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EUWC Main Frame Recruiting Tag Teams


League Member
Aug 30, 2004
Napanee, Ontario
Main Frame, the current dominating brand in the EUWC, is looking for tag teams to revitalize it's tag team division. Since the brand split last year the tag teams on Main Frame have had a rough go, and in 2007, Main Frame General Manager Matt Pickstock, wishes to bring the tag team division to the fore-front once again. Therefore the EUWC will be holding an open invitational Tag Team tournament over the next few weeks to determine a new number one contender team. This tournament is open to all tag teams who sign a Main Frame talent contract.

If any tag team wishes to give the tournament a shot, please head to the EUWC Website at http://euwc.fwrestling.com or drop an e-mail to MattPickstock@euwc.net The deadline to enter is January 31st so do not hesitate. Register NOW!!!

*** The Extreme Universal Wrestling Corporation was founded in 1996, and continues it's 10 plus year legacy, as a fresh and exciting alternative in the e-wrestling community. ***

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