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Dialogue of a madman (BB fallout)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
*(Fade In)

*(The scene opens backstage in a locker room of the Millenium Stadium. The camera shows a large trail of blood up to a bench and then works it's way up to reveal Mister David Allen Black sitting on the bench. He is bleeding profusely all over his body after his match against Clapper and Troy Douglas in the Spin The Wheel/Make A Deal match for the X-Treme title. Through his crimson mask of blood and plasma pouring out through his ripped open skin you see the look of utter sorrow and defeat. Nobody else is in the locker room with him. It's just himself and the cameraman operating the camera. The camera moves in for a close-up, let's listen in.)

David Allen Black: "I lost. I hate to lose. I f(beep)kin gave up in front of the whole god damn world. How could I let myself fall for a bluff."

(Interjecting the voice of David but not the voice of David comes onto the scene, speaking through.)

"Dude you f{beep}ing fell for a bluff. You know that Clapper never had the balls to do it. He tried to take you out all match and failed and the one thing that beat you was....YOU."

"Your own doubt and fear made you lose this match. You only have yourself to blame. You are pathetic."

"I'm sorry guys, blame me, I made David lose. "

"That's right *****...you're the weakest link. I say that we whoop this p*ssy's ass out of your mind David. He has no place in here with the rest of us. He is weak and all of us are strong. "

"Exactly, you know what they say, one bad apple spoils the batch. "

"And this David made us lose the match."

"It's all because of you, mister David of gullibillity, doubt, and fear."

"If it wasn't for you, David would of came back and probably beat Clapper and Douglas"

"Yeah all of us were working overtime trying to make sure that Black stayed in this match, and what were you doing?"

"I'll bet the coward was hiding in the back of David's mind, crawled up in a fetal position while the rest of us were fighting for our lives."

"He made us lose. David blame this sorry ass peice of s*** for why you lost to Clapper."

"I mean you should of died when you got pushed in that cage down the ring ramp."

"I say that we beat the fear and doubt out of this mind. He has no place with the rest of us. He is the weakest link...goodbye."

"Hey guys, what are you doing? We're all in this together."

"The hell we're not, your not part of the solution, your part of the problem, and now we must tie up all of the loose ends, and you are that loose."

"You are imperfect."

"You are weak."

"You will be dealt with."

"Hey don't take it personally, David wants to win and do whatever it takes. David will do whatever it to win regardless if it is any match, the X-treme title, or even the GXW Unified World Heavyweight title. "

"You can not be in this mind and be as weak as the rest of us. You must be put to rest once and for all. Fear and doubt will not be apart of this collective mind. "

"Yeah don't fight, resistance is futile whenever the legion is against the one imperfect anomily. Good-bye fear and doubt. You will affect David no longer."

"Guys...guys...come on. Give me another chance. Don't do this. I beg of you. Show mercy on me please. I promise that I will not let you down again."

"Mercy? Mercy? Did Clapper show mercy when you made David lose?"

"Why didn't you stop me? Who is the bigger fool? The fool or the one's that follow him? I mean couldn't you have stopped me from making David whine and cry like a little ***** to Clapper? If that is so then that makes you no different than me, and if anything I can be used to help make David even greater next time. This defeat can be used to make David better...stronger...for next time."

"But also keep in mind that maybe the case, but we also want to kill any and all imperfections that rest in t his mind. We're in a business where there can be no weaknesses. Only the strong can survive. You are weak therefore you must be taken care of once and for all."

"But don't take it personally man, keep in mind, we're all crazy and you have no business being here. We also just want to kill you just because we can and we will."

"No guys, don't do it, I beg you NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

(A calm silence ensues for a long moment with David Black's head bowed down. The blood drips from his face and continues until in one final action, David Black raises his head slowly looking direction at the camera. Through his crimson mask of blood, staining his face, some of the blood has even hardened and dried because it has been on there for so long. David Black looks directly at the camera with a look that can be best described as almost sheer evil. Through the mask of blood, the camera reveal's Black's eyes and then all of a sudden a sudden smile creeps across his face and he smiles.)

(Soon David takes one hand, and gently wipes some of the blood off of face still pouring freshly out of his wounds, and then looks at it then licks the blood off of his fingers and then his smile turns into a deep rich rolling laughter.)


(The camera zooms in on Black's blooded soaked and smile face as it slowly fades out. The last thing that is heard is Black laughing.)


*(Fade Out)


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
For what it's worth, Patrick's been emailing me back and forth for a long time about the direction he's currently taking with Black.

So Ryan....


heh ;)

- Dave


Jan 1, 2000


Mad Dog

Original Gangsta
Jan 1, 2000
Is there a cold going around or something? :)

Didn't your mother ever teach you to cover your mouths when you cough? :)

Mad Dog - trying to spread the word of clean hygiene and healthy living. :D

- Joe

PS: Anybody got a light? (Puts blunt to his lips.)
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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
I thought this was an open RP forum

Edited by HellFighter

I had something a lot longer and heavier but then I thought that wouldn't be right to leave this up there, so I erased it.

I am still a little lost by all of this, so maybe somebody can fill me in if they get the chance.

Ryan, it does sound like that you have some beef against me, please if you do send all questions or comments to me so that I can address them in private via instant message or email. I will be sure to address them as clearly and thoroughly as I possibly can.

That goes for everybody else, if you are unclear as to what I am doing with any of my characters, please email me and ask me so I can help you understand what I am trying to do.

I want everybody to see my characters not just through your eyes but see them through my eyes.

If you feel that it is impossible to do this, then take a good look at the following people for proof that it can be done...

Dave Brunk

Erik Zieba

Mike Dove

Kent Robinson (his passed work before he retired from the efed game)

Scott Weaver

Paul Brisban

These are people that I have seen that when they rp against another, they actually try to see their opponant's character through their eyes, and thus though this it helps them to have a more enjoyable and memorable rp session.

If you have any questions or doubts about how I am playing my characters then email and ask me, but know this that when I write my rps there is a deep seeded meanings that are deeper than you realize and sometimes there are hidden directions in the works that the casual reader is unaware of.

my email address is...

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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Niagara, ON, Canada
I hope you realize, Patrick, that you've just insulted 97% of the roster by insinuating that we're too stupid to understand your RPs.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
There is always love for you John

Sorry John Miller, there is always love man...

I was just naming examples just to help illustrate a point.

Please forgive me for forgetting about you man. You're still top notch in my book.

Hey I can't be expected to remember every single high caliber list of people that is better than me (it's a huge list)

As for Jeff's statement. No I was not trying to insult everybody, but there are a couple of people that no matter what I do they just never truly get what I am trying to say in my rps.

But leave it to Jeff for trying to make matters worse than they really are.

Or did he?

He was just trying to make a point on his account.

But then again, I think that I can see where Jeff is coming from. If any of you are offended by my post and think that are you "too stupid to understand my posts"

At the time that I wrote this, it was not my intention to insinuate anything like what Jeff mentioned above, but since he did point it out, I look back and see that he is right.

So I regret saying SOME of the things that I said in my post.

I think that I was still a little peeved from what I read of what Ryan said to me, and I let my emotions get the best of me.

I realized that I did in fact make matters worse than they really were. So please forgive me. I stand corrected.

Again if you have any issues about or against me, then please address them to me in private via email or instant message.

Thank you for your time, I must be going now.

Okay I'm off like a prom dress mates.

Stick a Abdullah The Butcher FORK in me I'm done.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
In the future, for everyone's reference issues such as this should be strictly taken up between handlers in email.

If I continue to see OOC arguments on our forums, the person responsible for bringing up the issue publically will be dealt with.

No future warnings will be given on this policy.

- Dave


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
Mental note

*Writing on sticky paper and putting it on forehead that reads*

"NOTE TO SELF: Must take prom dress into dry cleaners and have blood washed off of it...

*Writes another sticky paper and places it on forehead that reads*

"NOTE TO SELF: Forks really do hurt. How do you know that you have tetnis?"

And on that note, this little OCC war of words through posts can finally come to an end.

I get the last word...

Go me, I rule...

Okay that's it, stick a....

*Looks at fork in his hand*

Oh nevermind

*Lays fork down on ground and slowly walks away. The camera zooms in on the fork laying down and then suddenly cuts to a blank black screen*


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