DEFINITELY won't be because I'm a woman."
"I plan to go in there and give one hundred percent of the talent I possess to crush your jaded perspective of me and come out of my first match with a win. I hope you plan to do the same, cuz I haven't found any reason to fear or respect you in any form of the words, sir. Prove. Me. Wrong."
"Apparently you don't do research. Do you find it funny that I knew nothing about you and had to browse some archives to come up with anything? Go figure. Yeah, I looked you up to know what I may be in store for. I came prepared for you to underestimate me and crack a few sex jokes. Well your jokes ain't funny. Yeah, I really AM a virgin, but the only problem is jerks like you. I'm not one to just hop in the sack cuz it supposedly feels fantastic. I wanna make something of it and so far I haven't found a single man that I might even consider. You?! HA! You gotta be kiddin me?!"
"I'm also slightly insulted... Since when is twenty-two a 'late age'? I came out of high school with a diploma and a dream and shipped straight off to Japan and pursued my career path from there. I can understand the fact you didn't research...but do I really look that much older?..."
"I tried looking up just what a 'shim' is and the only things I found were a rock band, some people's names and something used in engineering, but I'm going to take a wild guess at just what exactly you meant and ask you just what you think I should be driving? I really don't care what I drive, but that ole truck a mine hasn't failed me yet and I don't plan on junkin it for a good long time. I'm not a shim nor have I ever been. You however are an extroardinarily huge *sshole. I really don't see what any of that has to do with retiring though."
Long, drawn out sigh. Damn this is gettin old.
"Anyways, you go ahead and 'stain my dress', but realize that I'm not really a big fan of dresses and have no problem lighting it on fire and tossing it back at you. You better watch it though. That high horse you're on seems to be made of dry kindling wood. Wouldn't want it to catch fire and send you hurtling back to Earth and the world where you're not so great as you make yourself seem."
Realization flashes onto her face.
"OH! Almost forgot the entire reason I wanted to speak again. The question presented, Mr. Wells, was 'WHY?'. I asked you why and all I got was a message based on your rampant sexual tendencies berating my opinion and the way I do things and blabbering on about how you shouldn't be fighting Foxx in your first match back."
"By the way, do you realize Jason Payne did almost the EXACT same thing when HE faced me? I wouldn't ask him how the match went. He seemed pretty peeved."
"But really, the question isn't who, what, where, how or when. The question is why. You give me that answer and I'll keep my mouth shut for the rest of the week and allow you peace to do whatever it is Jared Wells does in his spare time."
She leans a bit closer to the camera as the old, friendly Foxx smile we're all used to returns to us.
"So... Care to share?"