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Doc Silver in Action Comics 136# th



(FADEIN: An old AAWC ring, we see a young man, maybe 21 being pummeled by a larger opponent before he's pinned...CUTTO: The same guy being beaten silly again.)

GREENIE: <Voice over more tape of himself jobbing> That was my career, being beaten...Simple enough way to draw a paycheck...Then one say...Doc Silver saw something in me, a chance to set a trap...<CUTTO: EDDIE APOLLO pinning Green Machine, Green Machine lays in the ring for a while and then MARCUS PRICE walks to the ring, AAWC US Title belt in hand...Suddenly Apollo and Green Machine maul him...<CUTTO: Doc Silver pinning Price for his first major title.> And I was on the gravy train...<CUTTO: Green Machine cutting one of his infamous "All Caps" screaming and yelling promos> My gimmick was that I was Very Angry...<Laughs> Can't see why it didn't go very far...Until that might <CUTTO: GLADIATOR Slicing into MIKE RANDALLS with his trademark Piano Wire...CUTTO: Randalls soaked in blood but refusing to give in, standing in the ring, laughing...And then telling a stunned Gladiator he's got something for him> I don't know what the hell made me decide to push Gladiator out of the way...I guess I was just a moron...<CUTTO: A PIANO Falling about 40 feet, shattering itself on top of Green Machine, who lays in the wreckage motionless, looking to be legit dead.> That hurt...A lot...<CUTTO: Slow motion the piano hitting Green Machine, CUTTO: AGAIN even slower. CUTTO: EMT's working over Green Machine, checking for a pulse, shining pen lights in his eyes CUTTO: a crowd of stunned, silent fans who don't know if this is real or not CUTTO: Green Machine being stretchered out to cheers> I guess the fact I threw myself to the ground saved my life...I think a Piano to the skull woulda finished me...As it was I only needed about 4 hours of surgery...I had blood filling one of my lungs...It was pretty gruesome stuff I've been told...But in the end...I came out OK. But I could never wrestle again...<CUTTO: Green Machine talking with Doc, hanging out with Doc, and just generally being a nut case.> Then Doc called me, he said he and Schmid were sick to death about what happened to me, and well, Doc had power in AAWC, scary power, so I got a fat cat contract to be his manager/flunky...And I took it...I guess the moral of the story is that Doc's a nice guy...If you let somebody drop a paino on you...<FADEOUT>


Pressure Chief
Jan 1, 2000
RE: Doc Silver in Action Comics 136


'All CAPS' promos.

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