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FAQ What The Circuit is about

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
Q- So what's this all about?

A-The Circuit is a plan I've had for a few years, a tournament based league modeled after Golf/Tennis with 4 major champions and 6 minor tournaments, I'd like to have it set up that each season runs like 8-9 months and all the tournaments happen each year at roughly the same time.

Q- Why would I care about the minor tournaments? I want to win the big stuff!

A- Well the minor tournaments have points/money awarded to the characters who compete in them, same as the majors. Most events have a playoff and at the end of the season only 1 person/team is truly happy, in The Circuit we could have 6 people who could all claim they had a successful yeah, 4 different people winning each major, another person winning the points leader and being ranked the #1 wrestler on the circuit, and a final character who made the most cash at the end of the season.

The minor tournaments will also be tune-ups for the majors. So if you're not used to the style of writing that the next event will be held in, it never hurts to try it in a minor event before you go to the big time.

Q- So what will the format of these tournaments be?

A- The first major, "The Legends" hosted in Greensboro, will be a straight trash talk styled Rp contest. I might put Rp limits/word limits on matches, but it will be the standard FWC fare of just cutting a promo on someone.

The second major "All American Championship" which is based out of some major arena in America, this will be a narrative Rp style event, again I'll figure out if I want Rp/word counts on the event.

The third major will be the "Global Grand Prix" which will be held somewhere outside America. At this moment I don't know exactly what format I want for this major, I would like it to be some form of collaborative writing, maybe forcing people to make tag teams and write joint Rp's, or just having two people work on each Rp. If that idea seems to bomb then I'll work something else out. Worse case we just do a freestyle "Rp however you want" format.

The final major will be "The PWC Championship" and will be a sort of a storyline driven final tournament. Pretty much over the course of the year, all the work people did Rp'ing in all the different events, showing up in minor events/writing storyline Rp's/writing columns about events (Like the news reports Katz has done in NFW) etc etc will be given weight here with the Rp's people do. Can you show up here without having done any 'extra credit' work and win? Sure, but you'll have to knock my socks off.

There will be two minor tournaments between each major, I'm starting season 1 off with The Legends just to try to get the ball rolling with a major event to draw interest, if things work out well I'll debate adding minor events next year at the front of the calendar.

Q- How big a field we looking at for these events?

A- I think I'd cut off majors at 32 people, and I don't expect to hit that in year 1 anyhow, and minors I'd cut off at 12, with giving 4 people byes based on points position, if nobody's got points and we hit 12 early on, then The Circuits 'Blue ribbon panel' (I.E. a random draw.) will hand out byes.

Q- So who's judging the Rp's?

A- At the moment I will be a judge, I'd love to get 2 more people to judge Rp's with me, if you want to be a judge send me a PM or IM and we'll discuss you judging a tournament. One thing I will always do is post the reasons for my decisions on the forums and accept any and all feedback given, and anyone who wants to judge matches in The Circuit is expected to do the same.

Q- You always end up being late with stuff like everyone else, how do I know this won't bog down in the semi-finals of The Legends and you'll vanish from the forums never to be seen again?!

A- Rp for each round will be done on a 5 day period and results will go up on Thursday (My non-Sunday day off from work, don't want to pick Sunday and have football kill the league, then again Football may never happen again, nah, we're sticking with Thursday.) and they will be brief, briefer then brief, if I'm crunched for time and can't get up a paragraph per match, you're getting "Guy X beat Guy Y" and that's about it, I'm moving things along without waiting, I'll try to write out the finals of the majors or farm that off to somebody else with a week lead time and beg them to get it back to me by deadline, and if they don't, it's shortformed and I'm sorry.

Q- Fine, I'll give this a try, what do I do?

A- Go to the Bios and post your character info there, also sign up for the vent you want to register for, and thanks for joining.

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