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Don't tease me.


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
(fadein, a local short-order meal cafe, in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Cameron Cruise is dressed in black pants and a black shirt with a sentence in white lettering saying "Cameron Cruise: Pissing off the whole PLANET...one man at a time." Cruise, relaxing at a corner table by himself, orders lunch. As the waitress leaves, he sits himself in a comfortable position and runs a hand through his hair.)

CC: A bit taken a-back are ya country boy? Probably thought that I was gonna go by my word that I was gonna wrestle ya straight up didn't ya? Probably thought that I was gonna stay relaxed and calm in that match...didn't ya? As a matter of fact, you probably THOUGHT...that win or lose I was gonna shake your hand like a sportsman SHOULD...and walk out.

(Cruise sends his voice up an octave or too so as to sound like Wayne Newton when he was just starting to sing...and then drops it deeply at the end.)

Somebody's wro-ong....somebody's DEAD WRONG.

'Cause you see Hickory Farms, I've finally realized that, in this day an' age, there's not a SOUL who's man enough to do it. Not even you.

Is this all I got for you and this so-called..."FEUD"? Hell, no. As a matter of fact, I *EXPECT* you to comeback with somethin'.

(Cruise smirks)

You say what you want about being the better man. But What I did in San Jose, was to make you realize, that just because youre the Greensboro Champion...or were, the Greenboro Champion...doesn't make you bigger than everybody.

It doesn't make you bigger than your opponents.

To be blunt, it sure as hell doesn't make you any bigger than *ME*.

(Cruise clears his throat and puts his arm around the empty seat next to him.)

Joey...Joey...JO-EY!! You're all but GROWN-UP with that name. Why not Joseph Melton? Or lord-forsaken just short and sweet--Joe Melton? Bah...Do whatcha' want, names are just a different way of saying words in a sentence.

So you've been there and done that 'eh? All of 38 years old, you've got quite a bit of experience on me, hell, eleven years worth should be enough for ANYONE to prove themselves worthy.

But then again that puts you up there, now doesn't it? I mean, honestly, I gotta give it to ya, you've been to the top of some mountains that I haven't been to yet, and then some. But again, I'm in the best shape of my life, at 27 years old. You...it seems....can't decide on whether or not you wanna make your way back into the CSWA Saloon so-to-speak.

An off day for me is losing a shot at the Greensboro title. You really think so? I mean, do you really think, looking back at that tape, that I wanted that belt so badly I would break the rules? I mean, it appears Hornet did, so he screwed me outta the Presidential strap, but once again, he's got the US title instead, and running the *other* way.

If I *really* wanted that title, I would've just let Juarez move outta my way and beat him. As a matter of fact, you go look at the contract that Shane signed and AGREED to, and it WON'T say...Greensboro title on the line. I *never* agreed to that. Merritt, himself, put it on the line so the kid would actually try to compete, 'cause if you don't already know, then I'll tell ya, I just hate it when opponents half-#$$ there way in a match. All I wanted, was a shot at the kid to prove that he had COMPETITION. To say the least, I think I gave him just that.

As far as keeping up with the likes of you, hell, just ask Adler. He gave me what he had and couldn't get the job done. Did I beat him? No. Will I face him again? Probably.

Most likely.

Matter of fact, I will most DEFINATELY see him in the ring again.

But, if memory serves, you had quite abit of trouble with him yourself, so if you had trouble with him, then I think, no wait...I *know* you're gonna have trouble with me.

It's like this Mr. Patty-melt. Just like I told Southern, just like I told, Sight, and Sean Stevens.

Don't tease me.

You're basically telling me now, that you don't think I rate enough to wrestle you, because you popped the CSWA's cherry.

You said you're 'contractually obliged'...to go old-school on me. Then you do me one favor.

Prove it.


the EX-QUEEN of FW~!
Jan 1, 2000
Greensboro USA
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-02 AT 09:57 PM (EDT)](Joey Melton, knocking out a designer silk shirt, black dockers, and sporting shoes that are worth more than CSWA VP Gregg Gethard's life cuts a promo for CS Saturday Morning through Bono "Fly" shades)

JOEY MELTON: To put your concerns at rest, Joey because it's what rolled off Sarah Gold's lips behind the bleachers on one fine day in the 8th grade, and it's sounded sweet enough for me ever since.

Cruise you fail to understand I've had more World titles than you've had pieces of ass, so your little "I could if I wanted to" dance with the Greensboro title means jack to me. If you had wanted to you could have brought a 9mm and popped Southern and walked away with the title in hand, but you didn't. Point being, you were dumb enough to accept the open contract while riding around the league with training wheels doing their best to keep you upright. I admire you for asking me if they're ready to come off, but with what I've seen thus far, if I had to guess you'll be handicapped for a lot longer.

Take a timeout, go sit in the corner, and really listen to what you're saying. You can beat me, because you lost to Alder, but you COULD beat him again, and some time ago it took me ten minutes to dispatch of him. You know, Cruise, Huey Lewis and the News COULD have another #1 hit one day, and monkeys could fly out of my sweet ass too, but the likelihood of either happen is remote.

As I said before, don't mislead yourself into thinking you can fill, even my first pair of shoes. You lost the Greensboro title, lost to Tom Alder, lost to blah blah blah, and now I'm wondering if you've ever won anything in your life. A game of chess? Pickup game of basketball? Marbles? What a history there bud. I'd say after I take you old school, another potential loss afterwards and you may be ready to find the nearest cliff.

If you're looking to me for a hand that might pull you in, you're looking in the wrong place. Amazing, one of Merritt's golden losers has instructed me to prove it. I haven't heard that one in a while. Honestly I'm thrilled you're man enough to save me some money, but after PRIMETIME you'll be crowned loser, a title you've apparently worn all too well.


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
(fadein, an CSWA Backdrop.)

Voice: You are so certain of yourself that I would be the so-called, "Crowned Loser" after Primetime.

(Cruise, with his arms crossed, slowly paces himself into view, wearing a faded pair of bluejeans, with a light-blue shirt and a pair of 'Anarchy' shades.)

Then let me ask you this. Would a real loser take himself and his two dollar wanna-be silk shirts, and alligator shoes, and leave just because his lousy, ugly, good-for-nothing PARTNER...can't HACK it?


You see kid, just because a man can't rely on his partner to win a contest, doesn't at all mean he has to take his money and run.

But that's not the case with you now is it Billy?

Yeah, you've won more championships than I've had title shots, but the fact of the matter is, is that frankly, to use the movie line loosely...I just don't give a damn. As a

But see then, you wanna say that I'm so damn great, that I not only don't need to worry about anything, but just have to walk in and commit a felony, to win a title. Which is it gonna be Jim-bo?

(Cruise smirks)

You obviously are experiencing short-term memory loss, because if you bi-focals can't read the fine print, the result of that match read "A TIME-LIMIT DRAW". Only a LOSER would see it as a loss for someone.

Which at that coincidental time, YOU show up, and decide that its time to break out of debt and lace up again. How quaint?

You never seem to get it either way. Technically, I never 'had' the Greensboro title, never *wanted* it, and to tell the truth, don't give a damn ABOUT IT.

I never won anything in my life.


Then what the hell is the CSWA Presidential title to you? Ya know, the belt that your good buddy Hornet got into trouble over with 'Wolf-boy' Mike Randalls, and Alex Wylde. The same one that Hornet couldn't STAND seeing around my waist, because deep down, he KNEW...that as the CSWA Presidential champion, I would finally bring back some actual credit that's been LONG, overdue.

But then the STUPIDEST American IDIOT, decided to stick his nose where it didn't belong, in a CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH, just to steal back some un-needed attention.

But then again, I'm getting carried away aren't I? Lord know, I can't win a match to save my life, and that the last time I had a spotlight on me, you were shaking hands with Hef and Merritt at the same time.

So, once again, do me a favor .

Take your head outta your silver-spoon-fed (bleep) and PROVE IT.

Otherwise Johnny, you might have to keep that fifty bucks you THINK you can save, and give it to the complimentry sports trainer that Merritt's got at the arenas, so that you don't pass out from the unconsciousness that you will succumb to.

Am I being conceded and downright ignorant?


But at least I know what it's like to pick my (bleep) up and wait in line again to play tether ball, rather than turn tail and hide in the classroom. You just let me know when you're ready to come out and play.


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