League Member
Name: John Leary
Email Address: johnleary@ymail.com
AIM/Yahoo Messenger: LearyWTF
Wrestler Name: Dos Equis
Height: 6-0
Weight: 95.5 kilos (Katz note: 210 pounds. GO AMERICAN MEASUREMENTS!)
Hailing From: The People's Republic of Luchador
Handedness: Right
Disposition: Face in third world countries. Attempting to become a face in NFW land (because he can speak English now).
Gimmick: He's a slightly overweight luchador. He still has an interpreter/manager/possible love interest, Barb L. Fish, even though he speaks English pretty good. She will mainly play a Lite-esque role as his manager, jumping in for a random hurricanrana when Dos Equis is keeping the referee busy.
Ring Attire: A green, gold and black mask, with two red X's on the forehead of the mask. Matching body suit. He wears a gold cape to the ring, but takes it off before wrestling.
Looks: He's got the luchador mask, with long black hair poking out at the bottom.
Ring Entrance: Dos Equis emerges from the back, pours some beer over himself, and then power walks down the aisle. He guzzles the remainder of the beer, climbs onto the apron, and then pauses for dramatic effect before spitting out a misty cloud of beer at a fan in the front row.
Theme Music: "The More I Drink" by Blake Shelton
Tactics/Style: Imagine if you will that the Sandman, Sabu, and Rey Mysterio had an orgy and one of them got pregnant. That baby would eventually become Dos Equis. Or severely retarded. Or both.
5 Specialty Moves: Springboard leg drop
Asai hip toss
Shooting Star DDT
Beersteiner (huricanrana)
Alabama Slammer (XX holds his opponent as if for a slam, but first spins around airplane spin style, then eventually hits a very dizzying powerslam).
Additional Moves:
0.21 - Tiger feint kick to the head of an opponent draped on the second rope. It's essentially a 619, but with a name that is based on his Blood Alcohol Content rather than an area code.
Screwdriver - Piledriver out of suplex position, (a.k.a., Steiner Screwdriver).
Carbomb - A swanton bomb.
Ghetto Hell - enzugeri
Guinness Punch - A springboard corkscrew punch.
Jagerbeer Bomb - Spinning sitout powerbomb
Adios Motherfucker 2 - A gut buster from the top rope.
Angel's Wing - lifting double underhook facebuster
Finisher & Set-Up Moves: Bulimia Nervosa Bomb (Diving Double Stomp to Belly)/Hangover (Double Underhook Brainbuster)
Strengths: Uses his body without regard for his own health, beer dulls the pain, innovative wrestling moves
Weaknessess: Tendency to injure self, liver angry, potential for ugly botched spots
In 100 words or less, please give a biographical profile of your character: He is the luchador of luchadors, from Luchador! He lives to drink and drinks to live. The drunk era is envelope you!
Name: John Leary
Email Address: johnleary@ymail.com
AIM/Yahoo Messenger: LearyWTF
Wrestler Name: Dos Equis
Height: 6-0
Weight: 95.5 kilos (Katz note: 210 pounds. GO AMERICAN MEASUREMENTS!)
Hailing From: The People's Republic of Luchador
Handedness: Right
Disposition: Face in third world countries. Attempting to become a face in NFW land (because he can speak English now).
Gimmick: He's a slightly overweight luchador. He still has an interpreter/manager/possible love interest, Barb L. Fish, even though he speaks English pretty good. She will mainly play a Lite-esque role as his manager, jumping in for a random hurricanrana when Dos Equis is keeping the referee busy.
Ring Attire: A green, gold and black mask, with two red X's on the forehead of the mask. Matching body suit. He wears a gold cape to the ring, but takes it off before wrestling.
Looks: He's got the luchador mask, with long black hair poking out at the bottom.
Ring Entrance: Dos Equis emerges from the back, pours some beer over himself, and then power walks down the aisle. He guzzles the remainder of the beer, climbs onto the apron, and then pauses for dramatic effect before spitting out a misty cloud of beer at a fan in the front row.
Theme Music: "The More I Drink" by Blake Shelton
Tactics/Style: Imagine if you will that the Sandman, Sabu, and Rey Mysterio had an orgy and one of them got pregnant. That baby would eventually become Dos Equis. Or severely retarded. Or both.
5 Specialty Moves: Springboard leg drop
Asai hip toss
Shooting Star DDT
Beersteiner (huricanrana)
Alabama Slammer (XX holds his opponent as if for a slam, but first spins around airplane spin style, then eventually hits a very dizzying powerslam).
Additional Moves:
0.21 - Tiger feint kick to the head of an opponent draped on the second rope. It's essentially a 619, but with a name that is based on his Blood Alcohol Content rather than an area code.
Screwdriver - Piledriver out of suplex position, (a.k.a., Steiner Screwdriver).
Carbomb - A swanton bomb.
Ghetto Hell - enzugeri
Guinness Punch - A springboard corkscrew punch.
Jagerbeer Bomb - Spinning sitout powerbomb
Adios Motherfucker 2 - A gut buster from the top rope.
Angel's Wing - lifting double underhook facebuster
Finisher & Set-Up Moves: Bulimia Nervosa Bomb (Diving Double Stomp to Belly)/Hangover (Double Underhook Brainbuster)
Strengths: Uses his body without regard for his own health, beer dulls the pain, innovative wrestling moves
Weaknessess: Tendency to injure self, liver angry, potential for ugly botched spots
In 100 words or less, please give a biographical profile of your character: He is the luchador of luchadors, from Luchador! He lives to drink and drinks to live. The drunk era is envelope you!