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Chain Reaction 8: Derrick Allen vs. Mr. Wrestling VIII


New member
Mar 6, 2012
South Carolina
"Mr. Wrestling VIII? Really?" Derrick thinks to himself.

It's another cold rainy day in Seattle. It's the type of day that if you can stay inside you would. Yet we find Derrick walking down an empty side street. His brown clothed jacket and blue jeans soaked from the rain. No one in their right mind would just be aimlessly strolling in this weather.

"Is this what I am left to be faced with? A no good schmuck that calls himself Mr. Wrestling?" The look on Derricks face is not one of anger or sadness but one of remorse.

"Scotty boy...My how times have changed. Sorry for the bump on the head. I wanted us to settle things in the ring. Settle things the right way. Didn't know your head was so soft."

Derrick takes the jacket he is wearing off and throws it behind him leaving him shirtless.

"You've taken everything from me Scott...You've taken our friendship...our brotherhood...my sister...and now you have taken the single thing I strive for now...Revenge!"

Derrick drops to his knees

"You left me to face a nobody. Someone who is not worthy to step into the ring with me. From the clothes this guy wears to his name...he is worthless."

Derrick hangs his head in his hands.

"Get well Scotty...for our day will still come. The day we step into the ring from one another will be the day this story finally comes to an end..."

Derrick abruptly jumps to his feet.

"...or will it just be the beginning?"

With those last words Derrick sprints down the roadway and eventually vanishes from sight.

To Be Continued....?

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