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Embracing The Darkness


League Member
Jun 5, 2007
Legion: You're right Chromatic Dragons, it has been a long and arduous seven months in which our clans have fought - the Fellowship may have an advantage now thanks to Teddy giving me the Angerbash and our 'Commissioner' finally showing some sort of power by counting the pinfall on me but as Teddy will soon realise it is not as easy to get a second lucky break on me.

Because of our tendency to take it outside of the ring - NFW have decreed that the Graverobbers will take on you two in a steel cage where there MUST be a winner.

[Legion suddenly starts to laugh in a slightly unhinged manner.]

NFW and steel cages have a bit of a history - call it the structure where what you thought would be the coup de grace of something suddenly gets flipped on its head - the night where true sins are revealed and agendas become ever so clear.

Bandit and Devastator are going through the most intense training of their LIVES as they prepare to face you in that cage and make sure that they will be the most DOMINANT EMT CHAMPIONS by putting the nail in the tomb of the Dragons and with it causing Doug Mayfield to 'return to his future' a pitiful and broken man because he knows that his Shadowrunners could NEVER beat the Black Market at the same time.

You say that the darkness and the cold winds will come and extinguish the Graverobbers?

We have already been through the darkness and we embraced it - like others I want to see Gods put in immeasurable pain and see fellowships crumble before the might of the strongest Army that this world has seen - at Reloaded you may think that keeping me out of the cage will be to your advantage but the darkness is everywhere and when you realise how it can attack you Dragons... it's too late.

Death shall come and chaos will rise as we become the KINGS of our domain.

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