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DEFIANCE Office Staff

Evan H.

DEF Director of Fun & Good Humor
May 7, 2012
South Tejas
I went in and filled in job titles for the staff that were missing one. In an effort to continue my favorite thing about DEF right now, the constant world building, I thought a little quick reference guide for posting news bits and utilizing these characters in your work for on cards could be helpful.

DEF is a smaller fed, think ROH or TNA. national but not like WWE-style global. So a lot of the staff (and even managers) all have other jobs... at least that's how James and I figure it just talking shop. So...

Ones you probably won't use without me or James being involved are Kelly and Jane. Kelly's head booker, in charge of contract negotiations, she's in-charge of the "brand"... Jane is the building manager (a job she assured herself when she helped Ed White build the Wrestle-plex) she doles out office space, maintenance, building staff hires, etc. so keep that in mind should you need her in a segment in that sort role.

Angus: Keebler is play by play and that's it, we've never established him doing anything else. Angus however is one of those "man of many hats" sort of guys, in addition to color he trains at the DEF wrestling school, helps in booking BRAZEN, etc. etc. He's like an extension of Dane, when DEF shit needs doin' Angus does it. Angus is also the other side of the coin to Kelly, where she's the head of creative, he's the head of production (think television director).

Iris Davine: THE DEF DOC... I'd love to see Iris utilized to maybe post injury updates, start mentioning her sprinting out with agents when someones hurt, shit like that. Maybe some segments based in the trainers room? Guys getting ice packs and what not. Haven't really seen that.

Dave Felcher: James' words to me were "he's like Dave Meltzer"... soooo I'm imagining he's DEF's kayfabe webmaster/show editor/upstairs nerd that's super in-tune with backstage gossip. Hopefully his character and role backstage will become clearer as he's used more.

Lance Warner: More roving reporter than mic stand. Lance, like Angus, is a renaissance man. He does what needs doing backstage in addition to running around with a camera crew to get shit on camera whenever shenanigans go down backstage.

Christie Zane: Heeeeeere's your microphone stand. Promo stage stuff, propaganda board promos, post match "walking through the curtain" promos. Any situation that requires an NPC to stand there like a dumdum and hold a microphone asking obvious questions... Christie's your girl.

DEFIANCE Spy: Anyone old enough / nerdy enough to remember G-TV back during the Attitude era? DEFSpy is DEF's version of that... he/she/it is our DEF-centric version of anonymous. The Wrestle-Plex is outfitted with a waaaaaay over the top HD security camera system... DEFSpy can utilize them in sinister ways, blackmail, private convos, etc.

"Evan Hurley" and Mike Sloan: My old self titled character and Jon's old character Mike Sloan will officially be DEF's version of Patterson & Brisco... or for our younger viewers, Noble & Mercury. So road agents, producers, whatever terminology works for you.

So... yeah, I'm super in love with shit like this, utilizing all the "toys in the toybox" even the boring ones that don't punch anyone in the face. Keep these folks in mind for news, segments, prop posts, etc.

This post can be moved to the DEF Info forum of whatever, just figured more eyes would see it in here.
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Evan H.

DEF Director of Fun & Good Humor
May 7, 2012
South Tejas
Der... Lance and Christie. So... there's always been a little confusion about which one of these fine folks does what.

Lance Warner: More roving reporter than mic stand. Lance, like Angus, is a renaissance man. He does what needs doing backstage in addition to running around with a camera crew to get shit on camera whenever shenanigans go down backstage.

Christie Zane: Heeeeeere's your microphone stand. Promo stage stuff, propaganda board promos, post match "walking through the curtain" promos. Any situation that requires an NPC to stand there like a dumdum and hold a microphone asking obvious questions... Christie's your girl.

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