Re: Aggression 50 Feedback
Let's get the template out
Match of the Night
Wrestler of the Night
Face of the Night
Heel of the Night
Segment of the Night
Break-out Star of the Night
Line of the Night
And I'll fill it out
Match of the Night
Stevens/First- Told the story of First being the guy Stevens has trouble with, but First also can't get the belt off him, and Cruise getting revenge for his removal from Anthology and staking his claim to the main event is an interesting new dynamic.
Wrestler of the Night
Man, a packed crowd tonight, Stevens, Cruise, First all could win...But really my pick is Layne Winters, mostly because I enjoyed his rampage and I loved his his parts in the Brown Segment and his interactions with First and HOPE before and after the Main Event.
Face of the Night
The First, with Hart and Fusenshoff always lurking.
Heel of the Night
Winters, followed by Stevens
Segment of the Night
I loved every segment. I loved that Stevens had a Batmobile inspired car, since The First was wearing Joker face paint I marked when I saw that. His going over history was great with Stalker was great. Winters segments were epic, the HOPE thing at the end I felt everyone wrote good stuff.
Break-out Star of the Night
Heirs of Wrestling. Out of High Flyer, Michael Bastard, and HoW, HoW had the highest on the card opponents, and they won, hell they out-heeled Winters, my heel of the night...So they had to do something right.
Line of the Night
A tie between pretty much anything Winters said while beating the crap out of people and Anarky's final dig on The First.
"Nobody needs your permission to take what is theirs, kid. Someday you’ll understand that. Until then, enjoy your humiliation. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find something to blame your next failure on. You always do."
Overall thoughts
This was a big show and it felt big, yet at the same time it was designed to build towards Black Dawn as being the blow-off of things. Hart/Edmunds looks set for a re-match at the PPV. Stevens, First and Cruise will have two cards to map out what exactly Black Dawn's main event will be, who knows what Winters will be doing besides burning the company to the ground during all that, while I see the Heirs of Wrestling going for tag gold and Fusenshoff continuing to elevate himself.
Now let's get this joint card up and running so we can get moving again.