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Chain Reaction 6: Eddie Whisky vs. Mary-Lynn Mayweather


League Member
Dec 30, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Once again the Moss Bay Center is the scene, and once again we see Eddie Whisky. Since his last appearance, Eddie seems to have found a modicum of peace, as he is neither pacing nor are any walls sporting bloody fist-prints. He sits calmly in the middle of the dressing room (really just the men's room), thumbing through a well-read copy of the novel M*A*S*H*. As he notices he is not alone, a wan smile crosses his moth, never quite meeting his eyes.

EW: Ah yes. Time for me to jack up the buys once again. We all know that if Eddie Whisky is on the card, the gate is always a little sweeter. And lo, all the fans will be pleased to see that I, Eddie Whisky, shall finally get to exact a measure of justice upon that lying liar of a thief, Mary-Lynn Mayweather!

Eddie marks his place in the book with a dollar bill. Perhaps he thinks it makes him look wealthy. Really, why speculate what he thinks?

EW: Mary-Lynn Mayweather, let us be honest with each other for just a moment. You know that in a world where everything is fair and people don't cheat, you could never beat me. Just take a look at poor old Dusty Rodgers from Chain Reaction #5. That poor schlub did try to fight me in a fair one-on-one fight, and where is he now? Probably hosting Twilight Tours in Forks, knowing that he can never show his face in a wrestling ring again.

Eddie gets a glazed look on his face. Likely this is his "pensive" face.

EW: Of course, ol' Dust really shouldn't be so hard on him self. Heh, "hard on." Get it? No, Dusty should know that there is no shame in losing to Eddie Whisky, the biggest draw in IWF History...

Citation needed.

EW: In fact, he should be sending that tape to all the prospective wrestling companies, boasting "I was in the ring with Eddie Whisky, and I lived to talk about it!"

Now Eddie frown replaces his smile. His brow furrows like a furrowed brow.

EW: But there is shame when it comes to Eddie Whisky losing to you, Mary-Lynn. Not the sort of shame you think, mind you. It doesn't reflect upon me that you beat me at SuperShow. In fact it was quite the contrary! The shame lie upon you! Yes, "MLM"-if that is your real name-you have cheapened this sport, and trod upon the meagre dignity I've managed to bestow upon this IWF.

Eddie holds up a hand, as if to forestall any rebuttal.

EW: Yes, Mary-Lynn, as we all know, Eddie Whisky is an internationally known wrestler, working for some of the biggest companies this industry has ever known! My just coming to the IWF has increased the prestige of this rinky-dink outfit! But to cheat a victory out of me? That in turn cheats the IWF. It tells wrestling fans that the best the IWF can do to match the skills of Eddie Whisky is have a crooked ref and a sleazy rule-breaking thief conspire to turn this noble sport into a sham.

Eddie begins to pace. Again.

EW: This is your last chance, Mary-Lynn Mayweather. I have told you that there is no dishonor in losing to an international star like myself. In fact, your own star is bound to be on the rise just by association! But if you resort to the same dishonorable tactics as last time...

Eddie stops, a little spittle beginning to run down his mustache...


Eddie Whisky lashes out with his Whisky Kick, knocking the camera over. We fade.


UTA Hall of Famer and All-Around Nice Guy
Staff member
Jan 6, 2005
Los Angeles, CA, formerly PA
(FADEIN: Mary-Lynn Mayweather sitting behind her computer screen. She is currently watching Eddie Whisky's latest promo in the back office of a training school. She wears a well put together red skirt suit and her trademark ruby lens glasses. The door behind her opens and Jack Harmen, better known as High Flyer, walks into frame, towel wrapped around his neck to soak up the sweat. Flyer frowns as he looks at Mary on the computer.)

HIGH FLYER: Who's that?


HIGH FLYER: I was being polite. I don't really care. Now can you get off the computer? I've got prescription drugs to order from Mexico.

MARY-LYNN MAYWEATHER: No. I've gotta use the web cam to respond to this guy. He's my opponent at the next Chain Reaction.

HIGH FLYER: That guy? Better be careful. You may get herpes just getting in the ring with him.

MARY-LYNN MAYWEATHER: Is it time to bust out red woman?

HIGH FLYER: I'm telling you, Charlie Day is married. You're never gonna be a Christmas couple.

MARY-LYNN MAYWEATHER: Red woman will tame Green man.

(Mary looks off in a day dream. Flyer frowns and leaves, closing the door behind him.)

MARY-LYNN MAYWEATHER: Eddie Whisky, international phenomenon, the biggest draw IWF has ever had. Whatever new nickname you think of in the next five minutes. Best in the world? Whole freaking show? Why don't we just overload on smark terms. FOURTH WALL.

(Mary frowns.)

MARY-LYNN MAYWEATHER: See, this is why people don't respect wrestling. We don't take it seriously. We have a guy like Eddie Whisky proclaiming himself an international superstar when I doubt he's left Seattle in the past six months.

(Mary leans back in her chair.)

MARY-LYNN MAYWEATHER: I talked with a friend of mine who's become a psychologist, and she says this is a case of a man who's ego is overrunning him. A man who has delusions of grandeur, an illusion of importance. Let me say this to you Eddie.

(Mary leans forward, elbows resting on the desk, head resting upon her palms.)

MARY-LYNN MAYWEATHER: Have you ever heard of an ego death? I can tell by how you ramble you certainly haven't ever experienced one. It's all about learning to deal with the person they were and handle the fear of what's to come next. Because Eddie, I can tell by the tremor of your fingers, the tenor of your voice, that you're scared. You're scared of losing to a girl. Again. And you shouldn't be. Just as I would consider it an honor to be defeated by someone better than me, you should consider it an honor to be defeated by someone better than you.

(Mary shrugs.)

MARY-LYNN MAYWEATHER: I doubt I'll ever get the chance to pin Dan Ryan. I've come to terms with that. I know I'll never get a shot at Troy Windham. We just never cross paths. And I'm fairly certain Stalker would Bane the Christian Bale outta me.

(Mary leans in so her face takes up just about the entire space of the web cam.)


(Mary smiles.)

MARY-LYNN MAYWEATHER: Never. Y'know why? Cause you make excuses. You say that I cheated when I just used the ring to my advantage. You complain of a fast count when if anything, it was slow. You make EXCUSES instead of LEARNING. And until you stop ignoring your losses and realize it's an opportunity to LEARN how to prevent the same thing from happening again?

(Mary shrugs.)

MARY-LYNN MAYWEATHER: YOU'LL be the one to continue making the SAME mistake... over... and over... and over...

(Fade to black.)


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