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[CD] Enter the Dragon

The Great Eye

I came to cut you up
Jan 29, 2004
(FADEIN: A wrestling ring in what appears to be a small gym. in the ring is a man in a full blue Jushin Liger like body suit, only with a black dragon along both legs and the face of a black dragon on the chest. His head covered in a black mask. After a few moments a generic looking guy in knee length shorts gets into the ring. a quick series of jump cuts shows the masked man landing a spin kick, then a power slam, then locking on a sharpshooter, and the man in the shorts tapping out.)

VOICE: Who am I?

(CUTTO: Now another man enters the ring with the masked man. he takes a palm strike to the chest, and then a hard knife edge chop sends him to the floor...A quick series of elbows and then the sharpshooter and another tap out)

VOICE: I stand at the side of GAMMA-O...While the rest of NEW shall bow before him...His list of enemies is great...And they shall be named in time...All will be victims...All will suffer...

(Another man, this time in black trunks charges at the masked man, who side steps him and sends him into the corner, he staggers back into a dropkick, and is then picked up and back suplexed...Then the sharpshooter and another tap out)

VOICE: The Dragon's Clutch...Once locked in, the pain is...Exquisite...But it is a pain you bear of your own free will...For you have a choice...To bear that pain or to end it...All it takes is but to tap the mat, or to tell the referee you quit...Once the bell has rung...The pain is over...The hold released...Why suffer needlessly? Why risk injury?

Oh yes...Pride...Foolish pride...That one must not be soft...One must not tap out no matter the cost...Then to all that I must say...Enjoy your pulled back muscles, enjoy the slipped discs...And if you need it to continue, enjoy the wheel chair when your back finally...Breaks...

And know that I am not a fault for any of it...It was your stupidity that led to your condition...First in angering GAMMA-O....Second in not accepting defeat when it was assured...But instead to thrash about hopelessly, foolishly...Thinking you'll escape...There is no escape...Not from GAMMA-O...Not from The Dragon's Clutch...

(CUTTO: Now the masked man standing in the ring)

The NEW locker room will learn to accept it's place in subservience to GAMMA-O...And it will learn to fear his avatar of punishment...

Who am I?

I am the hand of GAMMA-O...

I am his inescapable wrath...

I am his merciless judgment...

I am the Black Dragon...

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