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Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
(FADEIN: The private viewing room of CASTOR V. STRIFE, who is seated alone among the rows of red leather seats with his feet up and crossed on the seat in front of him at a diagonal angle. The room is dark except for the glare off the screen illuminated by a projector film reel. As the camera closes in on Castor, it turns to face him directly. He picks a Gurkha Black Dragon cigar from his coat pocket and brings it to his mouth, lighting it with a match and waving the match out as smoke fills the air around him. The film on screen, Alejandro Jodorowsky's The Holy Mountain, is reflected on his face from the projector screen)

CASTOR: “I know your name, Xavier Langston. There are many a known entity in this business who would pretend not to have heard it. They ‘big time’ the lesser-known competition because they think it’s good psychology.”

(Blows a hole of smoke at the camera, fogging the lens momentarily)

CASTOR: “I find the reverse to be true. It is the man whose name you don’t know who winds up taking everything you have. You should have been so lucky, Langston. Overlooking you would be a gift, but as the saying goes, nothing good in this life is free.”

“And I am not in the business of giving things away. When you take from me, you give back three-fold. Jack Harmen is learning that lesson, gradually. You don’t get the answer from me until you’ve answered it yourself. The Patrick Black riddle is now his to solve.”

“Xavier Langston. The name I know. That’s a problem for you, friend. My mind is a dangerous place to be.”

“Ask yourself this: who does Castor Strife stand more to lose from, Jack Harmen or Xavier Langston? The answer is obvious.”

“If you defeat me, there is no going back. No second chance. There are no sequels to big-budget failures.”

(Puffs again, taps the ashes from the end of the cigar into a tray next that lays on the arm rest)

CASTOR: “This is your moment. If you vanquish me, it’s bigger than Random Rumble. Bigger than Futureshock. Forever the white whale – if you kill me, your ticket is punched. Can you handle that?”

“Know this: I am coming after you with all the fervor of a man with something to prove. I can’t just defeat you – I must destroy you, because that is the expectation. Show me something, Langston. Shock me. Make me think twice. Make me bleed.”
“And if you do, you have my word: it will be returned three times. Smack me, and get punched. Punch me, and get bludgeoned. Bludgeon me, and get disemboweled.”

“A night with me is a lesson in motive, Langston. I know your name.

“Sharing the marquee with Castor Strife means you shoot to kill. All it takes is one mistake, and I promise you, Langston, I will drop you from the sky to the bottom of the earth.”

“History will forget you, but I won’t. Take solace in that. My mind is a cemetery of names lost to time. The one who digs the graves of the would-be famous...has a long memory.”

“And maybe one day, years from now, I’ll say the name Xavier Langston on a whim, to resurrect you for old time’s sake. A gift paid-in-full to another man I once erased.”

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