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Estaban vs. Dan Ryan


League Member
Jun 9, 2004
Singles Match.

The RP deadline will be Saturday, December 2nd at 11:59 PM EST.


League Member
Oct 31, 2005
(A couple of road agents stand outside of a locked bathroom door.)

AGENT #1: Listen, you are going to have to come out of there eventually.

(Estaban's voice is heard responding from the other side the door.)

ESTABAN: Says who?

AGENT #1: Commissioner Cloverleaf for one.

AGENT #2: Look, Dan Ryan is a reasonable guy. He knows what's going on. I am sure it won't be all that bad.

ESTABAN: No way!

AGENT #1: Estaban! Need I remind you that you have contract.

ESTABAN: I don't care! I am not coming out until Bruce gets back.

(The two Agents back away from the door a bit and converse for a bit.)

AGENT #2: So where is that great big queer anyway?

AGENT #1: Apparently there this big "WORLD OUT" convention over in Osaka, Japan this week and he signed to appear there during he recent UCW holdout.

AGENT #2: Ah. And the little queen has been locked in here ever since he left?

AGENT #1: Or at least since the card came out.

AGENT #2: Wow, that's been like four or five days or something, hasn't it?

AGENT #1: Perhaps more.

AGENT #2: What's he been eating?

AGENT #1: Sounds like he showed up at the arena prepared. He's got a bunch of canned food and Raman Noodles locked in there with him. And apparently someone must have snuck him in a hotplate or something at some point. So it could still be a while.

AGENT #2: Doesn't the little freak no that he's not the only one that needs to use the can.

ESTABAN: Hey! I heard that!


ESTABAN: Go next door to the cofee shop like everyone else.

AGENT #2: Damn that cheapskate Cloverleaf for booking us into an arena with only one Mens Room! I MEAN I HAVE NO IDEA WHY THIS LITTLE FAG DIDN'T LOCK HIMSELF IN THE LADIES ROOM ANYWAY!

ESTABAN: Piss yourself then.

AGENT #2: Dammit. I am going to get a crowbar.

(Agent #2 storms off.)

AGENT #1: Looks like the jigs up, Steve.


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