Anger management....
(As we begin to fade in on Dakota, we find him standing in a stoical manner in front of the GLCW logo… His NEH tee-shirt tightly wrapped around his massive upper frame, black jeans and black boots making up the rest of his attire… And as we draw closer with our camera, we can see his eyes beaming like two flaming beacons, his deadpan expression revealing very little of what is on his mind… He slowly comes closer into view, and as he does, it is then that we really see the strong resemblance between him and Nevada; the same narrowed eyes, the same facial features, only on a much more massive frame… Slowly he locks his eyes onto our camera…)
DAKOTA: So here we are Jobber, you one of the all time greats, a former champion going up against yet another rookie, a lowly bottom feeder… (Smirks cynically) Did I kind of capture the moment right Jobber!? Did I phrase it properly enough for you!? Guess the GLCW must really have it in for you, after all you were the TV champ if I am not mistaken and since dropping that title, you have been on a downward spiral, facing bottom feeders, no talented hacks and such; and now you get to face me… Do you have a special name or phrase you wish to use for me!? It doesn’t matter Jobber, call me whatever the hell you want, it won’t phase me, nothing does Jobber… I been called much worst and I know it will not end with you, those before you busted a nut trying and I guess you feel more than compelled to come up with some sort of name or phrase you would want to pin on me… So knock yourself out Jobber, but remember one thing though; remember that words are just that, “WORDS”… Nothing more and nothing less, (With a cocky grin he continues) and then again I could be wrong about you, you just might realize that coming out here and exhaling a lot of hot air will just be a waste of time and concentrate more on preparing to face me, but than again that might be just wishful thinking on my behalf… Now having said that let me get on with the business at hand and that would be YOU!!! Jobber, regardless of how you feel and regardless of what you think of me, the best and only thing you can do besides bust a nut aggravating yourself with the thought of having to face me is to actually prepare, you see Jobber unlike you and several others in the back, I don’t take any of my opponents lightly for at any given moment anyone and I do mean “anyone” can come up to the plate and hit a grand slam, you included Jobber, so I prepare, I study each and every single opponent I face… I don’t leave anything to chance, I don’t underestimate and I sure as hell will not come out here trash talking anyone, that would be a terrible waste of time, spent energy wasted on trash talking is energy best utilized in the ring, for it will be there that it will be much needed and if you waste it talking crap, you’ll be tired even before the match gets started…
(He begins to grin cynically, nodding his head… He rubs his hands together and once again focuses in on our camera…)
DAKOTA: I know you don’t like me, I know that because you don’t like Nevada nor do you like the UA, and you most certainly don’t like JC and we all give a rat’s ass about that, I don’t lose any sleep over it… The rumors going around are that I have been given a free ride that I am riding on Nevada’s coattails (Smirks) those are opinions Jobber and like ##### we all have opinions and are entitled to them… I also hear is that I am getting over because of Nevada, that Malec and company are doing me a solid… I haven’t seen it, in fact KK has made it clear to Nevada and myself that it wasn’t going to be any easier than it is for the rest… (Pauses and slowly begins to grin again…) And if it is true, so what!!! Tough (bleep)... I didn’t come to the GLCW to make friends I came to make a name for myself, and to make money!!! And the only way I see that happening is by taking down whoever they place in front of me… And you know what Jobber!? Every single obstacle they throw my way will be dealt with, with extreme prejudice… And that my little pretentious amigo most definitely includes YOU!!!
(He stares into the camera with a very contemptuous expression before turning and walking away… Fade out to black….)