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Danny Collins vs Ray Santana

Danny Collins

League Member
Sep 4, 2004
First up......

(The scene opens in a small park in Tokyo, Japan. The camera pans around the neat, green space before coming to the man we are looking for, "The Definitive" Danny Collins. As people walk by, noticing him sitting on the brick wall, they look shocked, but avoid any contact to show their good will and manners. Danny looks up and notices the camera.)

Danny Collins: Ah, your here, good. Ha, look around you, it just doesn't seem normal does it? No one coming up to you in this busy area, no one trying to get in the way of the camera, these people are so polite its unbelievable. Great place Japan, I highly recommend that anyone visits here, it a great place.

(Danny rises from the wall and begins to walk along the path.)

Danny Collins: Walk with me.

(The camera follows as Danny strolls down concrete path, nodding to people and smiling as he walks along. Most people reply with a nod back but some seem to be a little star-struck.)

Danny Collins: You know, lately I have been thinking, I have the world title, and now I get a chance at possibly the biggest opportunity anyone has ever had in this business. I am pretty blessed really, but, and I have said it before, I would never be here if it wasn't for the fans, and the support they give me.

So, I feel it is only right to repay each and every one of them with a SUCCESSFUL title defence this week on Main Frame. Which brings me to Ray Santana.

Now, I know of all your troubles with AOD, hell, I was ringside last week for his match, and I saw the stunt you pulled, pretty smart considering the contract your under. But, I am a whole different ball game from AOD. He and I have gone at it a few times, I have won, and I have lost, but, I do know that when it comes to AOD and I, there is one difference. I and the WORLD champion! Do you know what that means Santana? It means I am the best EUWC has to offer right now, however, I know you are a great competitor, and I would expect nothing less then your complete one hundred per cent A-game, and I can almost guarantee that I will get it. But Ray, just remember, I may look like a pushover, but you can ask all the guys in the back, everyone I have been in the ring with, I am far from it, in fact, I would like to go as far as to say I am one of the hardest people to beat on the roster, but that may be just a little to egotistic now, might it?

(Danny continues on his way, and as he passes a mother and her small son, the boy shouts out.)


(The boys mother looks shocked, she turns to her son and tells him something in Japanese, before turning back to Danny.)

Lady: I am ... very sorry Mr. Collins.....

(Danny stops and turns.)

Danny Collins: There's no need to apologise miss, in fact....

(Danny kneels down by the boy.)

Danny Collins: What's your name mate?

(The boy looks excited.)


(Danny laughs)

Danny Collins: Ok Lee, can you speak English?

Lady: Oh yes. ... he is very good. ... top of class!

Danny Collins: really? Cool. So you like Wrestling Lee?

Lee: Yes, very much! I watch you all the time on EUWC, with Paul Doom and Angel of Death and Damien Stone! I love you all, but your my favourite Mr. Collins.

Danny Collins: Really, well, I guess that makes you the Definitive fan in my books, anyway Lee, you ever been to an EUWC event?

Lee: No, its hard to get the tickets, I have tried before, but they sold out very quickly.

Danny Collins: Ok, well, I haven't got them on me, but I'm sure I can sort out my number one fan with a couple of tickets to my big match at the Tokyo Dome for Blood Bath, would you like that?

Lee: Yes! Very much, thank you!

Danny Collins: No problem little man, heres a number you can ring at my hotel, ring at five, and I will have someone bring them to your home.

(Danny writes the number down on a small piece of paper, and then hands it to the mum.)

Lady: Oh... Mr.Collins, thank you very much.... He will be so happy!

Danny Collins: No problem, Lee, I will make sure its front row, I'll be looking out for you!

Lee: Thank you Mr. Collins, I'll see you there!

Danny Collins: Bye Lee.

(Danny continues to walk down the path.)

Danny Collins: I love doing that, problem is, I got a little side-tracked, where was I? Oh yes, I was almost finished. Santana, like I said, I respect you, and all you have done in you career, you beat Dan Sokolov, "The Russian Bear" to capture your first World Title, and then again, against Neighbourhood Sniper. Hell, I have been watching all your past matches, as well as your most recent ones, and I am taking this match very seriously, because at Main Frame, I will NOT lose the EUWC World Heavyweight title, I will DEFEND it! And Santana, there isn't a damn thing you can do about it, and you know this..... MAN!!!

(Danny walks off and enters a sushi bar to the left, as we slowly fade to black...)

Ray Santana

League Member
Sep 4, 2004
Kingston, Ontario, Canada

(Ray Santana and Triple T are sitting in Triple T's home watching the Danny Collins promo.)

TTT: That was a good promo, MAN. Gonna be a hard one to beat, MAN.

Ray: (laughing) I don't know, MAN. I think I can take him, MAN.

TTT: (Straight faced) Danny Collins is the best wrestler ever, MAN.

(Both erupt in laughter.)

Ray: So Collins respects me as a wrestler and what I've done. That's nice. Ok ok, so the respect goes boths ways but it doesn't change anything. Look Collins, the match on Friday is for the World Championship but I'm not fighting for the belt. I don't need the World Title again. I'm fighting for the sole purpose of gaining monmentum going into Blood Bath. I know you've been around a while so I'm pretty sure you know how important it is to have monmentum going into a pay-per-view match. But unlike you, I get monmentum from apologetic mothers and kids bragging about the size of their packages.

TTT: That kid's name isn't even Japanese, you know.

Ray: Yeah I heard. Collins, I'm happy to hear that you're taking this match seriously. It's about time I face someone who does that. I will be bringing my A-game like you said. Be sure to go over my tapes again. I beat Sokolov and Sniper and they both said the same thing. "I will DEFEND this title".

TTT: History isn't a liar but it made one out of Sokolov and Sniper. I hope it doesn't make one out of Collins.

Ray: Collins, title or not, when you get in the ring with Ray Santana you better know how to get the job done. See you at Main Frame, MAN.

(Fade to black)

Danny Collins

League Member
Sep 4, 2004
Whatever happened to The Big Sexxxy?

(The scene opens in Danny Collins hotel room in London, Danny sits on the window ledge drinking an orange juice.)

Danny Collins: Well, well, well, Santana you suprised me. Never have I heard someone say that they don't want or need the World title. Think about it, if that's not what you want, then why are you here? Momentum? Pfft, I go into every match with the momentum, why? Because I want to.
I don't need a victory two weeks before to gain it, I already have it.
So Santana, come clean, you want this title, and don't lie again, because you would not be here if you didn't. Besides, what are you going to do if you don't want the title, continuously harass AOD and Black Widow? I don't think so.

(Danny gets down from the window before staring into the camera.)

Danny Collins: Like I said Ray, I respect you and what you've done, but what happened? You used to be "The Big Sexxxy" Ray Santana! Although, I don't know why, I mean, you are pretty ugly aren't you? But forget that, that's not the point. The point is, what happened to Ray Santana the Wrestler? All I see is another big mouth with his bloody hype guy who likes to add a little something every time Santana finishes talking. Please TTT, don't come to the ring this friday, because just seeing you may result in me going nuts and just kicking your head in for no reason, don't come to the ring TTT, its for your own safety, not mine.
Ray, you have been back for quite a while now, well, even longer if you count the months before as the AOD Stalker, but still, you've seen allot of what the newest era of EUWC has to offer, especially ME!

But, it seems you haven't really taken any notice, because somehow you don't think I can get the job done. Well, Ray, it looks like you are going to be the latest person to find out that Danny Collins gets the job done. Yes, the little guy on the roster has taken on some of the best the EUWC has to offer in just under a year, and has also claimed three major championships in that time, but forget the past achievements, because your world title reign is in the past, as are Sokolov and Sniper, forget them, I'm a whole different ball game, hell, I'm a whole different world from Sniper and Sokolov!

So forget about asking me if I can get the job done, I have proved it once, and I will again this week on Main Frame by beating you in the middle of the ring, one, two, three.
Danny Collins is always ready Santana, just try to remember that, MATE.

(Danny walks to the door and opens it.)

Danny Collins: The World Title is mine Santana, and you nor Taylor or anyone is else is going to take it from me, see you in the ring.

(Danny goes to leave but stops himself.)

Danny Collins: Oh yeah, and you know this..... *cough*old*cough* MAN!!

(Danny shoots a cocky look at the camera before leaving the room and shutting the door as the scene fades.)

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