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[CD] The New Order


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
* The First character development RP.

(FADEIN: The First sitting behind a table, First’s face is painted in the Kefka pattern. He has on a black suit jacket, black shirt, black tie. Muse walks in from the darkness and stands behind him, her hands resting on First’s shoulders. The New ERA Championship belt rests on the table. “Personal Jesus” by Marilyn Manson plays in the background.)

FIRST: There is a new agenda today. Richard Dweck, rest assured you’re never getting your title shot now, and if our esteemed President does put you into the ring with me, rest assured it will be only about 5 seconds before Cruise and Willard hit the ring and the three of us beat you half dead…Name what you want broken Dweck, your arm or your leg…I am nothing if not a merciful champion, I will only shatter one of your limbs to the point of uselessness should you insult my intelligence and disgrace my sport by getting in the ring with me in spite of my warnings.

Mr. Entertainment can sleep easy now knowing that his title is no longer in the ends of the younger brother of some self-absorbed moron who thinks his last name means anything in this industry. However, due to the tragic events of his loss to the mind numbingly worthless Yossi Hayat Mr. Entertainment is disqualified from challenging for this title for the rest of the season, if he’s put in the ring with me he will also suffer a three on one attack and a broken limb.

Fanatic, you want another bite at the apple? I grant it, no need to win three matches, no need to jump through hoops, the same goes for your brother, if he wants to make the LARRY Tact Legacy something more than being a mouthpiece for the talented member of his family, he can go right ahead.

As for the unfortunate events with Mr. Marx…(Shakes head) there is only so much one can do with those who refuse salvation. You are a sad man Marx, you ruined a title match, although I am not one to second guess events as they happen…I am sure there will be those who think you did what you did because you were in fact on my side…Oh if only you were Jonathan, your life would be so much better…

Things will change now in New ERA…Things shall be remade as I want them to be…The way things have to be…

I’ve told you all what was coming and you ignored me, those of you who refused to listen to what I’ve said, rejected facts, rejected reason…You now must accept that I am right…This title (grabs headplate) proves it…I am now in control here. I am the bringer of the new order to New ERA…I am redemption…I am…Salvation…Through the Shadow Cult…All things are possible…You just have to believe…Just have to accept the truth of my words…Of my vision…

Survival of the Fittest…

Evolve or Die…


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