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Jan 24, 2007

What did we do right?

What did we do wrong?

Match of the Night?

Segment of the Night?

Top Face of the Night?

Top Heel of the Night?

On the Bubble / Who is about to break out?

Favorite Quotes?

Mark-Out Moments?

How was the overall reading experience?


Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO
What did we do right?
Voices felt really distinctive, and that's characterization 101. No faces felt like heels, no heels felt like faces, everyone conveyed their roles really well and that's rare and rad as shit. Curtis Penn in particular was on point as a heel piece of shit.

What did we do wrong?
Not interested in putting down anything. Too much goodness.

Match of the Night?

Big fan of the main event, Box/Troy. Honorable mention to Ryan/Holiday, which also had some crazy implications.

Segment of the Night?

I want to give some love to the first half of the show and The Precipice as a seg. Also liked Enough Is Enough followed by Office Envy pt. 2

Top Face of the Night?
David Noble. Loved everything he did on the show.

Top Heel of the Night?
I'm going to give some love to Jake Donovan for stepping out of the old comfort zone and that asshole "win by no-show" shit early in the card. It's full-on Theon Greyjoy "you are now truly lost" shit and I love it.

On the Bubble / Who is about to break out?
Harmony did a lot of great stuff on the card.

Favorite Quotes?
I'm going to pat myself on the back for this -
The BELL CLAP is the ONLY THING THAT MATTERS ON GOD’S GREEN EARTH whenever Henry’s in the ring. And you can’t fucking BELL CLAP with one arm.

Mark-Out Moments?
The segments were so fierce in general and there was so much from David Noble that I loved. This was a show about fighting absurdly hard and I loved how every character fit into that scope.

How was the overall reading experience?

Super good.


Jan 24, 2007
What did we do right?

So much was done right tonight. Set up the top three matches of the upcoming Maximum DEFIANCE card back-to-back-to-back basically with Troy vs. Ryan vs. Dewey, Noble vs. Mushi, and Box vs. Holiday/Penn. Lots of tension throughout the night as so many dominoes fell into place. This tournament has been phenomenal to watch unfold and definitely did the trick. Some great storytelling was done here and has set up a phenomenal finals with Box facing off against Holiday or Penn.

As much as there is to say about the top of the cad, it’s the other feuds that have kept things moving in a the right direction. Say what you will about any of the feuds, they each have an interesting element at the very least in each of them. Malachi/Harmony, Matthews/Matthews, Donovan/Freeman. Solid undercard matches that will help prop up the overall card with great storytelling.

This entire arc (and one more show and it’s all done) has been something to behold if I’m honest. Good stuff all around.

What did we do wrong?

Nothing, really. We need to keep cleaning up transitions and I think that’s a result of a desire from everyone to get the card UP. So we need just need to make sure everything is flowing right. I think one of the biggest things we can do is try to limit the number of matches on a card and make the overall cards tighter. Obviously the tournament had a lot to play in that, but it’s down to little things now to fix to improve the overall feel of a show.

Match of the Night?

Dan Ryan vs. Frank Holiday. Such a good match from Ken/Brunk here. It’s fun thinking that Holiday is a power wrestler, but no one is when you compare them to Ryan. I think that is a fun dynamic to play off of.

Segment of the Night?

Office Envy + Office Envy 2. With so much tension happening throughout the card, this brought some MUCH needed levity. The first one with Ty/Billy/Kelly had me rolling in laughs. This was such a great segment and while the second one wasn’t as good, they’re connected and there’s some good storytelling here. Can’t wait to see how this goes moving forward.

Top Face of the Night?

This is a tough one, if I am honest. We didn’t get to see the faces much outside of their matches. So LT/Frank Holiday with the tie here.

Top Heel of the Night?

Oh, this is an easier one. Eugene Dewey. Screwing over LT + Dan Ryan in the same night? Yeah, heel of the night for sure. Getting his comeuppance in the last segment cemented it.

On the Bubble / Who is about to break out?

We’ve got some new/returning folks getting back into the fold, which is great. Harmony/Ryan Matthews is on the radar for sure.

Favorite Quotes?

Kelly Evans: [death glare engaged]

That one was done by Lindz and cracked me up.

Mark-Out Moments?

The last segment with Kelly Evans just going off.

How was the overall reading experience?

Phenomenal. Can’t wait to see how the PPV goes!


Staff member
Jun 26, 2009
It should be noted that I'm handing out title runs, feuds, cash money, and favor based on feedback.

UTA gets ten to fifteen within 24 hours of their cards going up, we can't get five in a week?




Jan 11, 2013
The Land of Cheese
A hero to us all. Whether you got to see him in action, listen to him on commentary, watch and learn from his amazing promo work, and of course hear him discuss the business… Everyone was a fan of the American Dream… Dusty Rhodes will be missed.

Keepin’ it simple and moving along.

EUGESMASH! And now we gotta find out what’ll be setup for the champ at MAXDEF. Good stuff, not tons of talking, make it short, simple and too the point that puts over what it needs to. Euge is not happy and not in the mood and will lash out with a hair trigger.

Heel Jake 8( I have to ask, where does this go? Because there’s no way this shouldn’t go somewhere. Even if Jake is using Sam’s name to try and get over via new heel dickishness. We shall see.

Ryan continuing to hammer this program, and look, there’s a little sneak peak at Matthews and Harmony and that they’re not quite friends anymore.

Ken and I came up with this segment randomly based on a gag line near the end and it’s something of a ‘sequel’ to the Ty & Frank seg in Billy’s office. There will be things at play, so it may not make sense ‘right now,’ but it will in the future.

No waiting around to get this one started, and with these two, that makes sense… Love that you’ve played up Keyes’ arm throughout the tournament, or at least since the match with Box (where I believe it really became an issue, right?)... Excellent use of the dastardly heel manager to break the tough as nails babyface’s concentration… DAAAAAAAAAAAAG, fuck you, Dante, awesome… And then immediately sell the arm, good writing… Mushi savaging Keyes, the red haired bastard being tougher than a government mule… Ben, you need to look into a guy like Togi Makabe, that’s what I’m thinking with Keyes, just a tough bastard, not the most technically sound, but he’s pound for pound one of the best scrappers in DEFIANCE… Nice finish with Keyes just being so damn tough, but being so banged up makes the loss a ‘good’ one (or it doesn’t hurt him)... Good stuff, dunno why you were thinking this wasn’t quite up to par.

Hah, I wonder who did hire Logan to join DEFsec. Probably Dane’s idea, IMO.

Craig continuing to kill it with these super babyface promos via Noble.

Hah! Thanks for covering last weeks Ty & Penn shenanigans in the commentary… Another fast start, given the stakes with this match, it makes sense for these two to get right to it… I always love classic psychology and tactics, picking a limb and working it is one of the easiest ways to keep a match flowing, and gives the heel an “easy button” when he starts to get in trouble… HAH, BOOM! Noble gets rolling and Penn goes right to the arm to put the ol’ kybosh on that shit… Might should have had Noble sell the arm after the Frog Splash because of the impact on the arm upon landing it… REF BUMP ALERT!... Liked how that lead to the run in, I wouldn’t have had Penn need to hit an impact finish three times to get it done (I get what you were going for though, showing Noble’s grit and whatnot). Actually I might not have had Penn hit a lift/impact at all, maybe Noble gets up from the fall after being shoved off the top by Mushi. Noble slowly rises and gets picked off by some Curtis Penn cheapshot (big kick to the head, for example)... Penn wakes the ref up, 123, then Penn celebrates like the douchebag that he is, while Noble comes to and is full of piss and vinegar and proceeds as you wrote it from there… Regardless, another good effort from you, Craig. The end of this review is nitpicky as hell, I agree, and it doesn’t mean that I think what you wrote was wrong (too subjective to be honest), and it doesn’t take away from the match.

This match is about as well setup as you can get it. Mushi has been a right bastard to Noble for weeks on end. Noble has been the never say die underdog champion (he’s basically the new Eugene Dewey of DEFIANCE.) I really liked the ending interaction between Noble and Kelly as well, putting them on somewhat common ground is a good move. Shows Kelly isn’t favoring only established stars and acknowledges Noble (and by extension) Holiday’s impact in DEFIANCE.

Funny bits throughout. A nice call back with the granny panties line. Once again, this is continuing something. Just have to be patient in a long term sense.

Chickenshit heel stalling to start, I like… Clearly know how to run with Angus on commentary when it regards Harmony, hah, well done… HAAAAHAHAHAHA the commentary is fucking awesome… The action is solid too, but you even commented how the commentary was what was popping the most for you as you were writing… Good finish, and the post match back and forth with Malachi works… Might need to be a segment where Lindsay Troy takes issue with Harmony calling herself a queen, hah, but that can be some derpy fun kind of segment, too serious bee… And Malachi leaving her laying is a good last look before they throw down on PPV… Good first effort on the matchwriting front, Tracey, welcome aboard.

I see you realized you should make Sam younger than he originally was (wasn’t early 30s once before?). That works. And yeah, you pretty much had Keebs say it, this was basically pointless, except for Sam to appear and talk shit. Which is fine.

I like that the #bromance is not only real, it’s full force here. Frank being super duper aggro about Noble getting fucked over. Noble being surprisingly calm, but knowing he’s going to have his chance to whoop Mushigihara, so he’s gotta focus on that. Meanwhile, joining Billy as they try to reason with Frank to calm down and focus on what’s important. Even having to basically repeat themselves a couple of times, showing Frank is a bit thick and being clouded by anger making it worse. Then of course ends on a laugh spot. Very good work, guys.

I always love these opening power lockup exchanges… LOL Icarus Washington… Good action so far, Frank having to deal with the size and strength advantage of Ryan is being done well… I like that you’re not bothering with build up moves, this is for all intent and purpose a knock-out match, so they should both be on their proverbial horses and going all out… HAAAAAHAHA, the commentary in this match (and the Harmony match and the Noble/Penn match) is why we keep full results a thing outside of PPVs, good stuff (the bit about awkwardness between Ryan and Troy if they meet in the finals)… Short match, didn’t need to take up a lot of time, you got both guys some shine and the interference from Eugene keeps the heat going for him… Not great, but it’s not bad either, so don’t feel like this is some sort of let down (I know you weren’t completely satisfied because it was rushed), it got over what it needed to get over and didn’t hurt anybody in the process.

Dames hitting some good notes with the segment work on this show. And it’ll be played off nicely later on. This is a good reason to make sure people keep in touch so we can ensure things mesh together properly like they are on this show.

Bronson Box talking is always fun, there’s really not much more that needs to be said. Just good stuff, IMO. Angus having to handle the commentary briefly on his own was on point as well.

Nice surprise twist to open the match with LT coming in through the crowd… Brutal fighting here on the outside, LT being a savage, and then Box giving it right back to her… Nice back and forth, Box being brutish, Troy trying to find a way to get a step ahead, but Box is also a vicious, cheating bastard… Yep, Box being cocky is the good play to get Troy right back into it… Good counters being used by Troy and commentary to highlight the fact… Like the fact that you guys wrote Troy selling Boxer’s ability to eat her punishment like a Slasher Movie villain and just get right back up… And then play up Boxer getting very frustrated with LT’s own resiliency and the fact that he hadn’t already mopped the floor with her (as a guy like him thought he would)... Love that Box is straight taunting LT, waking her up and getting her back into the match again… Really good, brutal fight, masquerading as a wrestling match hah… FUUUUUUUU… Don’t know if this tops the Ladder Match from #50, but this is certainly in the Top 2-5 of the tournament so far… Not a fan of Keebs cussing, but the Crowning Glory spot was worthy of it… Haha at Angus’ displeasure of the flippy doo… Double Knockout finish, I dig it… Outstanding effort and easily the match of the night for sure.

Lindz, Evan and myself wrote this.


League Member
Aug 19, 2013
Winnipeg, MB
What did we do right?
I thought it was an excellent go-home show to set the stage for Maximum DEFIANCE. The tournament finals finally take shape, the FIST and SoHer Title matches come together, and the other ongoing angles come to a head. Great work all around.

What did we do wrong?
Why we gotta be negative? Can't pinpoint anything to gripe about.

Match of the Night?
Box vs. Troy. Everything a main event should be. Fantastic.

Segment of the Night?
There was so much strong work done for this show, I can't single anything out. Loved it all.

Top Face of the Night?
David Noble fo sho. He's an MVP in every way.

Top Heel of the Night?
For directly impacting the outcomes of two crucial DEF*MAX tournament matches and pretty much embodying the term "nerd rage" I say Eugene Dewey.

On the Bubble / Who is about to break out?
Harmony is making an excellent early impression so far.

Favorite Quotes?
Can I toot my own horn and say I enjoyed writing the commentary for Ryan/Holiday way too much? I was pretty proud of Icarus Washington. :p

Mark-Out Moments?
Kelly Evans laying down the law at the end of the show. "DID I STUTTER?" Awesome. Also, getting to work with James, Evan, Craig, and Brunk on the same card is markworthy for me.

How was the overall reading experience?
Very enjoyable! Also very long! Also the next runsheet got posted before this card even had a chance to cool down! With that in mind, how about we don't judge so harshly if we don't get tons of feedback within 24 hours of the show going up? Just a thought. :)


League Member
Aug 23, 2012
Such a very sad thing to see the passing of the American Dream, more even then his in ring body of work, I loved his way with words. Dusty was a poet, just brilliant on the mic.

Loving the ideas of the signs, will have to think of a few for Jake. The rundown was good, did what was needed to hype the card and ease the reader into it.

Dewey, wow, great mood builder, the silence, silence, blow up did more to tell us about his mindset than any words could have done. I’m so impressed with this new heel Eugene, I remember when he first came in as the video game loving nerd with the mouthpiece older brother, and the character has grown so much since then.

Sam vs Jake (Lol) was fun as hell to do, and yes, James this is going somewhere, this was a set up for next arc (yep, working ahead, finally!) have to say I am loving writing Jake as a heel.

I have enjoyed what’s being done to build up Ryan Matthews’ return to a DEFIANCE ring, and seeing this brief interaction with Harmony is a reminder of the past these two share. Will be interesting to see what happens once they start running into each other more.

Office envy: this was hilarious. Well the ending anyway, had to kinda feel bad for poor Billy until Ty took the attention off him and shoved his foot down his throat. Maybe Billy needs to find new clients first, THEN go back and try and get more office space.

Mushi vs Keyes: Keyes with the valiant fight, really sells the injury that has been plaguing him, and Mushi just beats on it like a beast ‘til he gets the victory. I think this match did what it needed to for both guys, Keyes can always come back and look for revenge by reminding Mushi he didn’t defeat him healthy, so its all gold here.

The precipice: I love that David’s intensity never wavers, he takes on each challenge head on and now he’s inviting Box to bring the fight to him. He never comes right out and says, hey, I want to face you in the ring, instead, he pretty much dares Box to come find him for a showdown, and its that kind of challenge that can make cards interesting for weeks to come.

So Penn on the mic is always fun, just wondering….is he shitting on the porch, or standing in the yard lol, its kinda the difference between a spear and a DDT is all lol. The match was great back and forth before Mushi got involved, and Noble comes out looking like a beast for all the kickouts and the end, Penn gets over awesome as the chickenshit heel and Mushi gets to leave pissed, which sets up their upcoming meeting. Good things by all here in this match. Love that it ended with Noble standing.

I have come to like Kelly Evans more and more with each passing show, decision and moment when she shows firmly that she is not going to be pushed around. She has a good head on her shoulders for business and her command presence has come a very very long way. Really dug this seg and the way she so easily had control of everything.

Loved this! Kelly Evans: [death glare engaged]

Office Envy Part 2: Jane in control for most, but I like that Billy shows some balls by the end, this backstage tension over offices is a pretty neat break from the usual, ‘I will kick your ass a million ways from Sunday’ tension. Lovin’ it.

Good job on furthering the Harmony/Malachi issue, with the Malachites interfearing in the match, loved Harm’s speech in the end, and of course Malachi has to leave her laying there to make his point. This situation is just heating up, and I think it is gonna be fun watching how it plays out and how long Malachi pursues her.

Phone a friend: heheeh, yeah you gave me some good material to work with there Sammy T.

Grab the FN ring: Man and I thought David was pissed, seeing Frank pissed on his behalf was really cool, good to see them back on the same page, watching each others backs, it might take two of them to shovel enough dirt on Mushi to get him buried lol, if anyone ever decided to build a doublewide casket to shove him in lol.

Nerd Rage, love that term. Eug with the impact moment there, and love the interview afterwards. This could build into something huge between Eug and Dan ‘insert this weeks moniker here’ Ryan. More than that it shows how the end of the tourney is being shaped and plays to the matches that came before.

Poor Keebler, and poor Angus if he ever has to call a main event alone. Wonder how much more threatening of the team he’ll do in the future, since he clearly didn’t silence them. Epic main event totally wrecked to hell by Eug, but Kelly, hell that last laying down of the law just made me love her more. Awesome set up to the DEF Max finalie.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
What did we do right?

Maximum Defiance was set up well. Everything seemed to fall into place logically. No real surprises, but that's fine. Sometimes the prevailing logic is the proper logic. You don't have to have big surprises all the time. The undercard is as strong as the upper card, and that's always vital to the health of a fed. We're strong up and down the show here.

What did we do wrong?

I don't think anything stood out as being wrong. People were on time as far as I can tell. Communication remains shaky unless someone steps in and brings everything together. We would benefit from someone making sure established plans are finalized and followed, and not changed midstream without everyone knowing what's going on. But, there haven't been major effects, just small things.

Match of the Night?

Going with our match, the Ryan/Holiday match. I was on vacation out of state, so aside from me giving Ken some notes for him to work with, the writing was all his, and I was into it. It told the story I hoped it would tell.

Segment of the Night?

Echo the Office Envy segments. I lol'd.

Top Face of the Night?

Lindsay Troy

Top Heel of the Night?

Eugene Dewey. Who else?

On the Bubble / Who is about to break out?

I think there's a clustered group of people who fall into this category. I'm not really ready to pinpoint just one, but Holiday should be in the discussion as he is currently in the middle of breaking out.

Favorite Quotes?


Mark-Out Moments?

The build to the FIST match at Max Def. I knew what was coming, but really enjoyed reading it back in fully fleshed out form.

How was the overall reading experience?

We're putting out consistently good shows and tight stories. I enjoyed the show, obviously.

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