(Its the next day. UCW Revolution draws closer and closer. One of the bigggest more anticipated matches is the team of Nakita Dahaka and Rob Franklin forming the MCW team F.A.T.E. taking on the UCW united Sargeant and Adam Benjamine.)
("The Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka sits quietly behind a large marble with brass trim desk in a large leather revolving chair. Her mananger, Delilah Demonik sits on the side of the desk as they both watch the latest promo of The Sargeant hit the airwaves from across the room on a large plasma television. Nakita just leans back with a confident grin on her face in the chair while Sarge goes off on his would-be oponant one Revolution.)
Delilah Demonik: My my my my Nakita, soldier boy looks really fired up a lot more than usual. If I do say, I'd think that it was something you said.
Nakita Dahaka: Do me a favor Delilah, go look for your boytoy, my tag team partner Rob Franklin and see what's keeping him so long. Make sure that he isn't late for our match on Revolution. I wanna finish where I started last week.
Delilah: He'll be here Nakita, I assure you.
Nakita: See to it that he does. In the meantime I will take care of Sarge. Now go.
(Delilah hops off of the desk and does a polite bow to Nakita before walking out of office. Once she is gone, Nakita leans forward with her elbows on the desk. Her long firey red hair falling down slightly over her face as her green eyes peer directly into the strands of hair, but still we can make out a confident smile on her face. Nakita pushes her hair out of her face as she looks directly into the camera.)
Nakita: The greatest trick that I ever pulled was proving to people like you that I didn't exist. On how things change Sarge. In one week you went from thinking about me only as some how did you say it? Oh yes, from being crazy, disillusioned, basket case and now have called me a liar. I'm not offended because I know the truth that lies within me. I'm glad that we can have this nice little heart to heart talk you and I. Because I think its time for a little educational lesson.
In order for someone to defeat their oponant, they must first understand them and what they are. Of course I don't think that you can beat me, but still I want you to spread my gospel. Where to begin? Lets start with my name shall we?
I have many many names, but of course my all time favorite name is the name that I have right now. Nakita Dahaka. It dates back to ancient Persia as they aptly named named me as being...
An ancient Persian god of death. A demon of deceit and mendacity. She loves destroying life. Dahaka is usually depicted with three heads, while scorpions and lizards crawl all over her body.
(Nakita stands up and paces around the desk while keeping the camera in front of her.)
Nakita: Now I must say Sargeant. Do you see scorpians and lizards crawling all over my body? That's a rhetorical question my dear. But the rest does indeed still hold up. I know who I was and who I am now. The fact of the matter is I am back and roaming the world ready to destroy all life around me. Just like it says, I am FATE. I am your fate.
But now I must address your feable, simple, little U.S. Soldier mind who doesn't have a clue of what big words such as medacity really means. Allow me to enlighten you since that word is used to describe me. It is a word that you will know very well. You may be a fool but even a fool can become wise even if its too late.
The word, MENDACITY means of the following...
1. the quality of being mendacious; untruthfulness; tendency to lie.
2. an instance of lying; falsehood.
—Synonyms 1, 2. deception, lie, untruth, deceit.
So when you call me a liar and a politician, you actually hit the head right on the head. The only difference is Sarge is that I don't need smoke and mirrors in order to beat you. I can stands face to face with with you, look you in the white of your beady little eyes, and you will just know without a shadow of a doubt who I am and what I can and will do to you. Of course I am a liar, I'm the mother of lies fool. I use those lies like I use...
Rob Franklin...
Or even that little b(FCCbeep)tch Delilah Demonik...
They are tools to me, and when I am done with them, I will do as I do with every other tool. I will lock them up in the toolbox until I need them again. You call me a politician? I won't argue with you there Sarge. I aligned myself up with Jalan Latham for the purpose that together we have the power to wipe the entire UCW off of the face of this earth. Separately we couldn't do it, but united together as one we are unstoppable. Together we will hold the UCW by the throat and crush it like a grape. The blood that once was the UCW will flow through our fingertips and soak the ground we walk on. So I'm a politician? I guess that means that I will fit right at home. A true match made in hell
Now your right, last week doesn't set well with me. Last week was only but a taste of the incoming fate that is fast approaching you. I used Rob Franklin, Delilah Demonik, and Pieske and they fullfilled their rolls more than adequetly, but by the end of this week when you and Adam Benjamin have fallen and littered at our feet kissing them gently like rose peddles, it will all become so much clearer. Your beaten and broken bodies will be a true testiment to Ken Cloverleaf and to anyone in the UCW that dares to oppose the alliance of F.A.T.E. and Jalam Latham. Your blood shall write the next chapter in the histroy according to Nakita Dahaka. Your right, last week you and Cameron Cruise managed to escape with a mere no contest and you dodged a bullet. You escaped with your body and souls to fight for another day. This week, you and Bejamin, your enemy won't be so lucky.
I trust that this little session between us was most enlightening to say the least. But in the end all of the knowledge about me won't save you from the fate that is long hounding you. Its close, oh so close and I can already smell the scene and I can taste your blood on my lips, and on that note:
So it has been said...
Let it be known...
So it SHALL come to pass...
In Your Blood...
Nakita: So another chapter is written to our Gospel...according to F.A.T.E.
(The scene slowly fades out.)