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Empire Pro Wrestling: The Next Chapter


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
I've been planning on writing this post for a very long time now. I made a decision over a year ago now and have been waiting for the right time to make that decision known publically.

I've been associated with booking Empire Pro since about six months into the fed's existence. Originally John Miller created and opened the fed at a time when he was competing in Global Xtreme Wrestling (GXW) and I was one of the bookers there. He expressed an interest in opening his own fed and asked if I would help him out. As a GXW booker I didn't think I should spread myself too thin, so I offered instead to help support his efforts in getting started by lending my name to the proceedings, by handling in his new fed and by endorsing it to whoever I could. John posted about the opening of Empire Pro Wrestling for the first time on December 29th, 2003 with a launch date of January 10, 2004 when the lineup for the very first Aggression was posted. That show featured the very first match in the history of EPW, a match between Mike Diamond and one-half of our current tag team champions The Animezing Dragons, Karl "The Dragon" Brown. The main event was a match between current EPW Owner (kayfabe) "The Ego Buster" Dan Ryan and EPW Hall of Famer Marcus Westcott, known then simply as "Beast." This match set up the first major angle in the fed's history, one that would see Dan Ryan, who everyone assumed would be competing in the fed since he was in his prime, announce a few shows later that he had bankrolled the fed from the very beginning and was in fact, the owner.

As happens often, the stresses of running a fed ultimately got the best of John despite his best efforts and soon I became more involved in the running of Empire Pro. Jeff Bolichowski, Ryan Strawsma and I did our best to keep the fed afloat for awhile and ultimately it fell to me to run and book the fed, which I've done for the past ten years.

Early last year it became clear to me that my time running the fed and acting as sole booker was coming to an end. This was not because of anything or anyone forcing me out, but rather a growing realization that my life's priorities had changed to the point that EPW would soon be best served by turning a page and moving on. So, I started to plan a transition for EPW into the next phase of its existence. Shutting the fed down was never seriously considered, but I never wanted to leave without a plan in place. I've been allowing someone to spot-book for the better part of the last year, essentially to allow the handler base to get used to a new style of booking. It will be shocking enough for most of you to realize that I won't be running the day to day operations of the fed anymore. I didn't want there to be a culture shock when someone else takes the booking reins. Basically, if you haven't seen a noticable change in booking style over the last year, it's because I made sure that whoever took over would have a similar style, and would keep EPW as the same fed type that you are used to and enjoy participating in. This person may put their spin on the fed and innovate their own style into the proceedings, but know that great care was put into making sure it was someone who loved the fed as much as you do, and as I do.

The last show I will be actively involved in putting together will be Wrestleverse 2014. After that show, the new booker will have full autonomy over angles and matches and will work with you in much the same way I have always worked with you. Nothing will change as far as email boxes, structure, etc. and I assure you, I will always be watching over the fed. I still consider this place my baby and if for some reason this does not work out, I will step in and make sure everything is taken care of.

I will hold back the name of the new booker until Wrestleverse results are posted to protect the integrity of certain angles ongoing. That day, the next chapter of Empire Pro Wrestling will begin in earnest.

I have been involved with 75 editions of Aggression, 16 PPV cards, and 7 editions of Onslaught. More than anything I've ever done as a handler in the hobby, I'd rather be remembered for this and for the enjoyment and opportunity it brought to other handlers through my work here than anything I ever did writing a roleplay. As much as it is within my power to do so, I intend to make my last show as the booker of this e-fed as memorable as my first.


- Brunk


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
EPW has been one of the best, most consistent feds.. In my opinion, EPW is a top 2 or 3 fed all time. Amazing job, Brunk, and just know that Terence will do your legacy justice as long as he has the keys to the kingdom.

Oops. Guess the cat's out of the bag.


Jan 1, 2000
Kinda felt this post was coming for some time... although I'm thankful it's not a closure announcement.

Dave, I realize we haven't been as in touch recently as we were in years past, and I take a lot of the blame for that... but I still consider you to be one of the fairest fedheads I've ever worked with, outside of Chad. I was one of the few people along with you, Karl, and Tommy who came into Empire Pro during its beginning stages back in '04... even then, we all felt this place had the potential to be something great. Thanks to you stepping into those shoes when John needed to step down, we witnessed ten great years of potential being fulfilled. Because of that, EPW has always been my go-to federation, and I consider it the place where I matured from the fledgling years of trash-talkology and OOC dramagasms into the e-wrestling roleplayer I am today. Thank you for that.

I respect your decision, and I'm happy to hear you're handing over the keys rather than closing up shop, keeping a legacy going. Hopefully EPW will thrive under the new leadership. And I wish the best of health and prosperity to you and your family in your future.

Except for the Texans. Fuck the Texans.

Take it easy, Dude.

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