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Faith is the Beginning.


Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
Deacon rests his head on the turnbuckle. He is dressed in work out gear, a red CSWA muscle shirt and black tearaway basketball pants. The shirt is sticking to him, wet from sweat. The bottom two buttons of his pants are already loose. And as he looks up from the turnbuckle, sweat dripping from his brow, he smiles.

"It be long time since I grace CSWA stage. Many people say it be long time coming, but t'en again, people been saying t'at about this matchup also - The Deacon vs. 'Triple X' Sean Stevens."

Deacon pauses for a moment, wiping the sweat from his eyes.

"How long it been since we first cross paths? Correct me if I wrong, but I believe we had words over somet'ing. My memory not always best, too many blows to head I t'ink, but I could swear we tossed a few verbal jabs at one anot'er...over Mark Windham? And now, we t'row more t'an verbal jabs, we get t'e real t'ing."

Again, Deacon smiles, grabs the rope with both hands and leans hard against it.

"I've watched you for some time. I suppose I could start wit' my talk of how you never face someone like me, and you will trash talk how you t'e 'Blue Eyed Bad Guy' or somet'ing. We could go back and fort' but in t'e end, what we say leading into t'is not matter - t'is be one HEAVEN of a matchup. Why no one try t'is before beyond my understanding. You WILL bring your "A" game, and I WILL bring all t'e fait' I can muster. And WE will put on one amazing show. I've seen t'e evidence you will bring. And I KNOW you seen t'e evidence of my fait' over t'e past 5 years. I'm willing to believe t'at my fait' in Christ just enough to put all three of your -x's- down for 3 seconds. And we just have to wait few days to see where t'e evidence lies."

Deacon steps out of the ring as the camera cuts.


Jan 1, 1970
There is much work to do...

(FADEIN: The Professionals - 'COCKY' CRAIG MILES and 'HOT PROPERTY' EDDIE MAYFIELD are sitting in a hotel suite. They're both watching DEACON's latest promo, cigarettes dangling from their lips, eyes looking confused...almost like they're watching an X-files episode that just makes NO sense.)

MILES: "Now, let me get this straight. Buckley said this guy is one of OUR partners?"

MAYFIELD: "I just ain't feelin' this, Craig."

MILES: "I don't think I've seen something so serious since the <> Exchange lost their KY-Jelly."

MAYFIELD: "I can't rock the mic with this, cat. He's all about Jesus and (BLEEP!). This just ain't right. Am I not supposed to say Mother(BLEEP!) SH(BLEEP!) CO(BLEEP!) WHO(BLEEP!) around this guy? I don't know how to do that!"

MILES: "You're right, Eddie. But we gotta be The Pros about this. We gotta do what we have to do to make this work."

MAYFIELD: "What are you talkin' about?"

MILES: "You've seen it on Springer, you've seen it on Ricki, Montel and Jenni...and now..."

MAYFIELD: "No Craig, I don't think he's ready. Look at him, he's purer than the finest in Colombia!"

MILES: "It's time to give Deacon a makeover, Eddie. PROFESSIONAL STYLE. C'mon, there's much work to do."

(MILES leaps off the couch and spiritedly runs out of the room)

MAYFIELD: "I'm gettin' too old for this (BLEEP!)."


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