The Final Countdown
Holocaust stands in the empty ring at the SkyDome, looking out at the deserted seats. He just stands there, still as a statue and simply watches.
"So it has come down to this. A final fight for that which drives us all. Damian Stone vs. Holocaust. Light vs. Darkness. Good vs. Evil. How exciting. The most important night for us is almost here, only hours away now. I'll have you know my back has healed, so no advantage there. Sorry if that happened quicker than you would have liked, Damian."
Holocaust flexes his gloved fingers, just itching to end this long battle.
"Ours war has been the stuff of legends, but all legends have an end. This one will be no different. The question is, what sort of ending will it be? The hero is finally able to cement his place as the best in the world, or the villain reclaims his supremacy? I, personally vote for the latter. No offense. Now then, I didn't really get a chance to listen to your spiel on Main Frame, I was busy setting up a few tricks for you lackey Marcus, but I did catch the recap and I have to say, you make a few interesting points. You're right you know, this isn't about money, or fame or anything as pedestrian as that strap of gold. No, this is much more personal than that. It is what that belt means and what it will mean when I hold it again. It will mean one thing. Fear. When I hold that belt, it creates fear. And regardless of what you say, you have and do fear me. You fear me because I have done what you could never do during seven years. I have ruled EUWC like my own private empire. You NEVER did that and you aren't doing it now even at the top."
Holocaust pauses and reflects on his dominance. A sly smile crosses his face.
"You claim that all you care about is knowing people look up to you, that they realize you deserve to be here. Liar. Don't you know anything about how the world works? People don't give a damn what you prove to them, because they don't want you on top. They like the drama of you trying to get there, but they hate it when you do reach the top. Why? Because they prefer seeing men struggle to become something, while they sit at home, happy with their cushy jobs and fat paychecks. They like watching a man who has to work his way to the top, like many of them did. They like knowing they are higher on the food chain than you, because they don't struggle anymore, even if it isn't true. But when a man like you, Damian becomes champion and becomes larger than life, they resent you, because then you are higher than them."
Holocaust takes his glasses off and wipes them on his jacket before replacing them.
"Everyone, including me wants three things in life. Power, Pleasure, Violence. I have all but one in EUWC. Power is holding that title. And I will get it, one way or another. I have taken down bigger men than you Damian, and they never had the gall to call themselves the best, as you did. And by the way, I do know how to bring a person down from his mountain. You bring down the mountain first. Who composes your mountain, Damian? Who do I have to take down before you come down yourself? You asked me that question but I think the better question you know what it takes to stop someone from bringing down your mountain? I hope you find out soon, because after Ultra Brawl, you may see your mountain in shambles as I look down on you from mine.
Holocaust climbs out of the ring and begins heading up the ramp. He finally turns around at the top of the stage and looks out again.
"Soon, I will be standing here again. And when you finally see me come out from the fire, you will recall yourself saying no man will take this title and you won't let it be me. Well, when you see me in that fire, you will know...I am the man who will take your title, and there is nothing you can do to stop me. And THAT, my friend, is the TRUE reality! See you soon...
Holocaust laughs and disappears behind the curtain.